Total Drama Island A Rp To Cure Bordness !¡

jadeISmaNAME posted on May 27, 2012 at 11:53AM
just a rp :p

Total Drama Island 462 replies

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over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
billy. , lacey , serenity , hunter and shadow : * walks into school *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen, mirra, gio, donovan: *sitting on the grass, outside the school*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
billy: * pulls some hair out her face * im going to my locker * walks over to her locker *
lacey : * looking through her pocket *
shadow: come on hunter * they walk off somewhere *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: i don't wanna go to school.....
gio: we're already here
damen: i don't wanna go into the school.....
mirra: *laughs*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
lacey :*waljs ove to billy * weres ya sister ?
billy : somewhere with her game boy
joey : * sat in a tree on school slayig on her vameboy XD *
shadow. and hunter :* sat on the grass outside school *
hunter : where are ya sisters ?
shadow : coming in their car now
jinx maddie and zara : * arrive at school in a car CX )
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: wow, guys check out those garls.
donovan: don't be so rude gio.
gio: i'm not just look.
donovan: well-*sees them* wow.
gio: told ya.
mirra: *rolls her eyes* boys.
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx, maddie and zara : * get out the car *
jinx: shadow , over hear !
shadow: told ya my sisters would be hear !
hunter: yeah yeah !
* they walk over to them *
joey : *falls out the tree * ow * stands up * wheres my gameboy ?!
billy and lacey : * talking at their lockers *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen, donovan and gio: *looking at the girls*
mirra: guys.....guys!....GUYS! stop drooling and talk to them!
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
shadow and hunter : * walk over to them *
shadow: mornin !
hunter: what he said XD
jinx: mhm , what lessons you got ?
zara: i have no lessons
shadow: same .
maddie: and mum and dad wonder why you two have bad grades !
jinx , maddie and hunter : * ;laughs *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
*the bell goes*
mirra: let's go guys.
*they nod and they walk to their classes*
(donovan: math
gio: biologie
damen: math
mirra: biologie)
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
zara : well , see ya after school
shadow: hope you all enjoy being torched !
* they walks off *
jinx: they be back for dinner ?
maddie: yep !
( jinx: science
maddie : maths
hunter : biology
joey : science
billy and lacey : gym )
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen and donovan: *siting in class, talking to eachother*
gio: i hate biologie
mirra: i LOVE biologie.
gio: get a life.
mirra: get a girlfriend
gio: get a boyfriend
mirra: shut up
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
* all my ocs at school sit down *
maddie : * reading *
hunter:* texting *
jinx : * asleep *
joey : * doing her work *
billy and lacey : * climbing a rope *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
donovan: *making his work*
damen: *asleep and snoring*
donovan: *looks at damen and mumbles* somethimes i can't believe you're my brother.....
gio: *trying to stay awake*
mirra: *making work*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie : * turns around and taps damens head * um excuse me , but can you try to um .. not snore ? .. im trying to read my book ...

over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: *wakes up and jumps up* MY DOG EAT THE HOMEWORK!
*many start laughing*
donovan: o dear.....
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: * giggles * um .. i think you should sit down
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: good idea...*sits down, hides his face behind his book*
donovan: you're holding it upside down, brother.
damen: *turns the book around*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: * giggles and turns back around and reads her book *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: so....damn.....boring!
mirra: *slaps the back of his head* shut it.
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: * reading *
jinx :* asleep *
joey : * working *
hunter: * texting *
billy and lacey : * in pe *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
*the bell goes*
donovan: *puts his stuff in his bag and walk out*
gio: YES!
mirra: aw...
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: * puts her book away and walks out *
jinx : * still asleep *
joey : um .. wake up ? * shakes jinx *
jinx: * wakes up and walks out *
joey : * walks out *
hunter , billy and lacey : * walks out *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: free! free! free! *bumps into mirra and falls down* ow! ow! ow!
mirra: *laughs* you're crazy damen.
donovan: still can't believe he's my brother
gio: me neather
damen: neather what?
donovan: i want a DNA test
gio and mirra: *laughing*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
* all my oc, at theri lockers *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
*all my oc sitting outside*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
billy: im sick of school ! * leaves with lacey *
hunter: im gunna find shadow * walks off *
joey: * on her game boy *
jinx and maddie: * talking at the lockers *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: so bored.....
damen: me to....
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: it was funny in maths * giggles * i woke this boy up and he shouted my dog ate my home work * giggles *
jinx: * snickers * really ?
maddie: yep * giggles *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: *walks to his locker close to jinx and maddie*
gio: *follows* i'll even bet on it, i'm stronger than you
damen: yeah right
gio: i'm sure you don't look like *pulls his shirt off and shows his muscaler body and his six pack* this
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx : * string at gio *
maddie: uh jinx ?
jinx : * still staring * mhm
maddie: you ok ?
jinx: mhm
maddie: do you feel sick ?
jinx: mhm
maddie: is mhm all your gunna say ?
jinx: mhm
maddie: -_-
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: show off.
gio: *smirks* that means i won?
damen: that means you're a show of.....put your shirt back on!
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: what are you staring at ? * turns around and sees dman and gio * ohhhhhhh * looks at jinx *
jinx: mhm
maddie : -_-
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: why? *smirks* becuzz you can't handle i look better than you?
damen: *glares*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie : * listning to damn and gio talk *
jinx : * still staring XD *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: don't glare, that's more donovan like.
damen: *stops glaring* yeah......*suddenly starts dancing funny* i can dance better!
gio: *laughs* dude you seriously are crazy
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: * giggles *
jinx: * still taring :DDD *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: *looks at jinx* uhm.......everything okay garl?
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx: * blinks * uh, yep . just reading that poster behind you .
maddie : * snickers *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: *looks at the poster* okay......about prom?
damen: SWEET!
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx: mhm .. im reading when it is and everything ..
maddie: PROM ?! * truns around and looks at the poster *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: okay.
gio: you're just jealous *smirke*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx and maddie : * reading the poster *
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
gio: prom in 3 that's fast.
damen: i'm 3 DAYS?! how the hell am i gonna find a date?!
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
jinx : * looks at maddie * we need dresses !!
maddie: and dates !!
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: i need a dress to!....wait......i mean suit!
gio: *laughs*
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: * giggles *
jinx : * snickers * i guessing your not the sharpest knife ?
maddie: jinx! thats rude !
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: knife?! where?!
gio: *laughs* it may be rude, but is is true. he's one of the yentlren twins, donovan is smart and serious. damen is dumb and funny
damen: not THAT dumb.....
over a year ago jadeISmaNAME said…
maddie: * giggles *
inx : twins ? cool.
over a year ago casacada1007 said…
damen: yep. we do have other skin colour. but that's thanks to our mom.

(pic of damen/donovan)
damen: yep. we do have other skin colour. but that's thanks to our mom.

(pic of damen/donovan)