thespikedturtle Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Yep, this is my fat head. over a year ago by thespikedturtle
an answer was added to this question: No, I cannot be Justin Bieber's ideal girl! over a year ago by imjustsaying
a question was added: No, I cannot be Justin Bieber's ideal girl! over a year ago by thespikedturtle
a comment was made to the photo: spyro over a year ago by spyrofansxc
a comment was made to the poll: If you had to choose one of the following to give up, what would it be? over a year ago by Magica
a comment was made to the poll: My hair on 3 different days, which way do you like the most? over a year ago by 12NatureLvr30
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Which of these websites do I not have an account on? over a year ago by thespikedturtle
a photo was added: This is the new penguinfan123 :) Me!! over a year ago by penguinfan123
a comment was made to the poll: My current favorite bands, which one do you like the best? over a year ago by Magica