Tunnels Series Updates

an answer was added to this question: When will closer come out,in the U.S.A? over a year ago by Kliktalica
a photo was added: The authors in Romania over a year ago by Glow
a poll was added: Who should Will end up with? over a year ago by Glow
a poll was added: Best family relationship? over a year ago by Glow
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by Glow
an answer was added to this question: Do u think there's any chance Drake its still alive? I just cant believe is dead... over a year ago by Glow
a question was added: Do u think there's any chance Drake its still alive? I just cant believe is dead... over a year ago by Mallymkun13
a poll was added: Have you read ,, Spiral ,,? over a year ago by jrd5
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favorite character? over a year ago by Lady_Rebel
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by ilovePattinson
a poll was added: Have you read "Closer"? over a year ago by Glow
a question was added: When will closer come out,in the U.S.A? over a year ago by 421purple