The Fanfic The Remarkable

cinnominbubble posted on Nov 23, 2012 at 05:01AM
A story I felt like trying
Rating-ugh K+
Plot-The children are trying to make it to Kasdan, the only safe haven. Follow them on there adventures to find the mother of Diana and Reese and also find their long lost uncle.

Other Stories by Cinnominbubble
-Alice's Story(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter)
-AMUTO ONESHOT-by Cinnominbubble(Shugo Chara!)

link cinnominbubble

last edited on Nov 25, 2012 at 11:26PM

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over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Full first chapter
The Remarkables

Chapter One
The Escape

She ran, till her feet could take no
more and she collapsed onto the dirt soiled ground of the abandoned mansion. Diana took the time to look around as her aching legs took to mending themselves. You see, Diana was... How should I put this... Special. She was one of the few run-aways with unimaginable abilities. Hers was to heal herself and others with remarkable speed. Her brother, a boy by the name of Reese was able to stretch and bend to amazing lengths. So far, the two had met only one other Remarkable, as the children called themselves. The girl was a young one, only 7, and was able to conjure words of power so strong that the highest lord would heed the young ones orders. The trio were close-that is, before they got separated. They had almost fallen into the clutches of the man who had stripped them of everything. Their families, their homes, their identities. Yes Laura, Reese and Diana were forced to run across the country in desperate attempt to reach Kasdan, the only safe haven.

As Diana sat on the gently sloping marble tiles, she tried to access the small link all three of the remarkables had created. They had done it by signing a seal with blood. As Diana closed her eyes, she saw a small girl with coco coloured skin and long cinnamon hair running through trees and bushes, near where Diana was herself. She concentrated and looked around the room, making sure she didn't miss anything. 'They must see everything,' she scolded herself when she found herself going it all over too quickly. Then, her eyes flit past something, someone, that made her gasp. He just stood there, unmoving, uncaring. As she recognized the figure, she let out an involuntary yelp that sounded like a strangled cry.

The only thing she could think was
'Again... '

'Stupid,stupid, stupid!' Reese ran past yet another cluster of trees. How could they have gotten separated! It was up to Reese, being the oldest, to keep track of where the girls went. He heard the footsteps gaining on him and he stretched his arms upward, grabbing the bough of an old maple. He propelled himself upward just as the first soldiers came around the bend. His thoughts turned to Laura, the baby of the bunch. Although she was the youngest, she was the one that was sent out to gain necessities of living in the barren land of Dawian. Where as her strength was her voice, she was not much of a survivor.

Just then he felt his sisters presence enter his mind. He saw a chamber, possibly from a large, abandoned mansion. What he saw next almost caused him to fall off of his perch. A man hidden by the shadows was approaching Diana, ever so slowly. Reese knew this man... Oh, he knew him well.

Laura was like a bird. She flit through the trees like a sparrow. She took everything in with care and sent her thoughts to her extended family with Reece and Diana. Ever since her 7th birthday, her life had been in havoc. The second she blew out the candy stripped candles on her cake, men with guns barged in. Her baby brother, Matthew, began to cry and soon enough, all of those she held dear were laying across the floor, reduced to nothing but stone cold corpses of there former selves. Laura had known not to cry as she fumbled around her hiding spot, looking for the door to which led to the outside world. Her father had created this door in hopes to never use it. He had known this time would come. Everyone had. That is, everyone but Laura.

The young Remarkable's cheeks were stained with tears as her memories threatened to break free of their bounds. 'This is no time to cry. Your friends may be in danger." For a 7 year old, Laura had a very mature mind. It came with her skill of charm speaking, as her parents used to call it. Witch talking, charm speaking, spell casting, the children of her village had called it many things, none of which were kind.

Laura was jolted out of these uncomfortable memories by another mind seeking access to hers. Diana. She was in a wide room, a ball room perhaps, and was scanning the room very slowly. Laura gasped as she saw a shadow flit across the columns on the right side of the room. She saw the strangers face for a second before it disappeared from her view. That brief glance was enough to send shudders down Laura's spine. That man... She knew that man. If you were a Remarkable, you had to know that man, that traitor. He was the man who all Remarkables ran from. He was The Lord of Gangui. He was Lord Forenzia.

over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
this plot makes no sense......
over a year ago seaistruth said…
This is pretty good..... And Lt it probably will make more sense to you as the story plays it self out and explains itself I'm out cya
last edited over a year ago