Total Drama Island Total Drama City (Anyone Can Join)

owenizzyx posted on Sep 06, 2010 at 03:37AM
you start out in a hotel with every tdi member here are the rules

you can date whoever you want tdi or oc but if their already taken then let that person deside

you can fight try to keep it pg13 thought

make sure we know who your talking to

the hotel you can have 9 room mates

try to add a pic of your person well that`s about it

okay every time you go to the hotel info
room 9
kelly kelly

room 7

room 4

room 6

girls choose dance
bridgette x geoff
leshawna x harold
heather x alejandro
gwen x duncan
lindsay x tyler
sierra x cody
naomi x dj
if anyone else want`s to come go see bridgette or geoff

naomi:i would like to check in
kelly kelly:me too
hotel owner:you,ll be sharing a room with gwen & izzy
hotel owner:you,ll see
kelly kelly:okay bye
last edited on Sep 12, 2010 at 09:16PM

Total Drama Island 428 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 428

over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Serena:*Walks up to desk*Hello me,my sister and my cousin would like to check in please
Clerk:Okay you'll share a room with Sierra and Courtney and he'll share a room with Trent and Cody and she'll share a room with Lindsay and Beth
Clerk:You'll know when you see the room a-
Paul:*runs in*you*breath*run*breath*so*breath*fast*br­eat­h*
Serena:Well excuse me if you take sooooooooo long to get the bags btw you in the room with 2 guys name Trent and Cody and Sunny share a room with a girl named Lindsay and Beth and i share a room with girls name Sierra and Courtney wait where is she?
Serena:*hits him upside his head*what you do mean i don't know it your little cousin and my little sister so your the one who was supposed to watch her because i was dealing with the rooms now go find her!!
Paul:Fine don't yell
Serena:*Walks up to desk*Hello me,my sister and my cousin would like to check in please
Clerk:Okay yo
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
Tammy: *walks up to desk* hi, i would like to check in please.
Clerk: okay, you will share a room with Duncan and Gwen.
Tammy: okay...
Clerk: *gives her room key* room number 11.
Tammy: *takes key* okay. *goes to find room*
Tammy: *walks up to desk* hi, i would like to check in please.
Clerk: okay, you will share a room wi
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
*room 9*
naomi:who is um... izzy & gwen
duncan:and duncan
kelly kelly:you must be new so are we
duncan:i,m not new thizs my girl friend gwen and izzy is over thier
gwen:please go over their
izzy:hi i,m izzy what are your names
kelly kelly:i,m kelly and this is naomi
izzy:okay i got it callie & yanie right
(naomi thinks she is being rude & see`s dj out in the hall getting ice)
naomi:who is that
duncan:oh that`s dj but we call him deej
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *gets pushed in room by somebody and falls to ground*
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
naomi:oh my god are you okay
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: stands up* yeah im good.
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
naomi:don`t scare me like that i,m goingh to get some ice in the hall dose any one want to come
(duncan shuts the door on her)
naomi:hi deej i,m naomi
dj:how do you know my name
naomi:duncan told me
dj:oh well i got to go
(dj leaves the hall)
naomi:well i better get going to
(naomi opens the door)
naomi:hi i,m back
duncan:where is the ice
naomi:oh yea i forgot i think i,ll get some at the gas sation dose any one wanna come with me
duncan & gwen:no
izzy & kelly kelly:yes
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: no thanks. *sits on bed*
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
naomi:okay bye
(naomi,izzy,kelly kelly go to the hotel parking lot)
*hotel parking lot*
izzy:hey it`s deej hey dj
dj;oh hey izzy & naomi and um...
kelly kelly:kelly
naomi:where going to the gas sation do you wanna come
dj;sure why not
*gas sation*
naomi:me and deej will wait out in the car
(izzy grabs some ice and leaves with kelly kelly)
*naomi`s car*
(naomi and dj are making out)
kelly kelly & izzy:what
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *messing with guitar*
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
*room 9*
duncan:hey play me and gwen a song called dxg
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: ok. *starts playing and singing*
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
gwen:eehh this song sucks i,m leaving
(gwen go to the hall)
duncan:i,m sorry she is in a bad mood
*naomi`s car*
naomi:izzy,kelly promise not to tell
izzy & kelly kelly:ok
*hotel praking lot*
dj:um... bye guys
izzy:see ya later deej
(izzy sees gwen)
izzy:hey gwen her & dj were making out
gwen:what wait tammy is girl i left her with duncan
noami:we got the ice
gwen:never mind that we got a problem
(gwen opens the room 9 door)
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: o_O
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
gwen:um... so were you guys um... well MAKING OUT!!!
naomi:that`s the problem
kell kelly:how dumb
gwen:no it`s not well were you
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: with him, uh NEVER!
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
duncan:your starting to act like courtney
gwen:i,m sorry i,m in a bad mood i don`t want to lose you duncan
all girls but gwen & tammy:aaaahhhh
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Serena:*waits at desk unpaitiently*UGH would he hurry up
Paul:*walks in with Sunny*
Sunny:Hey guys you can shut up now
Serena:*sighs* fine
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *walks out room*
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
*room 9*
naomi:you two can make out no one come with me i,m going to go see dj
trent:hi i,m trent i heard i got a new room mate are you it
noami:no i already got a room 9
trent:oh okay why are you out here for ice
noami:no i,m looking for deej
trent:i,m look for my new room mate and to ask out
naomi:i wouldn`t she`s in a bad mood
trent:thanks for the worning dj is over their
(naomi walks up to dj)
naomi:hey i came over here to make out some more
(naomi & dj start making out)
cody:did you see gwen or my new room mate
naomi:no and if you wanna ask out gwen she`s in a bad mood
cody:thank for the worning
(naomi & dj start making out again)
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *walks to beach*
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Serena:*walks up hall*could you two go any faster
Paul:God Serena i wonder why i call you my cousin
Sunny:i wonder why i call you my sister
Serena:ugh *walks up the hall and goes into room*
Sunny:wow she really pissed
Paul:Eh oh well you should get used to it *walks to room and enters*
Sunny:*Sighs and walks to room and enters*
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *changes into bikini*
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
dj:maybe we should take a break my mama making soup
(start holding hands)
*dj`s mom`s house*
mama dj:oh hey honey is that your girl friend
noami:ever since 2 hours ago
mama dj:ok here is some soup
(dj,mama dj & naomi start eating soup)
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *goes in ocean and starts swimming*
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
*dj`s mama house*
dj mama:be safe
noami:ok bye
bridgette:hi i,m bridgette who are you
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: hey i'm tammy! nice to meet you!
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
bridgete:almost every one here is in a relationship are you i mean do you have a bf
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: sadly no...
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Serena:*come out of room in swimwear and goes to beach*
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *humming to self*
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
bridgete:oh well i do here is this city total drama city you can get one
noami:hey tammy and who are you
bridgette:bridgette do you have a bf
noami:yep dj
noami:yep he went back to the hotel i came here cause i love to swim
bridgette:ok but tammy their are a lot of boys in this city infact 11 that i know of more people are comming
(bridgette start surfing)
naomi:what`s up tammy
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
(naomi see`s serena)
naomi:hi i,m naomi what`s your name
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: nothin much. *sees best friend comming*
jin: hey tammy.
tammy: *hugs him hey jin!
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Serena:Oh hi my name is Serena
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
naomi:um... remeber what we where talking about um... well
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Serena:well we were saying our names
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
naomi:maybe we see talk over here
(naomi pulls serena`s hair over their)
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *stops hugging jin* hey serena!
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
*To Tammy*HEY!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: o_O
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
noami:oh sorry *whipper to serena* tammy dosen`t have a gf
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago owenizzyx said…
noami:your right huh i wonder where dj is
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Serena:*eye twitches of annoyment*
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
jin: se ya. *kisses her and walks away*
tammy: *waves to jin and looks at serena* I'M NOT GAY EATHER!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Serena:*points to noami*she the one who said "tammy doesn't have a gf"so i rest my case
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
tammy: *glares at noami*
over a year ago TDITrentgirl6 said…
Hazel:*walks in the hotel* I'd like to get a room
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Dani:*Walks into the hotel; Earphones on. Listening to loud Metal.* Umm... Guy, Whatever. I'm here to check in.
Clerk:*Gives her a look.* Very well, You will be sharing a room with Two guys. Unfortunately there was no room for you to room with girls. *Smirks.* So, You'll be with Trent and Noah. *Hands her key.*
Dani:*Shrugs.* Alright. Whatever. *Walks over to the room; and knocks.+