Total Drama Island Total Drama Shore. ~TDS~

DanixxDumb posted on Sep 25, 2010 at 02:02PM
Welcome, To Total Drama Shore!
Here, You will create an OC and go through out many drama's in life. Just, Like Jersey Shore. You will be living in seperate Condo's. But, Im willing to let you have room mates if you want too. You will have to work to keep up with Money & Other nessecities. You Can interact with thd TD characters too.
1. No Killing!
2. PG-13.
3. If you want to date the same person, Than you Two work it out. I will not be a part of it. But, If it gets to bad then Yes. Be expecting to see me.
4. And, Most importantly... HAVE FUN!

Total Drama Island 506 replies

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over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Nikki:*Walks into her Condo.* Well, Its okay I guess. *Throws stuff onto her bed and starts to walk outside.*
Duncan: Oof. Hey—! Watch where your going! *Notices it's Nikki.* Oh, Its You.
Nikki: Brother. *Scowls.* What are you doing here?
Duncan: Hey— I have to look out for my Lil sister— Dont I? Besides.. Dad, Is freaking out.
Nikki: I don't care abou Dad, He can screw himself. *Mutters.* Just.. Don't.. Ruin this for me okay? *Looks up at Duncan.*
Duncan:*Sighs.* Whatever, Nikks. I'm just here for the Babes and parties. *Smirks;* See ya later. *Hugs Nikki & Leaves.*
last edited over a year ago
Nikki:*Walks into her Condo.* Well, Its okay I guess. *Throws stuff onto her bed and starts to walk o
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *walks in with her arms crossed* I can't believe you talked me into this, Bubbles...

Melisa: Cocoa, will you relax? Everything's gonna be fine. *sees Duncan and smirks* And you just might find yourself a man while you're here... *turns Rikki's head toward Duncan*

Rikki: What the hell are you-- *sees Duncan and blushes* Oh... *quickly hides behind Melisa*

Melisa: *giggles* You always were shy around guys.
Rikki: *walks in with her arms crossed* I can't believe you talked me into this, Bubbles...

over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan:*Smirks at Rikki as he leaves.*
Nikki:*Rolls eyes at the sight and smirks at Rikki.* Sadly..Thats My, Brother.. Duncan.
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Melisa: And that's my twin sister, Rikki. ... Any chance you'd be willing to help me set her up with your brother? I can tell she wants him; she's just shy.

Rikki: Melisa, knock it off!

Melisa: Come on; you know you like him.

Rikki: Well, I can't say for sure; I haven't even talked to the guy!

Melisa: You still like him, though, don't you?

Rikki: *blushes and turns away* Shut up...

Melisa: *looks at Dani and smirks* She wants him.

Rikki: I said shut up!

Melisa: *shakes her head* *thinking* Denial's her worst habit; I swear...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Dani:*Lightly laughs.* Sure.. Well.. I have to approve of her first.. Since Well.. He is my brother. *Smirks.* And, We're very protective of each other.
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Melisa and Rikki: Oh, we're that way, too.

Melisa: I assure you, though, Rikki's cool. She's generally nice, but when she gets mad... *shudders* ... Let's just say you don't want to get her mad...ever...

Rikki: Yeah...getting me mad isn't a smart move; I'd be in Juvie right now for beating the living Hell out of my ex-boyfriend if my best friend from back home didn't take the blame for me like she always does.

Melisa: Alexa's always in Juvie anyway, though; it's nothing new.

Rikki: *nods* Yeah... I feel guilty about it, but she insists on it every time, and she's just as stubborn as I am, so there's not much I can do. *shrugs*
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Dani:*Frowns.* Hmm... *Laughs.* Your Awesome! I strongly approve. Just... Don't really.. Um.. *Frowns again.* He's a player.. A HUGE one.. Just.. Be careful okay?
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki and Melisa: We've both dealt with players before; don't worry about it.

Melisa: *smirks* Ok, now that you've got a man, Cocoa, it's MY turn to find one...

Rikki: ... I still haven't talked to him.

Melisa: Yeah, but you're lovable on top of being totally bad-ass under all of your shyness; he's gonna like you.

Rikki: *blushes and looks down* ... I have my doubts...

Melisa: *shrugs* You always do.
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Nikki:*Half Smiles.* I'll talk to him—
Alexander:*Walks In; Holding a duffelbag.* Woah, Sorry.. Thought this was The Guys' Place.. *Smirks at Nikki.*
Nikki:*Rolls eyes.* Whatever. Get out. *Pushes him out.* See? That's what you do when you face the horrible Species.. Called.. The Douche.
(The Reason The Names Keep Changing. Is I keep forgetting my Characters Name Is Nikki and Not Dani. Which Is Usually what It Is! XD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki and Melisa: *nods* We've ran into people like THAT plenty of times.

Melisa: *looks at Rikki* We're gonna have to stop that...

Rikki: Before we start creeping people out? I know.

Melisa: Yeah...

DJ: *comes in and picks up Melisa's bags* You need help with these?

Melisa: *sees his and blushes* :) As a matter of fact, yes, I do, cutie... Thank you. *looks at Rikki and winks before walking off with her*

Rikki: *shakes her head* My sister's the biggest flirt in the family, I tell ya...
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Nikki:*Smirks.* I Can Tell.. Mind sharing a room? *Starts to put up Punk band posters; on One Side Of The Room. And Sets a stack of Screamo CD's on her bed.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: Yeah, why not? *puts her suitcases on the floor and puts a purple dog carrier on her bed* I hope you're not allergic to dogs... I just couldn't leave my little girl. *takes out her dog, Sparks*
last edited over a year ago
Rikki: Yeah, why not? *puts her suitcases on the floor and puts a purple dog carrier on her bed* I ho
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Nikki:*Shrugs.* Nah, Im Fine.
Duncan:*Walks In; Holding A BVB CDl.* Hey, Nikkz. Check this out..
Nikki:*Walks Over to Duncan.* What Is it?
Duncan:*Smirks.* Try and Reach It! *Holds it up higher.*
Nikki: Oh, C'mon! Duncan! *Snarls and Jumps.*
Nikki:*Jumps high enough to Get the CD;* Black Veil Brides?! How—?!
Duncan: Just a little, Present from your big bro! *Smirks widely.*
Nikki:*Raises an eyebrow.* This isn't..?
Duncan:*Scoffs.* Of Course not!
Nikki:*Smirks and Punches him playfully.* Jerk..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *blushes when she sees Duncan* *puts Sparks down and starts unpacking her stuff* *thinking* If I don't say anything, he might not notice me...
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan: Hey—! If you don't want it.. I'll just take it...
Nikki: No, No. That's okay. *Laughs.*
Duncan:*Notices Rikki.* And, Who's this? *Walks Over To Rikki.*
Nikki:*Secretly thinking: What am I? Stupid? I can never trust Duncan..* *Frowns to herself and Mutters.* Thats Rikki.
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *looks at Duncan, still blushing* Umm...h-hi... *thinking* Damn; I was hoping he wouldn't see me... I'm too nervous to even say anything.
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan:*Chuckles.* Im just human, Rikki. No need to be Nervous.
Nikki:*Mocks Duncan.* Im Just human, Rikki.. *Mutters.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: Yeah... F-Force of habit, I guess... *shrugs* I-I've been shy all my life...I-I can't help getting nervous around people...
over a year ago TDIfangirl said…
Vidia: Esper, please try to behave...*sees everyone* Hello..I'm Vidia Roberts..
Esper: And I'm Esper? Is at least one of the TD gang here?
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
Mary: *walks by singing*
Mary: *walks by singing*
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan:*Smirks.* How about we get to know each other, Rikks? A Date?
Nikki:*Thinking: Im Going Gag. Besides?! Rikks?! That's Basically my name. But with A R!* Well, If Anyone cares! I'm Leaving. *Glares at Duncan then Leaves.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iloveduncan6 said…
Mary: *stops singing and sighs*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *watches Nikki worriedly* Uh...not to sound bossy or anything, but shouldn't you go see if your sister's ok?
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan:*Shrugs.* Nah, She's always like that... So, How about that Date? *Smirks Widely.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *blushes and looks at her feet nervously* Umm... W-Well, I'm not sure if that's a good idea... *closes her eyes* Let's just say I have a bad past with a guy that was just like you...and I've kind of been paranoid ever since. I don't want to make you deal with that.
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan:*Rolls eyes.* I've delt with Worse... So..? What Is It?
Dani:*Walking On The Boardwalk; Looking for a Job. Bumps into Alexander.* Oof! Watch where your Going!
Alexander:*English Accent.* Oh, Uh... Sorry.
Dani:*Smirks.* Your the Guy who walked in on me and the Girls?
Alexander:*Recognizes.* Oh, Yeah!
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: ... *sighs* ... *tears up, but quickly wipes her tears away* I-I caught him cheating on me with my worst enemy... W-We had been together for 2 years, and he started seeing her in the beginning of the 2nd year.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan:*Smirk Falls into a Frown.* Oh, Um.. I'm sorry.. — I.. Didn't...
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *shakes her head* Don't worry about it; you didn't know. *wipes more tears away and picks Sparks up* *pets Sparks* You know what the worst part is? He thinks he has a chance of getting back together with me. He's been stalking me since the break up trying to get me back; I had to file a restraining order against him last year because he broke into my house.
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Dani:*Shocked.* Are you kidding me? You actually met Andy?!
Alexander: In The Flesh. It was remarkable.
Dani: Thats wicked, Awesome! So. Your from England right?
Alexander:*Nods.* London. The country of Pure Old School Punk Rock.
Dani: Ive gotta get a ticket to London. *Laughs lightly.* This was fun.. But.. I should probably get going.. I was looking for a Job.
Alexander: Really? Me too. There's this Music Store just next to That Clothing store.
Dani: Cool.
*With Rikks.*
Duncan: Seriously? *Shocked.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *nods* Yeah... *giggles a little* ... It was weird... I was asleep in my room, and I feel someone climb on top of me; the next thing I know, I see J.J. on top of me, looking like he was about to try and kiss me. ... *shudders* ... I kneed him in the crotch and tossed him off of my balcony after that...which might explain the concussion and broken arm he got; my room's on the top floor of my 5 story house... *shrugs and sits on her bed* Still, he kind of got what was coming to him.
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan: Woa, You must be Loaded—*Phone Rings.* H'ello? Seriously! Awesome! I'll see ya there! *Hangs Up then Looks at Rikki.* Um, That was my Bud Geoff. He's Visiting. I'll talk to you later. *About to leave; But Kisses Rikki's cheek and Leaves.*
Dani:*Walks through the doors.*
Duncan:*Smirks at Dani.* He—
Dani:*gives him a death glare.* Screw yourself—Here.— *Hands him the BVB CD.* I don't want it... Well.. From You. *Pushes him out of the door. And Flops onto her bed.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: ... Nikki...I didn't do anything to make you mad, did I? ... 'Cause if I did, I'm sorry...
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Nikki:*Thinks for a moment; Then Looks at Rikki with a simple Frown. And, Grabs IPOD; Putting her earphone in. And turning it up all the way. Mutters.* No, Your fine..
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: ... *picks up Sparks and walks out* She probably wants to be alone anyway. *keeps walking until she bumps into Alejandro* Oww! Watch where you're--! *looks at him and blushes a little* Umm...I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to... *looks down nervously* I'm sorry...
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Alejandro:*Laughs Lightly.* Its alright, Chica. No es un Problema. (Its Not A Problem.)
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: :) You speak Spanish... I'm actually fluent in Spanish and Italian myself... *shrugs* My mom's half of the family's all Hispanic, and my dad's family's 100% Italian...
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Alejandro:*About to Reply.*
Heather: What are You doing?! *Glares.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: ... I'm just talking, that's all.

Sparks: *growls and barks at Heather*

Rikki: *pets Sparks' head* Sparks, chill... I've got this.

Sparks: *stops barking, but still growls at Heather*
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Heather: This Is My, Boyfriend. Back, OFF!
Alejandro: Heather, We're Done! I've told you Billions of Times! Quando vas a tender? *Gives Rikki an Apologetic Smile.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *smiles at Alejandro* *thinking* Hot Latino vs. Bad-ass... Tough pick. ... I wonder if this guy's even really interested in me?
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Heather:*Scowls and Stomps off.*
Alejandro:*Smiles At Rikki.* Thats a wonderful; Dog. You have there. It can really sniff out la Perras.. *Refers to Heather. And Laughs.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *giggles and pets Sparks again* She's just really protective of me. *hugs Sparks* I've had Sparks here since my 6th birthday, and she hasn't left my side since.
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Alejandro: Que, Bonito. *Smiles.* I hope we can keep in touch..
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *blushes* Umm...y-yeah, sure... *slowly points to where her and Dani's room is* ... M-My room's there if you...i-if you want to t-talk to me... J-Just letting you know... *bites her lip nervously*
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Alejandro:*Smiles.* Its not going to be, Hard to remember your Face.. *Starts to back away; The Walks away.*
Dani:*Sitting bored; On one of the benches.*
Geoff: Dudette! Haven't seen you since.. *Counts in Head: I.. 3... 7..* Since.. That day! *Smiles.*
Dani: Um, Hi Geoff.
Duncan:*Notices Something.* Uh, Geoff? Can you go Get a sundae or something?
Geoff: Sure! *Runs off.*
Duncan: Alright.. What's up?
Dani:*Cocks an Eyebrow.* What are you talking about?
Duncan: You haven't acted like this.. Since Dad hung out with me more. Now.. What's up?
Dani:*Mutters.* Its Stupid. Really.
Duncan: Dani, Nothing you say is Stupid.
Dani: I was jealous.. You called Rikki.. Rikks... Which is basically Nikks. Which You call me. And.. You and Her were getting along so well.. I was afraid I'd lose the only person I actually don't hate. *Lightly laughz.* Stupid; Right?
over a year ago twilightrox43 said…
Joelie: *walks up silently, looking around, confused*
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Duncan:*Shrugs.* Actually, Not really. I mean.. Yeah.. Dad.. Hates us.. Mom.. Isn't so fond of You.. So.. I kinda get it. I'm the only one you actually trust and Think is the best.. *Smirks.*
Nikki:*Laughs and Punches him.* Whatever you say, Duncan. *Rolls eyes.* Just.. When you get hitched drunk? Don't forget about me, Okay?
Duncan:*Raises his fist and They do their Handshake.* Wouldnt, try too.
Nikki:*Stands up.* I gotta go, But—See ya later Kay?
Geoff:*Runs back with a cup of Rainbow icecream.* Dude! They have RAINBOW icecream!
Nikki:*Runs off to the Condo's and Bumps into Joelie.* Oof! *Falls.*
over a year ago DuncansMyLuv14 said…
Rikki: *sighs dreamily* *turns around but sees her sister standing behind her* Bubbles! O/////////O

Melisa: So... *smirks* You've got 2 guys on your arm now?

Rikki: *rolls her eyes, still blushing* I don't really know either of them...

Melisa: Who cares?! They both like you; I can ALWAYS tell who likes who, and both of those guys are SERIOUSLY into you! You've got BOTH of those hotties interested; I just know it!

Rikki: Yeah... Let's just hope a guy who plays guitar doesn't show up here; otherwise, I'll be trying for a 3rd.

Melisa: Well, don't worry; if a hot guitar player shows up, I'll take him off your hands. ;)

Rikki: ... Not if I've got anything to say about it. *walks away*

Melisa: ... *shrugs* Whatever. I'll have DJ wrapped around my finger soon enough; I don't need anyone else. ^^ *walks back to her room*


*A limo pulls up, and a door opens with Camielle in it*

Camielle: *smiles a little* I can already tell this place is crawling with hotties; I can't wait to find 'em. *giggles and starts walking with her bags in hand*
Rikki: *sighs dreamily* *turns around but sees her sister standing behind her* Bubbles! O/////////O
over a year ago DanixxDumb said…
Nikkii: Watch It- Will you? *Snaps. And, Walks away Bumping into Camielle.* Okay, Seriously?!
last edited over a year ago