Third Watch Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Did you love the Jimmy/Kim/Bobby love triangle as much as I did? 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favorite Third Watch character? 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a comment was made to the poll: who is the better Faith of Cruz? 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a comment was made to the poll: Were you sad when Alex died? 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a comment was made to the poll: Don't you think that Jimmy was the hottest? 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a comment was made to the poll: Did you ever think about Bosco and Faith as a couple? 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a comment was made to the poll: Were you sad when Bobby dies 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a comment was made to the poll: Who is hottest? 11 months ago by Fanjaz
a poll was added: Vote for a New Club Icon over a year ago by drewjoana
a comment was made to the link: third watch page at fanlib over a year ago by Tw4ever
a poll was added: Who's your favorite paramedic? over a year ago by Tw4ever
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favourite cop? over a year ago by EMZYXJ
an article was added: I've Downloaded all the seasons and lovin it over a year ago by Kylezy1
a comment was made to the article: Third Watch canceled by A&E over a year ago by jlove29
a comment was made to the poll: would you like to see third watch come back with new episodes? over a year ago by yokas
a comment was made to the poll: What would you rather be? over a year ago by Eryn6232150
a comment was made to the poll: what dept on third watch do you like more? over a year ago by Eryn6232150
a pop quiz question was added: How many children had Yokas? over a year ago by panisestra
a comment was made to the poll: who is your favorite character on third watach? over a year ago by slash5
a comment was made to the photo: Bosco & Faith over a year ago by philip17rc
a poll was added: Did you love the Jimmy/Kim/Bobby love triangle as much as I did? over a year ago by HoltNLucy4Ever
a pop quiz question was added: Who was divorced from Jimmy when the show started and has a son with him but they ultimately get back together ? over a year ago by HoltNLucy4Ever
a poll was added: Who is your favorite Third Watch character? over a year ago by HoltNLucy4Ever
a reply was made to the forum post: Who is your favorite charater over a year ago by Natasja1982
a comment was made to the poll: what's your favorite season ?? over a year ago by Natasja1982