Team Chaos Updates

a comment was made to the poll: do you think abifox should change her 2nd theme song to 'what you waiting for' by Gwen stafani over a year ago by tosweet4u
a comment was made to the article: Dead Summer over a year ago by MyDeadSummer
a reply was made to the forum post: big chat over a year ago by Abi-Fox
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: (Im Just doing this) Do WE know Jaron Natoli in real life over a year ago by Abi-Fox
a comment was made to the fan art: Dead Summer over a year ago by HyperSophz1
fan art was added: Dead Summer over a year ago by HyperSophz1
an article was added: Dead Summer over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: what member of team chaos likes quircy clothes over a year ago by Abi-Fox
a pop quiz question was added: which of these 3 ARENT in team chaos? over a year ago by Tara_FunnyBunny
a comment was made to the video: Team Chaos Dudes Theme over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a pop quiz question was added: did abi fox ever ask josh out? over a year ago by Abi-Fox
a comment was made to the poll: Will u like our new band 'The Outcasts' over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a comment was made to the poll: do you think abi fox should have one or two eyes? over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a poll was added: do you think abi fox should have one or two eyes? over a year ago by Abi-Fox
a poll was added: Will u like our new band 'The Outcasts' over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a photo was added: iSophz over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a comment was made to the fan art: Josh Rabbit (Draw by HyperSophz1) over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a pop quiz question was added: what member of team chaos likes quircy clothes over a year ago by Abi-Fox
a comment was made to the link: Abi Fox over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a poll was added: do you think abifox should change her 2nd theme song to 'what you waiting for' by Gwen stafani over a year ago by Abi-Fox
a comment was made to the video: TC peeps! over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a pop quiz question was added: what is tarz fave line from her second theme? over a year ago by Tara_FunnyBunny
a pop quiz question was added: Who was the latest GIRL to join? over a year ago by Tara_FunnyBunny
a video was added: Sophz main Theme over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a pop quiz question was added: What was Sophz first theme? over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a video was added: TC peeps! over a year ago by Tara_FunnyBunny
a comment was made to the article: Victorious over a year ago by HyperSophz1
an article was added: Victorious over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a video was added: Abbeys main Theme over a year ago by Tara_FunnyBunny
a video was added: Jacquis Main theme over a year ago by Tara_FunnyBunny
an article was added: Team Chaos Dudes (TCB) over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a comment was made to the answer: Josh cause then its fair. over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a poll was added: I'm thinking a theme for the TCB (Team Chaos Boys), which theme is better? over a year ago by HyperSophz1
an answer was added to this question: Who should be the leader of the TCD (Team Chaos Dudes) over a year ago by Tara_FunnyBunny
a comment was made to the fan art: Abi Fox over a year ago by Tara_FunnyBunny
a comment was made to the fan art: Tara Rabbit over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a question was added: Who should be the leader of the TCD (Team Chaos Dudes) over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a link was added: Sophz Echidna over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a link was added: Jacqui Hedgehog over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a link was added: Abi Fox over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a link was added: Tara Rabbit over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a link was added: Team Chaos Info over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a video was added: Team Chaos Dudes Theme over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a comment was made to the poll: At School we are having a HUGE and I mean huge fight about Echidnas and Bunnys! anyway so we are fighing what do you pick? ECHIDNAS OR BUNNYS! over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a pop quiz question was added: Sophz is Jacqui's __________ over a year ago by HyperSophz1
a pop quiz question was added: Who is the power type? over a year ago by HyperSophz1