Tinier Me Updates

a comment was made to the video: Virtual Idol Mari Watanabe over a year ago by blossom1111
a reply was made to the forum post: How to hack??? over a year ago by sithouetteTH
an answer was added to this question: Who can tell me the first gacha in TinerMe? over a year ago by shadowninja2
a comment was made to the question: Who can tell me the first gacha in TinerMe? over a year ago by KoreanBird
a question was added: Who can tell me the first gacha in TinerMe? over a year ago by KoreanBird
a video was added: Virtual Idol Mari Watanabe over a year ago by KoreanBird
a video was added: Mari in her virtual room over a year ago by KoreanBird
a link was added: TinierMe.com over a year ago by KoreanBird
a pop quiz question was added: Who is was your first friend? over a year ago by KoreanBird