Takis Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Takis Original 56g 22 days ago by mooses482
a photo was added: Takis Original 56g 22 days ago by mooses482
a question was added: 1.) Is there cheese in Takis Fuego. 2.) How many kind of Takis are there. over a year ago by Bobpopbob
an answer was added to this question: How many kinds of takis are there? over a year ago by HugeTakiFanatic
a comment was made to the poll: Which Takis flavor is better? over a year ago by Bril-Liam
a poll was added: Which Takis flavor is better? over a year ago by soifool
a poll was added: Which is better? over a year ago by kopa16
a poll was added: Should they make a bigger bag or the biggest bag should stay the way they are? over a year ago by kopa16
an answer was added to this question: How many kinds of takis are there? over a year ago by gokusaiyan3
a poll was added: What hot chips are better over a year ago by britishboy
a question was added: How many kinds of takis are there? over a year ago by Taki_Lover