Total Drama Island Total drama zombies the RPG

dxarmy423 posted on Nov 24, 2009 at 09:16PM
this a tdi zombie apocalypse rpg game


1. Nobody can be immortal

2. Dating somebody is opptional (more people on a team is bad)

3. You cant be immune to the virus

4. No making it so all the zombies are gone

5. each player is given an uzi, a pistol, a shotgun, a weeks worth of food and water.

6. each player gets 100 dollars in money


this a tdi zombie apocalypse rpg game


1. Nobody can be immortal

2. Dating somebody is

Total Drama Island 852 replies

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over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
Also you can play as other people or team up with tdi characters
over a year ago rose35 said…
i'll join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago tdigirl said…
ill join
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
alright I'll start it

*the world just went through a major nuclear disater and a shipment of the Immortal virus escape into a river and spread to every body of water in the world. People have turned into zombies after drinking the water and have spread the virus by biting people. You are a survivor in the middle of city looking for other survivors and avoiding zombies. You could be killed at anytime and your goal is to make it from the city to alaska by going through the usa or whatever counrty u are in. SO ARE YOU READY*
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
[Im gonna be a survivor hiding in a Wal Mart]
over a year ago rose35 said…
wakes up at mcdonalds and sees kylie in the bathroom* kylie wth are we in here? (kylie)ZOMBIES TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!!! (me) huh? ur just halustinating. *opens the door* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *slam*
(kylie)I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Lisa:*puts her pistol in her belt and carries her shotgun,she explores around Wal Mart* This is just so freaking crazy...I hope there are other survivors then me..
over a year ago rose35 said…
we need a game plan! *bust the mirror and picks up a long piece of mirror glass* we gotta go, do you have ur car keys? (ky) ya (me)ok *opens the door and justins a zombie* kylie watch out!!!! *slice slice slice slice!!!!!!!* *kylie goes crazy and slicing all the dead around her* (ky) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!­! take that and that and that!!!!!!!! (me)*(mouth hung open)i started to kill the zombies) Kyles keep them distracted while i look around the boss' office for weapons (kylie) ok! HURRY! *I looked around for tools, so far i found a pocket knife, a gun, car keys, flash lights,bottled water and a picture of my boss' mom?!* ugh such a momma's boy T_T...
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Lisa:*hears the sound of artteries being eaten and hides behind the ile* ....*looks and there is 12 zombies eating Beth* oh shit..*gets her gun ready*
over a year ago jjj113 said…
is it to late to join???
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
(No its not Jared)
over a year ago rose35 said…
*i walk out w/ book bag full of weapons and supplies..* (kylie) RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we gt make our way to walmart! (me) why walmart? (kylie) walmart has everything u need! (me) well... u do have a point... *pulls up at walmart in the boss' car. we head in and Lisa is has weapons,* im thirsty. I pull out a bottle of water to drink* (lisa)NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! *kicks the water out of my hand* THAT WATER IS CONTAMINATED!!!! (me) hey!!! WTH was that for?!
over a year ago tdigirl said…
big smile
(this is my part of rose 35's) i wake up and look out the window and scream i wake up kate (kate)whats wrong. (me) ZONBIES ARE TAKEING OVER!!! (kate) ur just halustinating. (me0 i call duncan and he said he would be on his way i opened the door i find courtney as a zombie! i grab a big piece of mirror glass and kill her and justin and i found duncan
over a year ago jjj113 said…
jared:*goes inside and bumps into lisa*
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
(Umm Guys could you not be Lisa,thanks)

Lisa:*almost shoots Jared* Jared!! *hugs* Im so glad your not a zombie!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jjj113 said…
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Lisa:*loads her gun* Yeah,lets go! *runs quietly towards the bathroom*
over a year ago jjj113 said…
jared:on 3 we open the door 1..........2............3 *opens door*
over a year ago jjj113 said…
lindsey:*jumps out of the bathrom* jared:*about to shoot her* lindsey:WAIT NO IM NOT A ZOMBIE!!!
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Lisa:*zombie runs out and tackles Lisa to the ground and tries to bite her neck* Oh no you don't! *shoots it in the head and blood splats on her* eww..*kicks the "dead" zombie off*
over a year ago jjj113 said…
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Lisa:Oh my god! Lindsay you survived!!
over a year ago jjj113 said…
jared:*opens the other door and courtney trent katie izzy and heather comes out* omg courtney trent katie and izzy and heather survived too!!
over a year ago jjj113 said…
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Courtney:Jared,Lisa,and Lindsay! Thank god!
Lisa:Glad you guys are ok!
over a year ago jjj113 said…
back and lisa i think where the only people here
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
yeah I think so too..
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
(guys bottled water is safe but theres not alot of it*
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*Mack wakes up inside gamestop in the malls*

*he heres the moan of the zombies and looks around the store looking for something to fight them with*

*he finds a shot gun, a pistol and an uzi*
over a year ago jadore_renard said…
(This sounds pretty epic! I love zombie stuff! Can I join? Also are characters from other forms of media allowed to be in this? Such as Nightcrawler? :D)
over a year ago bubble_babe said…
(I'm In!!)

*Randomley pops in Wal mart Food Cort.*
Me: Cool

*Hears Zombie*

*Slowley gets gun*

*Evil Smile*

*Shots Zombie*
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
(umm.... ok I will allow one other character that is not in tdi for each player but they have to be able to get hurt or die. Also your guns will run out of ammo so u will have to get more but you can use other weapons like swords, axes or knives)
over a year ago gwenfan3445 said…
Aydan-*runs in the middle of city surrounded by zombies* OH CRAP!!HELP!!!!!!!!ANYONE!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!EP­P!!­!!!­!

Zombies-*tries to bite her*

Aydan-DON'T YOU DARE *kicks there heads of with glowing boots of wonder XDD*
over a year ago GWENxTRENT said…
Dannie(a character in my story): *behind a wall breathing deeply* Okay, I can do this...just a little zombies...*looks behind a wall and MILLONS of zombies come* HELP!!! *starts running and bumps into someone [it can be anyone]*
over a year ago bubble_babe said…
Me: OW! *Jumping up and down halding foot* I think you broke my foot
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*mack breaks down the door of the store*

*zombies starts to run toward him*

Mack: Im sending you to hell were u belong

*mack starts shooting zombies in the head with the shot gun*

Mack: head shot!!!!

*mack makes it to the parking lot and starts using his pistol to kill zombies*

Mack; I need to find a car and hot wire it
over a year ago gwenfan3445 said…
Aydan-*runs into Lisa*EPP!!! ZOMBIE!!!*gets gun out*
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Lisa:WOAH! Im NOT a zombie!! Don't shoot!!
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*mack finds a car and the doors unlocked*

Mack: all right lest see if i can get this going

*he finds the keys in the ignition*

Mack: lets flatten some zombie

*mack roars out of the building running over zombies*
*Chris mcleans zombie grabs on to macks drivers side window*

Mack: no golden chris for you

*mack shoots chris in the face with the shot gun*
over a year ago gwenfan3445 said…
big smile
Aydan-Holy,Sorry Lisa--LISA YOUR NOT A ZOMBIE!!!!
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Lisa:Hey Aydan c'mon, lets get supplies! *sneaks to the clothes section in Wal Mart* Hmmmm...*sees a backpack* perfect! *grabs the backpack and starts putting some clothes in it* I can pack some supplies..*goes to the food section*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*mack finds walmart and runs inside and sees a zombie*

Mack: welcome to walmart!!!!

*mack shoots the zombie with his pistol*
*mack walks my the clothes section*

Mack: hey come out of the section with your hands up NOW!!!
over a year ago gwenfan3445 said…
Aydan-*Grabs guns,ammo,Axes,Swords and a Wii Fit bored*THIS WILL ROCK!!! LETS KICK ZOMBIE ASS
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
Lisa:*startled but raises hands and faces mack* What!
over a year ago xxXsk8trXxx said…
i wanna be in!!!!!

Dawn: *in a Hot Topic outlet* Ready?
Noah: Ready!
Heather: Ready!
Owen: Ready!
*all start shooting wildly at a pack of zombies*
over a year ago jadore_renard said…
(Okay thank you^^)

Tappy: *is in a convenient store, picks up random guitar from sales rack and starts playing it poorly*

*a zombie runs out*

Tappy: *Hits zombie with guitar* You got a pretty mouth! My mother always told me someday you'll be good at somethin'. I don't think she could have guessed that somethin' would be zombie killin'.

Nightcrawler: *walks around corner carrying supplies* Must you quote crappy zombie movies? If you haven't noticed this situation is kind of serious...

Tappy: Come on! When else will I get to use those quotes?

*more zombie like sounds appear*

Nightcrawler: Okay 'vhatever! Let's just go before 've get eaten.

*throws supplies to Tappy and they run away*

(Note: Nightcrawler has German accent that is why he is talking with the Vs)
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*mack pointing gun at sofie*

Mack: how many people are in your group!!!

Mack: are any infected????
over a year ago GWENxTRENT said…
Dannie:Hey Mack! I could REALLY ues help over here!! *points to a billon zombies that are coming towards her*
over a year ago gwenfan3445 said…
Aydan-*hits a zombie with the Wii Fit Bored*
over a year ago xxXsk8trXxx said…
(im changin my character to Addrey (me))

Addrey: MAAAAAAACK! Heather is being ganged up on!