Teaching Darkness Updates

a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What is implied to be Dark's favorite food? over a year ago by mtn_eden
a pop quiz question was added: What was the name of Mephy's real brother before he met Dark? over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: Dr. Eric Thizon of the City of Westopolis Hospital is what kind of species of Mobian Animal? over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: In order of youngest to oldest, list our quartet of characters in order by age. over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: What does Dark usually call Mephiles as of recent stories? over a year ago by RaeLogan
fan art was added: 25 Essential Expressions over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: When is Mephiles' birthday? over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: At what story does Dark start being on the good side? over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: What is Mephiles' most impressive natural physical attributes? over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: What hand is it implied that Dark uses most for things like writing..? over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: Shadow and Rouge can be most considered Mephy's... over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: Mephiles has a food allergy. What is it? over a year ago by RaeLogan
a pop quiz question was added: What is implied to be Dark's favorite food? over a year ago by RaeLogan