Total Drama Island Total Drama Mystery

FreakofColdOak posted on Apr 08, 2012 at 07:05AM
Note:The following fanfic is potrayed as an alternate fifth season to Total Drama, it takes place ten years after TDROTI concluded. There will be a minor spoiler for TDROTI, but no winner will be revealed for those who haven't seen it yet, and once again, it is a minor spoiler. With that said, I'll post the episodes in parts, so keep an eye open! :)

Total Drama Island 33 replies

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over a year ago iPsychic said…
Cool! Can't wait until it starts :)
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
big smile
Me neither!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Episode 1:The Drama Continues Part 1
Chris MacClean has had a rough couple of years. After the events that unfolded in the fouth season's conclusion, Chris was taken away by the RMCP for hosting a reality show in an extremly dangerous and toxic enviornment. What made it worse? He spent two years in prison, and not even his closest friend, Chef Hatchet cared about his prediciment. He was released to find out he had lost his job, and with it, his luxurious lifestyle. Total Drama was cancelled, due to the publicity surrounding his arrest. He was hated and mocked for the next three years, but made some money hosting a Total Drama Reunion for the original 22 castmembers. After that, he disappeared from the radar. Until now.
Camp Wawankwa:10 Years Later
Chris MacClean smiled as the camera clicked on. "Hello, welcome back, to the new, radioactive free, Camp Wawankwa! It's been ten years, but Total Drama is back with a brand new season! The rules are the same as they've always been. This season, twelve contestants will compete in various challenges. The team that loses the challenge will be sent to the dramatic campfire ceremony, where all but one camper will receive a marshmallow. After awhile, the teams merge, and it'll be every camper for themselves, until only one remains, and is crowned the winner of a hundred thousand dollars!" The cameraman motioned to Chris to look at the arriving boat. "Alright, let's meet our first contestant, Kevin!" Kevin stepped off the boat, and shook Chris's hand. "My parents were a fan of this show back in the day." Chris nodded. "Good to hear." Then, another boat came. "Sidney." said Chris, "Glad you made it." Sidney looked around, this camp looks like it'll suck." Chris sighed. "That's the point." Just then, another boat arrived. "Axel." Chris said smiling. Axel nodded. "Hello." he said, looking at the other two campers. Two more boats came. "Sally and Chloe, you two are the first twins to appear on the show!" Both the girls squeeled, and ran to the join the others. The next boat came, and a teen with sunglasses and a leather jacket stepped off. "Welcome to camp Matt!" he said. Matt looked around, and smiled deviently. "Hello everyone." he said, joining the others. That's when Hallie got off her boat. "Hallie." said Chris, still smiling. The next boat came, and a short, skinny teen dressed all in black got off. "Cooper! Writing anything new bro?" he asked. Cooper nodded. "It'll be out after this show's over." The next boat arrived, and off stepped Terry. "Hey!" she said, walking over and joining the others. "This should be fun."
Another boat came and dropped off another camper. "Earnest!" said Chris. Earnest looked around nervously. "You guys got my medication right?" he asked. Chris looked around a moment. "I think so." he said. Chris checked his chart. "Camper number 11 is Suzy." he said, as the next boat arrived. Suzy walked silently over and joined the other contestants. Chris saw the final boat approaching, and said, and our final contestant is... Neil!" Neil climbed onto the dock, and looked shyly at the others. "Alright, time to sort you into teams." said Chris, looking at his clipboard.
"Team A is...Terry, Neil, Sidney, Chloe, Hallie, and Kevin. Team B is Earnest, Cooper, Matt, Sally, Suzy, and Axel. Your team names are from now on known as follows. Team A is the Screaming Bass, Team B is the Killer Gophers. The cabins are located in the center of the campgrounds and are clearly labled, so go unpack, and meet me at the mess hall in an hour." The contestants, nodded, and went to unpack, while Chris made sure the cameraman followed them, while he reached into his suitcase, and pulled out a picture frame,
a frame containing the very photo he took of the original cast the first day at Camp Wawanakwa all those years ago. Unknown to him, someone watched from the bushes...
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Ooo, I wonder who the 'someone' is...

Can't wait for part 2!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Character Profiles (Meant to post these earlier)
Screaming Bass:
Terry-"The Smart Girl" (Always has to be right, no matter what anyone says otherwise)
Neil-"The Coward" (He is a parody of Shaggy from Scooby Doo)
Sidney-"The Whiner" (She always finds something to complain about)
Chloe-"Twin No.1" (Twin sister of Sally, and always trying to out do her sibling"
Hallie-"The Activist" (Cares deeply about the enviorment, and will put her safety at risk for others as well)
Kevin-"The Fanboy" (Loved Total Drama as a kid, Chris is his idol)
Killer Gophers:
Earnest-"The Genius" (While he lacks social skills, he is a certified genius back home)
Cooper-"The Writer" (The published author of several bestsellers)
Matt-"The Sociopath" (A master at manipulation and lies)
Sally-"Twin No.2" (Twin of Chloe, who is more indipendant than her sister)
Suzy-"The Drama Queen" (Always makes a big deal of things when something is not an issue)
Axel-"The Paranoid One" (A teen who believes in all things paranormal)
That's the profiles of the campers, who do you think will be interesting to read about?
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Definitely Axel, Earnest, and Cooper.
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Episode 1:The Drama Continues Part 2
At the cabins, the campers were unpacking, while at the same time fighting about who got which bunk. Eventually, Chris called everyone to the mess hall. ****
In the mess hall, Chef Hatchet, who had been hired back to the show by the producers, was fixing lunch. When Kevin entered the mess hall, he raced ahead of everyone else to get to the window that Chef was on the other side of. "Oh wow! Chef Hatchet himself! Can I get your autograph?" Chef hissed at him. Kevin backed away. "Okay, maybe later." he said, grabbing his lunch and running off. Next in line was Earnest. "What's for lunch?" he asked. "Pizza." said Chef smiling. "But... this looks like brown slop." said Earnest. "This food's whatever I say it is! Now, get a plate and go!" he shouted. Earnest grabbed the plate and ran off. After each and every camper received their food followed by shouting by Chef, they sat down and stared at their food. In fact, the only one eating at all was Neil. "What?" he asked after he cleaned his plate. The door to the mess hall opened, and into it stepped Chris. "Enjoying lunch campers?" he asked. Everyone shook their head except Neil. "Good! I just came by to tell you all to get a good night's rest. Your first challenge begins at the crack of dawn." he said. "Now, I'm going to go eat a freshly made pizza in my cabin." he said, before walking out the door. As Chris crossed the campground, he had no idea he was being watched by a cloaked man wearing a hood over his head. "Soon MacClean. You won't get away with what happened, I'll see to it personally."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Any challenge ideas? I got a few, but it's my first Total Drama Fan fic, & I want to do original challenges. Thanks for the responses!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said… about a relay challenge? And you're welcome!

Can't wait for part 3!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Episode 1:The Drama Continues Part 3|
Hardly anyone got any sleep that night, they were either excited, or downright terrified of what the challenge was going to be. When Chef Hatchet was done making the preparations for the first challenge, he walked over to Chris's cabin and knocked on the door.
"Come in." Chris said from inside. Chef walked inside. "Chris, I made a mistake all those years ago..." Chris looked up, "Darn right you did! You left me in prison for two years! Nobody bailed me out, and at my trial, you sided with everyone else, saying I made you do it!" Chef shrugged. "Maybe if you had sent me my ding dong paycheck, I'd have bailed you out!" Chef sighed. "I lost the best job I ever had when you went to jail. Sure I always complained, but when you get stuck with a job as a bathroom attendant, you know you've made a mistake somewhere along the way."
Chris nodded. "It took five years to get my job back, and I'm determined to prove I have what it takes again." Chef nodded. "I'm sure you will. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm making penguin surprise for breakfast tomorrow." Chris flashed Chef a confused look. "But there aren't penguins in Miskoka." Chef smiled evilly. "That's the surprise." he said.
The campers were awakened by a loud sound, the sound of a blowhorn in a megaphone. After all of the campers gathered outside, Chris smiled. "Good morning campers!" he said. "I don't see what's so very good about it." Terry replied. "Well I say it is a good morning... for me!" said Chris. "Now, who's ready for the first challenge?" he asked. "Depends. What is it?" asked Matt. Chris smiled. "It's called, 'Eggsellent Relay." he said.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Can't wait for part 4!
over a year ago iPsychic said…
Nice! Axel and Cooper look very interesting :) I'm excited for the next part!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Episode 1:The Drama Continues Part 4|FINAL PART|
The campers didn't know what to expect as they stood on the other side of the campground, looking at the setup for the challenge, which consisted of six cones on both sides, and the first thing they also noticed was a cannon perched on top of a cliff ledge. Chris smiled at the look on their faces. "Today's challenge will not be easy. Each contestant must swiftly carry their basket of eggs that Chef provides around the cone successfully until one team's player breaks one. You will hand the basket off to the next contestant if successful, until someone screws up. The team that loses, will send their first camper down the Dock of Shame tonight. Now, everyone get into a single file line." Everyone got into a line, and waited for Chris's signal.
Matt:First confessional huh? My strategy is working as it should, a mix of all the villians who preceeded me. First item on my list? Cheat and sabatoge.
Matt, being at the front of the line, pulls out quick drying superglue from his pocket, and when nobody is looking, spreads it over the eggs. After awhile, Sidney dropped an egg during the challenge, and started crying. "We loooooosssst!" she said. The Gophers cheered at their victory. Neil walked over to Sidney to calm her down, but there was no point in doing so, because she wouldn't.******
Later in the mess hall the Bass looked sadly at their food. "So..."
said Hallie, "What do we do now?" Kevin scuffed. "We need to decide who gets voted out first." Neil sighed. "That's not going to be easy." he said. "Actually, it's an easier task than you might think." Terry said, eying Sidney, who was still sobbing.
At the ceremony that night, Chris revealed a plate containing five marshmallows. "Bass, at camp, marshmallows represent fun, deliciousness, and smores. But at this camp, things are different. If I call your name, you get a marshmallow and you're safe. If not, you must return to the Dock of Shame, and leave Total Drama, which means, you're out of the contest, and there's no coming back. Ever!" Chris looked around at the campers' nervous glances at each other before speaking again. "The first marshmallow goes to... Kevin." he said, tossing it to him. Chris examined the plate again, and picked up two marshmallows this time. "Terry... and Neil." he said tossing it to them, leaving only two marshmallows remaining. He picked up another. "Hallie." Once again, he tossed the marshmallow, leaving one left. "Chloe, Sidney, this is the final marshmallow of the night, and it goes too..." after a dramatic pause, Chris spoke once more. "Chloe." he said, tossing it to her. Sidney immediantly broke out in tears. "Chef? A little help with this one?" Chris asked. Chef nodded, and grabbed Sidney and took her to the Boat of Losers, which departed almost immediantly. "Now that that's over," Chris started, "The rest of you are safe. For now." *******
Later that night, there was a knock at the door to the Gopher's cabin. Cooper opened it, but saw nobody there. As he looked, he saw an envolope on the ground, that was adressed to "Killer Gophers". Taking it inside, he told the team about it. "What's it say?" asked Sally. Cooper opened the letter, and read to the team. "It says...'You should never have joined the show. You're all in danger, the kind of danger that lead to the disappeance of five young adults who were here the last time the camp was opened. Trust me when I say, Chris can't know I've contacted you, for your own sake. As for who I am, I'm known as Z. The coverup of this camp
has only just begun.'" the campers looked around nervously. "It's gotta be a joke by Chris, right?" asked Axel. "Let's go to bed and figure this out tomorrow." said Earnest. Everyone reluctantly agreed, but as they turned off the light, they didn't see the hooded figure spying on them from the window...
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Can't wait for episode 2!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Episode 2:The Big Sleep|Part 1|
The sun rose over the campgrounds, shining light through the cabin windows. The campers were all sound asleep, but they wouldn't be for long, as the loudspeakers around the camp clicked on, and Chris's voice filled the camp. "Good morning campers! Report to the mess hall for breakfast, and instructions on your next challenge!" As everyone reluctantly got dressed and made their way to the mess hall, Matt stayed behind, and locked the door.
Matt:I had to prepare for anything, so even if my team loses the challenge, it won't be me who leaves tonight.
As the campers sat down at the table, Matt joined a few minutes later. "Where were you?" asked Earnest. "Bathroom." Matt replied.
At that moment, Chris entered the room. "Hello campers. Before I tell you today's challenge, I wanted to congradulate you on making it to the final 11. So Chef prepared a whole bunch of "good" food for a change. "That's good." said Hallie, "Because I'm pretty sure Neil got food poisoning or something last night." Chris laughed. "That's a good one." and pulled back a curtain to reveal a buffet of food.
Matt:Something's fishy here...
Neil:I can't believe I'm saying this, since I spent all last night throwing up, but I can't wait to eat breakfast!
Earnest:It was obviously a setup by Chris, but nobody listened to me.
Axel:I bet it was drugged by ghosts! Wait, that sounds strange, even for me.
After breakfast, most people were full, except for the people who'd only eaten a little bit. "How was it?" asked Chris. Everyone groaned, at least those who'd eaten it. "Good, because now it's time for today's challenge. I call it, the Big Sleep! It's a homage to Season One's Awake-a-thon." Kevin squeeled. "I loved that episode!" he said. Chris smiled, "Good. Now you'll get to live it!" he said.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Can't wait for part 2!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Episode 2:The Big Sleep|Part 2|
Most of the campers were barely tired, but a few were fighting to stay awake. At the same time, the Gophers were whispering to each other about what the Bass thought was strategy, but it was really about the mysterious note they'd received the night before, the one from the person calling themselves "Z". Matt wasn't listening, for he was planning his strategy on how to make the other team fall asleep before his team did. "Fill me in later." he said. "Where're you going?" asked Suzy. "To help us win the challenge." Matt replied. As Matt left, the team resumed their discussion. "Should we tell Chris?" asked Sally. "What'd he mean by coverup?" asked Earnest. "I don't know." said Cooper, "But it'd make a great mystery novel!" he concluded. "Let's just keep this quiet for now, and see how it goes." said Earnest.
Nobody was asleep yet, but the people who'd eaten a lot at breakfast were close. Meanwhile, in the mess hall, Matt looked around, and found what he was looking for. A 12 pack of Gatorade. He grabbed eleven of them, and raced back to his cabin, where he opened his bag, and pulled out a bag of pills. "This'll help out." he said laughing. He poured two pills each into five of the Gatorade bottles. And raced back to the others. In the time that had passed, Axel had fallen asleep. "What happened?" Matt asked.
Everyone shrugged. "He just... collapsed." said Earnest. Matt got the bottles he hadn't drugged, and gave them to his team, then he walked over to the Bass. "It's sure hot out today, who wants a nice, refreshing drink?" he asked. The Bass were hot, so they took the drinks without thinking, and downed them instantly. Within ten minutes, they all collapsed. Chris pulled out his megaphone. "And the Gophers win again!" he shouted. "What'd you do?" asked Terry, barely awake. Matt smiled. "You'll be fine. Two sleeping pills, not enough to O.D., but enough to knock you out long enough to win the challenge. "No fair!" shouted Neil. Chris smiled. "I'll allow it. It'll make for great TV!" he said. Chris turned to the Bass. "Chose your favorite loser, and tonight, one of you's going home.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Yay! More!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Who do you think should get voted off? Should I put another clue in this episode? Thx for your feedback!
over a year ago iPsychic said…
Awesome! :) Sorry I couldn't read the last few chapters earlier.
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Episode 2:The Big Sleep|Part 3|Final Part
The campers sat on the tree stumps at the campfire pit as Chris arrived with the tray of marshmallows. "Screaming Bass, I have only four marshmallows on this plate. Remember, if you don't get a marshmallow, you must immediantly return to the Dock Of Shame, board the Boat of Losers, and leave the camp for good. The first marshmallow goes to... Terry." he said, throwing it in her direction. "The next two go to... Neil and Hallie." he said, tossing the marshmallows to them. "Campers, this is the last marshmallow of the evening." Kevin and Chloe stared at each other with unease. Chris let loose a long silence before calling out a name. "Kevin." Kevin sighed in relief, and ran up to get the marshmallow. Chloe sighed in anger. "I can't believe Sally beat me." she said under her breath. "Yeah, I know, it's always a shock..." Chris started, but Chloe kicked him in the shin as she walked by on her way to the Boat of Losers. "Yes, well... Ouch... The rest of you are safe. I'm going to bed." he said, leaving.
Chef walked into Chris's cabin. "Yo, Chris, I..." he started, before seeing Chris wasn't there. Chef looked around, and saw a photo on the floor. "Chris?" he asked one more time, and picked up the photo. It was a photo of all the original Total Drama Island cast. Upon closer inspection, he saw that Trent, Owen, Beth, Harold, and Ezekiel were circled in red ink. "Why do you have this?" Chef asked himself. Suddenly, he heard the door open. "Chef Hatchet." came a voice. Chef turned to see a man wearing a suit, and a ski mask over their head. "Who are you?" he asked. "My name is 'Z'. I think we should take a walk. Best not to let anyone hear what I have to say..." he said. Chef shook his head. "But..." "Don't worry Chef, let's just say, I have information on what happened five years ago. I need your help." he said. Chef nodded. "What do you need me for?" he asked.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Awesome! I think 'Z' is Zeke...
over a year ago Franky494 said…
Yes Same Noahnstar1616
And I Think Trent, Owen, Harold and Beth are working For Z (As In Writing and Delivering Letters)
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Sorry for the delay, been really busy with school & stuff. Will get to posting hopefully later today. BTW, I'm going to start writing it like a script like I saw some other people doing in various places. Thanks for your patience!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
big smile
No problem!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
To tide you guys over, should I post previews? I don't know how long it will be until the new chapter is posted, but I do know where the next episode will go, and I saw someone else posting previews for their fanfic.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
No, I think you should keep doing it like you always do.
over a year ago iPsychic said…
Do whatever you want, I don't mind :)

I cannot wait to find out who Z is though! >W<
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Okay, after debating, here's a summary of the next ep. IDK when I'll finish writing it though.:
Summary:As the 10 remaining contestants compete in an obstacle course challenge, Chris notices Chef is acting strangely. Meanwhile, "Z" gives the campers another clue.
I Know it's short, but I didn't want to give away too much.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Can't wait for the rest!
over a year ago FreakofColdOak said…
Episode 3:Funstacle Course|Part 1|
(Sun Rises)
(Zooms in on Chris's Cabin)
(Chris is shown looking at the portrait of the old cast members)
Chris:I'm not going to forget what happened to you...
(Knock at the Door)
Chef:(Outside)Chris! Hurry up man! It's almost two and today's challenge hasn't started yet!
(Chris hides the picture under his bed, and opens the door)
Chris:Sorry, just sick is all.
Chef:You tried my butterscotch pudding, didn't you?
Chris:Probably. Get the campers together. I'll be there in a moment.
Chef:Okay. You sure you're alright?
Chris:(Sighs)Yes Chef. (Shuts door)
Chef:Okay, if you say so. (Walks off and pulls out a cell phone) Hey it's me.
Earnest:Where's Chris?
Axel:Maybe he's been abducted.
Hallie:By what?
Axel:Ghosts, Zombies, Aliens, you got me, I don't know.
Neil:Maybe we should quit the game...
Matt:Fine, you can quit. The rest of us want the money.
(Chris Arrives)
Chris:Hello Campers. Sorry to keep you waiting.
Matt:Where were you anyway?
Chris:Nowhere, just overslept. Anyhow, Congrats on making it to the final 10. Who's ready for today's challenge?
(Everyone mutters)
Chris:Follow me.
(Shows Chef watching from afar)
Chef:(On phone)Yeah, he's taking them to the challenge now. You better know what you're doing. I'm risking my job for you. (Hangs up)
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Ooo, MORE!
over a year ago Franky494 said…
I Really want the Next Episode