Total Drama Island Total drama adventure time

SuperGwen posted on Apr 09, 2012 at 07:15PM
Your favorite Total Drama characters end up in the land of Ooo and go on adventurous quests.
last edited on Apr 09, 2012 at 07:19PM

Total Drama Island 184 replies

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over a year ago SuperGwen said…
*Heather, Gwen, Cody, Sierra, and Courtney fall out of thesky and into the land of Ooo*
Heather: Where are we?!
Gwen: I don't know! All i remeber is running away from those apes in the amazon rain forest!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn and Jake:*playing with swords*

Finn: Look Jake, girls.
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Jake: Pretty cool ones too.
Finn: Yeah! Lets go say hi.
*both approach girls(and cody)*
Finn: Hiya! I'm finn! And that's my dog, Jake.
Jake: Whats up?
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Gwen: I'm Gwen. And that's Heather and Courtney.

Courtney: Where are we?
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Jake: This is Ooo!
Finn: The best butt kickin place for adventures! Want to go adventuring with us? We're abourt to see what PB is doing.
*all team mates look at eachothee*
Gwen: Sure-.
Heather: Oh no way! I'm not staying here with these freaks!i'd rather be running away from those lions in the amazon.
Courtney: oh shut up heather!!
Gwen: Yeah! Live a little! But yeah, we could go for some adventuring.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: Great!

Jake:*grows* Get on.
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
*All hop onto Jakes back as they ride to the candy kingdom. All of the girls stare in amazement at all of the candy people. They walk into the castle and meet Princess Bubblegum*
Princess bubblegum: Greeting Finn, jake. Um.... who are they*pionts to the teens*
Finn: Their our new friends. We were just about to go adventuring! Have any problems?
PB: Yes, I do. You see, i have an important meeting to attend and i need you to slay a monster who is trying to eat all of the guests!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: We're on it, Princess. Let's go, Jake!

*Finn and Jake go into action*
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Gwen: Me, Courtney, Cody, and Sierra want to go with Finn and Jake. So, Heather-
Heather: What ever! I'm gonna stay here until you losers get back- or get killed. Which ever comes first...
*The teens run off with Finn and Jake. They stop by F and J's tree house ro get weapons and stuff. They all track the monster down tothe forest. It was 20 ft tall and was made out of many trees and bushes. Finn slashes its arm off with his sword. Gwen slashes its neck and mud starts dripping out of its wound*
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Gwen: This is so cool!

Courtney: And gross...
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Jake:*rubs his chin* i got an idae!*shrinks* Gwen! Throw me into the monsters mouth!
*gwen picks jake up and throws him into the monsters mouth. Jake grows, making the monster explode and made mud splatter everywhere and on everyone*
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Courtney: EWW! I got mud all over me!

Gwen: Awesome!
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Finn:*fist pumps gwen* That was radical gwen!
Cody: *gives finn a jealous look*
Sierra: *Drags cody into a bear hug* You were so brave codykins!!
Cody: Sierra, i hardly did anything.
Sierra:*sighs* I know.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Gwen: Thanks Finn!

Cody: Let me go, Sierra
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Gwen: Lets go back to the candy kingdom and see if Heather nagged PB to death.
*they all ride back to the candy kingdom and walk into the castle*
Finn: *Gasp* PB, what the flip did she do to you?
* princess bubblegum had on a versiin of Heather's shirt but dark pink, and the same type of shorts but dak blue, her hair was all curled and she still wore her Tiara*
Princess Bubblegum: Hi guys!! Heather gave me a 'fab' makeover! Did i say that right heather?
Heather: Perfect! Couldn't have said it better myself princess.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn:*in slow-motion* NOOOOO!

Gwen: That was weird....
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Courtney: well this was fun and all, but how do we get back home?
PB: Oh, i worked on that. I relized that there was a rift in the dimension part of space. I just have to zap you with this ray and you'll be back in your 'competition'. Just stand by that wall.
*all of the teens stand im front of a clear wall. Before PB shot the ray, Finn ran in front of the ray*
Finn: Wait! PB! I have something I want to say!*turns to gwen* By Gwen. Your the most awesome person to adventure with!
Gwen: Aww! Thanks Finn.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: Stay here and adventure with us.

Jake: Yeah.
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Gwen: Sorry guys, i cant. I have life back at home.
*PB accidently blasts the ray and the team (including finn and jake) are teleported back near the jumbo jet*
Heather: Thank god thats over!
Courtney: Yeah... Wait.. is that Finn?
*Finn is showed as a tall, slim, 16 year old withhis same outfit but with a buff chest and toned arms*
Gwne: Maybe i can forget about Trent for a while!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Jake:*how Finn hears it* Whoa dude, what happened to you?

Finn: I don't know man, but I'm flipping out!

Courtney: He knows Jake can't talk anymore, right?
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Heather: I don't really care. But finn and gwen can make out for all i care! I just want to sleep this day off!!*walks into the jumbo jet, courtney, sierra, andcody follow*
Gwen: So.. what now? Your here and i have no clue how to get you back to your world..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: That's okay. We could use a break from adventuring.
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Gwen: Sure..*she holds his hand as they walk into the jet**after walking into first class, chris appeoaches them*
Chris: U guys missed half of the challenge! And who is this?*gestures to finn*
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: I'm Finn!
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Gwen: yes! He's Finn Clark! Um.. an orphan i was willing to help out!!
Chris: hmmm.. this could add more drama... ok Finn, you can be on the amazon team. Its time for dinner anyway. Report to the cafeteria.* walks away*
Finn: why did you tell him that?
Gwen: chris is the host, so you have to fake everything ro be able to stay. He's a sucker for drama! The more thats on the show, the more he gets paid.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: Oh.
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Gwen: it not ur fault. Now lets eat.* leads him into the mess hall*
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: Hi everyone!
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Duncan: who's the blondie?
Finn: *glares at duncan*
Gwen: oh come on duncan! He's Finn! And he's an. Uh... orphan who needs the money to get a new house..!you know how chris can gget! Of course he'll let finn in!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: Hey, where's Jake?
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Izzy: Hey look guys! I found a dog!*points to jake*
Lindsay: Aawww he's sooo cute! He reminds me of my poochie at home!*pets jake head*
*jake wwalks away from the girls and hides behind finn's legs*
Finn: This is my dog jake.
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Jake: Those girls-*smells food* FOOD!*climbs on table and starts eating food*

Finn: He really loves to eat.*to Jake* Save some for me, dude.

Jake: Sorry bro.*gets off table*

Finn: It's fine, man.

Duncan:*to Gwen* Why is he talking to the dog?
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over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Gwen:*to duncan* uh.. since he lost his parents.. Finn has only jake to talk to.. in his mind.. Jake talks
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over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Duncan: Oh.

-1 hour later-
*everyone is done eating*
Chris:*over the speaker* Challenge time, kids!
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
*everyone lines up at the edge of the plane*
Chris: for this challenge, you have to sky dive out of the plane and land 'saftely' on the ground and race to the meeting point.*pulls a lever and all of the teens(and jake) fall out of the plane*
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: Whoo!

Jake: This is totally math!

Finn: Yeah man!

Noah:*to Finn*You're enjoying this?! Are you insane?!

Izzy: YEAH!*doing flips in the air*

Noah: Then again...
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
big smile
*3minutes later*
*they all were getting very close to the ground jake used his stretchy powers to form as a parachute. He wrapped around finn's shoulders and all of thhe capers hung on as tey hit the solid ground*
Finn: i didnt know your stretchy powers would still work here * to jake*
Jake: i guess they do
Owen: Either i'm going crazy from that falling trauma or that dog is really able to stretch! *laughs* awesome!!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Gwen: You're going crazy Owen.

Heather: Gwen, Finn, c'mon!

*Team Amazon makes it to the meeting point first, then Team Chris makes it second, and Team Victory makes it third*
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Chris: good jiob team amozon, pretty good Team me, and team victory you have some work to do! Now the next thing to do is to race to the finish line, team amazon gets a jeep, team me gets a horse drawn chariot, and team victory gets a wagon! Now go!!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
-with Team Amazon-
Heather: I'm driving!*gets in Jeep*

Gwen: Whatever.*gets in Jeep*

Courtney: Fine.*gets in Jeep*

Finn and Jake:*get in Jeep*


-with Team Chris-
Alejandro: I'll steer.

Noah: Fine with me.*gets on chariot*

Owen, Izzy, Tyler, and Duncan:*get on chariot*

Alejandro: Vamos!*horses begin running, pulling the chariot*
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
-with Team victory-
*harold and Dj are hooked up to the wagon and they pull Leshawna and lindsay in the chariot*
*everone races, but team amazon is stopped when they see a tiger appear in front of the jeep*
Courtney: we're gonna be dinner!
Gwen: Finn do something!!
*Finn takes out his sword and jabs at the tiger until it runs away with a few scratches*
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn:*gets back in the Jeep*

Jake: Pound it, bro.

Finn:*fist-pounds Jake*

Gwen: That was awesome, Finn!

Finn: Thanks Gwen.

Cody:*glares at Finn*

Heather:*keeps driving*
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
*the teeams are nexk in neck and teaam amazon crosses first, the team chris, then team vicrtory*
Finn: Yeah! We won!!
Gwen: *hugs finn*
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Cody:*to Finn* You-

Sierra:*grabs Cody and hugs him tightly* We won, Codykins!

Cody: Sierra, choking.

Sierra:*lets go* Sorry Cody.
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Chris: Awesome job team amazon, make your way to tthe first class becaise your getting an awesome prize!
Team victory, your sending someone home 2night.
----at night in first class---
Courtney: This by far has been the craziest day of my life!
Heather: yeah, crazier than that day chris made us run around in a bull pen wearing red..
Gwen: you were great today finn! With you slashing and chopping! It was totally awesome!
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: Thanks Gwen.

Jake: I think someone has a crush on you!

Finn: Shut up, Jake. We're just friends.

Gwen: What did Jake say, Finn?
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over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Finn: He saide was uh.. hungry!
Jake: ?
Gwen: Well i bet thheres some chiccken or something in the buffet.
Finn: soo gwen. Are you into anyone?
Gwen: *blushes* well.. i just got over a nasty break up..
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Finn: With whom?
over a year ago SuperGwen said…
Gwen: This guy named trent.. we went out for a while.. until things got complicated in the sceond season of this show.. then we just shifted apart..
Finn: Oh, that doesnt sound good
over a year ago noahnstar1616 said…
Gwen: But I'm kinda glad we broke up. He was kinda going insane.

Finn: Oh.

Jake: All this relationship talk is making me think of Lady Rainicorn. I miss her, Finn. Maybe we should start figuring out a way to get back to Ooo.

Finn:*to Jake* No way, man!

Gwen: What did he say this time, Finn?