The Kong family Updates

a pop quiz question was added: which kong boy is hotter over a year ago by jeremykaitlyn
a photo was added: donkey kongs family over a year ago by gummybear725
a poll was added: Which of these games should be available in the 3DS eShop? over a year ago by MisterH
a link was added: Project 3kongD over a year ago by MisterH
a poll was added: With Tiny's current design, do you think the ponytail twirl is still possible? over a year ago by MisterH
a link was added: Nintendo 64 games that need 3ds remakes over a year ago by MisterH
a link was added: Project Cafe/3DS rumors - Rareware talk, Retro Studios work, Metroid brand and much more over a year ago by MisterH
a comment was made to the poll: Who's your favorite Kong? over a year ago by sugarcane15
a poll was added: Who's your favorite Kong? over a year ago by Fanoman