Van Morrison Good Things About Islam and Muslims

Trumpist45 posted on Dec 24, 2017 at 10:06PM
I challenge any hipster creeps living in Portland to contribute to this forum. Now is your big chance to tell the world all the great things about Islam. Forget mistreatment of women and insane violence. Here you are.

Van Morrison 23 replies

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over a year ago Lipstick44 said…
I've got nothing. Remember, I lived in the Middle East and saw what women went through. Anyone in this country who supports the Muslim agenda hates women. All this coverage of this sexual harassment. I laugh when I think how many men in the Middle East think raping a women is some kind of jolly sport. And the police don't care. Forget sexual harassment in the west and do something about the anti-female culture of Islam if you want to help women. They bring it here and it upsets me as a woman.
over a year ago garygayblade said…
Got nothing.
over a year ago JTRipper1888 said…
Many Muslims are decent people. These are the ones who don't follow the Quaran which is essentially a violent book written by a maniac. Most Muslims aren't truly Islamic. Islam teaches violence.
over a year ago Tranzemokidd said…
I'm not political.i don't care if the whole world is Islam.makes no difference.i heart peace.
over a year ago Karl_Beitz09 said…
Good food I think. I like kebabs. I hate suicide vests though.
over a year ago BanDCoot said…
I read the Quran and a copy of the Haddith. Anyoine who believes Muhammed was elect of God is a complete moron. Muslims say he is the best man who ever lived. That violent perverted pedophile the best man? You would have to totally uneducated to think so. Oh, that's right, Muslims don't want anyone to get an education. They might get wise to Islam. I agree it is no better than Nazism.
over a year ago BanDCoot said…
As I look back on my post I realize I wasn't strong enough in my criticism. Islam is a terrible set of ideas. It discriminates against women, gays, Jewish people and anyone else who refuses to follow its teachings. If all the muslims disappeared overnight, think how peaceful the world would be. Luckily most muslims don't really follow the teachings of the nutjob mohammed. Most muslims are nominal. But I wish they would stay in their own countries. I am worried about how easily they become radicalized.
over a year ago Gassy_Gary said…
Dubai has great shopping! Thank you Mohammed!
over a year ago Poppi76 said…
I too was the victim of a gang. They were all good muslim boys going to the mosque of Friday and then raping English women on Saturday. They hate us. They hate us and want England. Over my dead body. They will never get England while I'm alive. I will fight them off with my last breath. I tried to get answers in my own case but the police said they could do nothing or they look like racists. The police are handing England over to those primitive ugly men. I wish I could destroy every mosque in England. It is an evil cult.
over a year ago Poppi76 said…
Mohammed was a man whore.
over a year ago Tab_Hunter said…
Define "whore"?
over a year ago BrexitNow3409 said…
Muslims are just like anyone else but Islam is a complete nightmare. What a terrible set of ideas. I wish it was illegal.
over a year ago Boydbird040 said…
Muslims have a right to express their ideas even if it is very negative and anti-women. I know feminists want Islam banned, but Muslims have the right to express their poisonous ideas.
Lars_Vorster commented…
I have changed. I will not let Muslims exercise their free speech rights to opress women and gays. Islam is toxic. We all know that. over a year ago
over a year ago KurzXanthos said…
You will all be cancelled. Your relatives will be cancelled. Then Fanpop will be cancelled because it has free speech.
over a year ago MachoMan888 said…
I think you've got it all wrong. Every thinking person on the planet knows Islam is a terrible collection of ideas. Hell, even Muslims know it's stupid. But the Muslim people are just like anyone else trying to look after their families.
over a year ago GuyStubb57 said…
Most are peaceful.
over a year ago MuslimsHateJews said…
you people are sick. we kill less people now. Islam will rule the world in 2100. No more women's rights then! Or gay rights! no more tansgender!
over a year ago JitteryJake said…
Give it up. Even if Islam takes over England I still will never say anything bad about Islam. That would be mean. Sure they mistreat women and hate gay people but they are such humble people. Yeah, some rape English girls. eLt's not point the finger at anyone.
over a year ago Fat_Van_Fan said…
we say no in Poland and they never come. they blow up cars.
over a year ago Boxer_Mellie said…
Let's all move on. Bananas are 13 cents in Trader Joe's in Tucson. Cheaper at some other places.
over a year ago CWForrest68 said…
When Islam takes over Britain the LGBTGI+ community will be put to the sword. Women will cover up and Love Island will go. If you hate gay peole then Islam may be for you !
5 months ago Geronta_Kleetz said…
There is so much secret homosexuality in Islamic countries. The men just shag each other so they won't get caught by Shariah police if they take on a girl. The women are so lesbian. It's tragic.
5 months ago shockjock88 said…
Islam is really dopey. Mohammed was a crazy fox. He stabbed people to death but then he visited heaven on a winged horse. No one believes that. Worst religion on the planet but they made it "illegal" to leave the religion. Good move for controlling people.