Total Drama Island Bridgette&Geoff Updates

a poll was added: Do you prefer Geoff and Bridgette as competitors or AfterMath hosts? over a year ago by jacgri32
an icon was added: Bridgeoff icon over a year ago by ARadomperson
an article was added: A haiku for you over a year ago by ARadomperson
a photo was added: BxG over a year ago by ARadomperson
a comment was made to the article: bridgettes drama (if u like this couple u will love his stoire plez read) over a year ago by lovingrace
a comment was made to the poll: Do you really think that Geoff voted off Bridgette? over a year ago by lovingrace
a comment was made to the poll: do u think brig and geof make out to much over a year ago by BIGPPGZFAN
a comment was made to the photo: Geoff and Bridgette over a year ago by rockstar23456