The X-Files who can forget D.P.O.?

fanistagal posted on Jun 05, 2008 at 07:12PM
Do you remember the character Darren Peter Oswald from one of the best x-files episodes ever, D.P.O.? Well, he is played by Giovanni Ribisi?
Have you heard about Giovanni’s newest project? He has made a short video for the new Burma: It Can't Wait campaign. In it, he speaks out against the atrocities happening right now in Burma, including the displacement of Burmese refugees. Go to the following websites to check out Giovanni's video, as well as those from 30+ other celebs (like Will Ferrell, Jen Aniston, etc). Then join Ribisi in this campaign for universal human rights and spread the word! Let's let the world know who dictator Than Shwe is - so he can no longer deny aid to desperate victims of the Burma cyclone.


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