Total Drama Island Making Charaters And Sending Em To To Makers Of Tdi

KARIxTRENT posted on Jan 24, 2010 at 11:20PM
my character:(pic by sonicluver)name:kari
bio:kari is a cool chick with a smart mind.she is cool,hot,smart,and independent.when she was 4 her father died.she has one sister: a bleach blonde haired,10 year old,adopted from the ghetto,wanna be cool sister who follows kari around like a pup.kari is a straight shooter.and is in Total drama to win!she dates trent in the show.she is a straight A student,she has never had a F in her life.she is a gangsta in a way.she wins most challenges. my OFFICAL tdi character:
Opinion by KARIxTRENT posted 5 minutes ago
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why total drama dynamite?
because she has nothing better to do,and KNEW she could win this.
personality:dark and mysterious.
pet peeves:her annoying little 10 year old wanna be ghetto bleach blonde haired sister:sam, following her around.(she was diagnosed with a case of stupid too).annoying cell phone ring music.
audition tape:sam is holding the camera and kari is skateboarding.kari:CUT!sam cut a fart.
kari is cool,smart,hot,pretty,and independent.she has no friends,on purpose because everyone in her school is stuck up.she is VERY unlike her mom and dad who are adult preps.she breaks the rules,and is bad to the bone.but underneath all that is her heart. she isn't mean or a bully.but she is a gangsta cool chick.kari plays guitar.and her lucky number is nine.she is very dark and mysterious. she plays guitar.she also builds motorcycles.kari in other words would be a PERFECT match for trent.she has one annoying blodne ten year old wanna be lame adopted for the ghetto sister named sam.Kari is very quiet,and she doesn't care much for outspoken people.kari always keeps it cool(cause she is cool,ice cool) no matter what.but she does have a temper at times.she isn't impatient but she isn't gonna wait forever either.she also LOVES speed,she is very fast and on the track team,that she won a 1st place gold trophy for for any challenge that requires speed you can count on her winning it.and despite being a tough chick she can be very nice and caring to other people.
pet peeves:annoying sounds,sam following her around...
audition tape:sam was holding a camera:ready?!
kari started skateboarding.
skills:skateboard,surfing,drawing,guitar,­and writing.
kari's personality:tough,and ice cool.she has never been taken lightly.and if she was you would be dead in 2 seconds.she helps out her widow mom alot.kari does committee service.and inside she is a good person,with a tough personality,and a mysterious ego.she is not shy but doesn't talk much.
alexdrjo(she later forms a alliance with him)
everybody else she is pretty neutral on.
theme song:hard by:riahhna
my character:(pic by sonicluver)name:kari
bio:kari is a cool chick with a smart mind.she is co
last edited on Apr 11, 2010 at 02:38AM

Total Drama Island 33 replies

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over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
the only reason I would make a charater is to be trents new GF...
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Eh...what the hell?

Name: Rikki Daniels

Age: 16

Appearance: Rikki has long, black hair that reaches her back that she often keeps down, but during the campfire ceremonies or intensely hot days, she puts her hair in a ponytail. She wears any type of black shoes (usually sneakers or boots), any kind of jeans or denim skirt (though usually, its her dark blue jeans with the knees cut off), a golden charm bracelet with heart charms, sunglasses, gold earrings that match her bracelet, and (if not her favorite white, shoulder-less long-sleeve shirt) any top she can grab out of her suitcase.

Personality: Rikki's shy around new people, but after getting to know her for a while, you'll find that this helpful, bubbly, sweet and emotional little angel is one of the best people you'll ever meet. Just remember, getting on her mad is NOT a good move! She'll tear you apart when she gets angry enough.

Past: Rikki is an heiress to a fabulous couture line which her mother created, so her family's mega rich. Despite this, Rikki keeps her life as a famous person secret from people, keeping her image at school as the lone wolf, and she's also on of the shyest people you'll know when you first meet her. Rikki's not at all like Heather or Lindsey. For one thing, she's not good around people she doesn't know, and is even worse with crowds. Despite these things, she's a multi-talented (and extremely beautiful) girl.

Why TDI?: Rikki's twin sister, Melisa, always wanted her sister to become more confident. After they made a promise to each other almost 8 ears ago, the girls have been doing everything they could to change Rikki into the confident person they wanted her to become; after hearing that Chris (a long time friend of their family) was hosting a new reality show, they figured that being on national TV would not only let her show off her talents and fulfill their promise to each other, so they went ahead, and made a pair of audition tapes for her, praying she'd get on the show.

Talents/Skills/Hobbies: She's a singer, writer, hopeless romantic, and a charming girl who knows more about fashion than both Heather and Lindsey put together, but she doesn't talk to a lot of people, so not many know. Also, she has a little bit of a knack for scaring people when she feels like it.


1.) Izzy

2.) Bridgette

3.) Courtney

4.) Brooke

5.) Gwen

6.) Leshawna

7.) Lindsey

8.) Eva

Other: Whenever her team wins a challenge or she just gets totally hyper, she'll do this crazy, loud wolf howl.

Audition Tape #1: The camera turns on to show Rikki’s sister, Melisa. “Hi there! If you’re watching this, Chris, you can tell it’s Melisa. I’m here today to help my sister, Rikki, audition for your show. Here she is right now.” She says. The camera, then turns to Rikki who’s sitting on her huge, purple canopy bed with her chocolate brown dog sitting on her left. “Say hi, Rikki!” Melisa says. Rikki just shyly waves to the camera, blushing and not saying a word. Melisa, then, sits next to her; “As you can see, Rikki here is extremely shy, but that’s exactly why she’s auditioning for this show. She’s sweet as a peach, but needs a major confidence boost. Still, don’t let her shyness and this pretty face of hers fool you. She’s loyal, hilarious, extremely sweet, and almost as much fun as her little puppy, Sparks.” She said. At the sound of her name, the chocolate brown Cocker Spaniel sitting next to Rikki jumped in between the girls, barked twice, and rolled onto her back. The girls couldn’t help but laugh. “Anyway, Rikki’s also a lot tougher and more sly than she appears, so she’s a good competitor, too.” Melisa said to the camera. “Yeah; it’s just every now and again, I might let my temper get the better of me…” Rikki finally said petting Sparks on her belly. “Yeah…anyway, I really think Rikki would be an awesome addition to the show, so pick her and you won’t regret it. The show will totally get good ratings with a cutie pie like my sis on it. See ya.” Was the last thing Melisa said before she turned off the camera.

Audition Tape #2: Rikki can be seen on a stage wearing a satin, royal blue halter dress ( link ) with a microphone in front of her. “Rikki’s multi-talented, but there’s one thing that she rocks at that almost nobody can do as well as her; singing! She’s about to sing right now.” Melisa’s voice says. Soon, Rikki begins to sing…

Pet Peeves: People like J.J and/or Melody (which is why she hates Heather and pretends to hate Duncan who she likes), anybody who dares to talk about her, her family or her friends in a negative way, whenever somebody messes with Duncan besides her (she's made a little rule that she's the only one allowed to torment him unless she allows it), etc.
Name: Melisa Daniels

Age: 15 going 16

Appearance: Melisa has long, red hair that reaches her back that she often keeps down. She wears Prada all the time (which is why she's called the "Prada Princess"), but she also has a golden charm bracelet with heart charms on it which matches her sisters, and she never takes it off.

Personality: Melisa's always been a bit of an ego maniac, but she's a good person. She's incredibly bubbly, sweet and a whole lot of fun; she would make a great friend for anybody.

Past: Melisa is Rikki's sister, and that means she's an heiress just like her twin. She used to be Melody McKnight's best friend (Melody's basically another Heather, accept she's secretly really sweet...she's almost bi-polar...), but she was planning on doing something mean to her sister one day, so she ditched her right on the spot.

Why TDI?: Wants to help Rikki.

Talents/Skills/Hobbies: Modeling, and knows more about fashion than both Heather and Lindsey put together.

Fears: Blood


1.) Courtney

2.) Lindsey

3.) Bridgette

4.) Leshawna

5.) Gwen

Other: Has a slight crush on DJ when the show starts, but it turns into a really big crush after a while.

Theme Song(s): Material Girl

Audition Tape:(See Rikki's first tape.)

Pet Peeves: Anybody who dares to talk about her, her family or her friends in a negative way.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fangirl99 said…
@duncansmyluv14:is brooke supposed to be me when you listed your besties?
over a year ago codyismine said…
over a year ago topez99 said…
Your BullShitting me right?
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
Ignoring sk8r and topez,anybody else?one rule:I CALLED DIBS ON TRENT FIRST!and it has to be DRAWN!NOT a color over!teletoon will sue me,or US!
over a year ago VioletSunset said…
Nope,you,and ya can't "dibs" Trent,cause me as a Trent fangirl pwn yer ass
Nope,you,and ya can't "dibs" Trent,cause me as a Trent fangirl pwn yer ass
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
whatever I did.
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
over a year ago Fire_Ice113 said…
are u saying ur actully sending are charecters to teletoon??
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
AND dude I'm HELPING you(if u decide to do this) so trent is mine.
over a year ago Fire_Ice113 said…
wait are u saying if we post are things ur sending them to teletoon and are charecters are gonna be on tvs??
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
imma try...
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
yeah maybe.
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
if they LET us.
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
whatever...HA!like he WOULD date you!you cant touch a string on the guitar,and aren't his type at all!
over a year ago VioletSunset said…
Well,I own a guitar AND I can play, one of my favorite colors is green, Motor-cycles are awesome

and how exactly are you his type,Ms.WannabeGhettoGangstar
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
I can play, my fav color is green too,and I MAKE motorcycles like him!
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
you would probably scare him away!
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
and as everyone(EXCEPT on here says:I'm cool,indpendant,smart,hot,and pretty.
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
I have been called the 'cool chick',and I get straight A'S,have street smarts,and am independent,and have been called:hotter than the sun.
over a year ago VioletSunset said…
Well,I don't need a boy that is fake if you haven't realized already
over a year ago Fire_Ice113 said…
and just how are u gonna send them to teletoon?
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
by sending them through email.HELLO!it's the 21st century! not stone age!
over a year ago Fire_Ice113 said…
im bored so...
bio:jared is nice cool adn funny loves animals is obbesed with lolipops is really good at singing and acting can be very mean if he haves to sometimes dumb but is smart in puzzles and school work
crush: courteny and/or lindsay
fear:being trapped in a very small place for a long time
bffs:trent lindsay courtney dj izzy lashwena and katie
freinds:eva,noah cody harold beth geoff brigette tyler sadie justin and heather
enimies:duncan gwen owen and zeke
im bored so...
bio:jared is nice cool adn funny loves animals is obbesed with lo
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
link to my character:link
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
btw:rikki your two entries were..AMAZING!imma draw them right now,and TRY to put em on the net k?
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
jared imma let you in too.
entries so far:4.
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
kk done drawing your characters rikki now I have to convice my mom to post em.
over a year ago KARIxTRENT said…
it might take awhile tho...but I drew your characters BY HAND for you.
over a year ago SimVampire200 said…
Name: Melinda
Age: 17
Likes: Vampires,books, choclate
Dislikes: pizza, chicken, chris maclean
Friends: everyone exept enemies
enemies: Lindsay, Owen, Izzy, Sierra
Fear: Losing hair dye.
Talent: she can sing good

(if teletoon ever makes her then she dosen't have to look like lindsay, this was my first OC)
Name: Melinda
Age: 17
Likes: Vampires,books, choclate
Dislikes: pizza, chicken, chris maclean