Twilight Guys Your Twilight Guy.....

luvrofedward posted on Mar 07, 2008 at 01:50AM
Ok so my guy is definitely Edward. I am of course speaking as if Edward IS my other half. First of all, HE'S A VAMPIRE! WHAT COULD BE BETTER! He resists my blood because he loves me so much. He's like my own little carry around AC. HE SPARKLES. He is over 90 years old, and still the gentlemen. He takes my breath away by just looking at me. He smells more delicious than any aroma. Wherever he touches leaves a tingling sensation. OMG, EDWARD! YAY!
Just one fangirls opinion. A very short opinion, he's just so great, words cant explain! WHY ARENT YOU REAL, EDWARD CULLEN!

Twilight Guys 53 replies

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over a year ago layla_14 said…
my is guy is JACOB for sure, he is amazing, he is the best, my heart stops when i think about him, he has my heart, there is no one like him, no one will ever be like him, I WISH JACOB WAS REAL!!!
over a year ago Heidi42 said…
My guy is Jacob even though dont get me wrong... I really do like Edward, but jacob is so outgoing and in the moment, spontanious fun loving and hard working and doesnt give up, and USUALLY has most peoples interest in his own mind. As much as I love edward he thinks to much into the future... And Jacob is tall... lol thats definatly a plus
over a year ago xxjoxx814 said…
Edward Cullen is deff. my guy, i dont feel like going into that much details, but I LOVE EDWARD. so i think that explains it all. mmkayy? byezz
over a year ago queenzigzag said…
if this is just edward v jacob, then EDWARD TOTALLY KILLS JACOB
however, i want to marry Jasper or James (he may be evil, but he the ultimate bad-boy)
over a year ago Gabitha said…
Me and Edward forever together, lol i love edward so he is 'my guy' lol i can only wish he were real! =) i wont go into all the details, just that i love him to bit (you should see my copy of twilight lol)
over a year ago I_love_Edward said…
Me and Edward will be together forever.I wish he ws real.He can sweet and can take care for me in any possible.I know I can count on him whenever I want.He's waited for me,and I love him for that.Edward,you are so better than Jacob in so many ways.
over a year ago twilightfan22 said…
well i have two guys that i love and cant chose between EDWARD and JACOB...i mean who else is there they are the best ...edward is well a vampire and jacob is like a wearwolf!!!!!!!!it cant get any better then that ...can it???well if they were real i would tottaly have them both as my bf....... well i can dream!!!!
over a year ago shequridas said…
i wish that all guys were like edward!.....wait not all guys cause you need bad ones like queenzigzagc said. :) My guys has to be Edwrad!!! all the reasons above comments!
over a year ago Lunatic said…
My favourite Twilight character is Jasper. He's just so sweet and caring and smart. *sigh* He's awesome.

I'm also on Team Edward, Jake needs to imprint.
over a year ago surfen_cutie09 said…
Jake does need to imprint and hopefully he will
becasue bella and edward were ment to be

omgg i love EDWARDDD!!!
over a year ago edwardcullen23 said…
Edward is the best but I really love Jasper. He is so interesting and is so cute.
over a year ago poisonfang said…
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
My guy is Jacob for sure. He keeps me in one piece when I'm sad, he warms my whole body just by giving me a hug, and he's not afraid to tell me the ENTIRE truth (ahem...EDWARD). He's loyal to his friends but still keeps my best interests in mind. And let's just face, it...

He's smokin' hot.
over a year ago cheergeek said…
Jacob. I LOVE Edward, but Jacob is my guy ^^
over a year ago vampire_love said…
edward is my guy. i would luv him for my whole entire human life. he is the best boyfriend ever!!!!
over a year ago zuntiz said…
Edward because... well he is Edward.
But then there's Japer too.
over a year ago i_luv_twilight said…
omg this is soooo hard cause edward and jacob r both soooo great! but if i had to choose i wood totally EDWARD!

I <3 Edward!
over a year ago Iloveedward12 said…
How come like everyone like Jacob? He is just so disgusting! If I think about I about puke. (Well not really)But Still! I would SO take Edward! He is so HOT that he is on FIRE! I dont know what else to say about him. My second choice would so be Jasper! He is so cool!
over a year ago dazeyl93 said…
OK I feel that I must go into an all out debate to get my point across. I do this with my friends all the time so I could probably give this speech in my sleep, anyway...
My guy is totally and completely for always JACOB! Now first let me explain that I don't think that Bella and Jake will ever be together in a million years. Yes I think that Edward and Bella will end up together because they are meant for each other. Having said that I just think Jake is an all around better guy. Not to mention he is like the best best friend any one could wish for.
OK example one... Edward is annoying, over protective and jealous. He suffocates Bella so much that the poor girl can't even go out with her human friends with out Edward having a fit. Seriously it's like I know you love the girl but let her a life besides you jeesh.
Example two...In New Moon Edward left Bella just because of his stupid insecurities. Because of him Bella went into like a four mouth depression. Come on, you don't leave a person like that knowing full well that they would easily give their life away for you. So when Edward left on his selfish little journey to Italy (which is a whole other debate in its self, don't get me started) who was there to pick up the tiny depressed pieces that were Bella? Jacob of course. Now I will admit that she did get hurt because of him, but atleast she was having fun and atleast she had a life for a brief amount of time.
Example Three... In Eclipse Edward just becomes a jealous little nut case. Come on, your poor girl friend is up on the top if a mountain and she gets cold. The only thing warm around is Jacob, and you're the coldest thing in Oregon. Seriously get over your petty problems, Edward, and think logically. Would you rather have your girl friend freeze to death because you couldn't get over your stupid jealousy complex. Now to mention that Edward gets Bella to talk about the wedding, KNOWING full well that Jake was listening. Not only did Edward upset Bella, he upset Jake, which in turn messed up their whole plan for Victoria. He put his whole family in danger just because he wanted the stupid satisfaction of seeing Jacob freak out. That is just selfish and mean and cold hearted (no pun intended).
I seriously don't know how Bella puts up with Edward and his big headedness. Jacob is so nice to her and she's not even allowed to notice because SOMEONE makes her feel totally guilty if she even thinks about Jake. Seriously she isn't allowed to go to La Push because it might be dangerous, she might die. But yet staying in a house full of blood thirsty vampires (including one that doesn't even have full control over his blood lust yet) is LESS dangerous than going to La Push?????????????? How demented is that. Edward just needs to get over himself and loosen the reins a little bit so poor Bella can breath. Because before he knows it she is going to suffocate and it will all be his fault and he will feel guilty and try to kill himself again, and it will not be pretty at all. It will just bring about a whole world of pain. I feel bad for Bella, and for poor Jake for not even getting the time of day.
over a year ago Avalenne said…
i agree with dazey193. my guy is definatly Jacob for all those reasons that she mentioned.
i also agree that Jake and Bella will probably never be together. i was kinda hoping that the next book would be in jacobs view and he would find somebody who deserves him. but looking at all the people who love edward and what i have heard about the fourth book, it will probs just be edward and bella obsessing about each other some more. no matter alice is cool so ill probably still read it :)
over a year ago timbitzk said…
over a year ago IHeartEdward123 said…
I definitely agree with dazey193 with Edward being over-protective and all, but it's good to be so protected when you're visiting a house full of vampires of which one isn't all "vegetarian" yet, and if you're with a wolf gang and one accidently turns on you, like poor Emily. Either way, he's only doing it for Bella.
In New Moon, me + my sister both agree that Edward left basically for Bella, so she can have a chance at a "normal" life. But when you know about vampires and werewolves, how can you?
In Eclipse, I think Edward was by far over jealous. If he doesn't want Bella to die, then why doesn't he let her live by letting Jacob warm her up? But I think it was cool when Edward told Bella that he beheaded a vampire and then she wasn't bothered, I would've freaked out and screamed!!! I feel sorry for Jacob but I feel the same for Edward. Like when Edward knew Jake was listening when Bella + himself wewre talking about the wedding and Edward knew, but when Jake tried to persuade Bella to kiss him and she did I was so upset for Edward. I personally thought she was going to go with Jake until I remembered how much she's willing to put herself through to be with Edward.
I think Mike + Eric + Tyler are very cool characters and thought Bella would've gone to the dance with Mike.
Emmett + Jasper are just something else. They're amazing, but not as much as Edward. I mean how can something so big be so kind?
Overall I think Edward is my guy. He seems perfect but over powering. I hope no glitches happen during the wedding!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fanpire101 said…
over a year ago wild-child11 said…
i love edward sooo much
i wish i was bella shes soo lucky
jake is cute 2 but edward kicks his butt!
i wish jake would imprint but i doubt it, hopefully im wrong tho...
over a year ago Rhianna1 said…
JACOB! I luv jacob. he is cute and strong. Just thinking about him makes my skin tingle. Edward is okay i guess but way to overprotective i'd take jake over edward any day. If i were Belle i'd let Jake imprint on me!
over a year ago vampgirlbella said…

p.s. to those of yo who said he isn't real

just cuz he's fictional DOES NOT MEAN HE IS NOT REAL

over a year ago CortneyO said…
i love edward.
the perfect guy.

and apparently they found a sasquatch so why can't he be real? =]
over a year ago musiclikelove said…
it's probably between edward and jasper....can't i have them both?
over a year ago goliegirl said…
edward cullen is deff. my man. i love him! i mean look at him who wouldn't?
over a year ago MAMASGURL78 said…
my guy has to be EMMETT....string, caring, and more importantly very funny. Come on he is the anyone would like!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago brattynemz said…
Edward Cullen, of course. But I like Emmet and Jasper too. :)
over a year ago crystalmarieex3 said…
Edward Cullen is like nothing ive ever imagined before. Although hes not real i'm completely in love with him. His beauty his will power to refrain himself from drinking from humans. The way he sees things. I just was he wasnt a fictional character & that there are guys out there like him in real life. *sigh* <333
over a year ago Lovesy21 said…
over a year ago Twilightella said…
I can't choose between Edward And Jacob!!
over a year ago amberloveszach said…
jacob is the cute one in the book and in the movie and i want him to bite me
over a year ago emmett1935 said…
Ok, I'm going to have to say Emmett. I mean really! He's the protector! He makes somewhat scary situations, bearable, comfortable (think of when Charlie came to visit after Bella ...) He's just an all around great guy, not to mention a smart a$$. Love him.

Now, I do agree. Jacob made a great FRIEND. He put Bella back together again, and when she thought she lost him, he tore her open. But she even said it didn't hurt as much, as when she lost Edward. So, Bella, even though she loved Jacob, she will always love Edward more. He's her other half. Jacob should have been her brother, not her lover.

If she had never met Edward, I'm sure she and Jacob would have gotten together. Maybe. Who knows? Edward was in her life and he was her true love. Her soul mate.

Ok, I'm done rambling.
over a year ago nessierox23 said…
Dude, mine is so Jasper!!! I've basically nicknamed the vamp. bros and Emmett is the friggin hilarious one, Edward is the friggin dazzeling one, and Jasper is the om friggin gosh one! Jasper can calm me any time, he is A VAMPIRE, he has an awesome background story, and he looks dangerous too! He's got like a million scars on him and they basically say he's untouchable which i love!

over a year ago bella_13 said…
my guy is jasper! he's mysterious and can caontrol my feelings, literally! he's not southern but, he's french without an accent!!! he has light sandy hair and he isn't that much taller than me. he has pale skin that contrat my olive tones and he dazzles me!!!!!
i love him so much!!!!! he had to leave for a little though =[ [just like edward in 'new moon'!]i love him so much
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over a year ago italiangirl976 said…
I like Edward too but I got to say Jacob. He's amazing
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over a year ago ggizzle said…
who cares their all gorgeous!! Edward Emmett and Jasper
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over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
my guy is jasper he is awsome
over a year ago kelseyrox97 said…
GUESS WHAT? EDWARD IS REAL. (haha) WELL anywayz he in all MINE. bite me edward!!! (lol) haaha
over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
My twilight guy is definitly Jasper
over a year ago moonlightgirl said…
Gotta say Jacob. Love Jake, the humor guy in Twilight. I mean, c'mon, if it was only Edward and the Cullens, humor would only exist with Alice and Emmett, which isn't too much.

Besides, Jake's threat to Bella and Edward's love life adds spice to the series, don't you think? If he wasn't there, Bella and Edward would only kiss and kiss and kiss...ew. I'd say a threat adds life to the story and Jake is definitely my type of Twilight Guy
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
Jasper is the most amazin! Ever!
over a year ago jacayla said…
My guy is JASPER!!!!!!!!!! He's half of me,I love him so much!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago jakelover1025 said…
i cant decide between JASPER & JACOB jasper has a band and is hot but jake runs around half naked all the time and is hot cant i have them both :(
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over a year ago Aila_Cullen said…
big smile
My Twilight guy is Emmett. He's sparkling, he can make me laugh and is freakin hot.
over a year ago mstwlight said…
Edward-i fell in love when i saw him on screen
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
i changed sides definitely. Jacob is better by a longshot!