Van Morrison Prolific Album Output

Boydbird040 posted on Mar 13, 2018 at 03:54AM
Van has exceeded what's decent in terms of album output. What gives? Do we really want a new Van album every 6 months?

Van Morrison 8 replies

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over a year ago Tranzemokidd said…
I of course as one of the younger generation don't know what a unit is or was. No records, cassettes, CDs.... digital downloads all the way. Why buy albums when you can have the best two or three songs. You gotta admit I'm right.
over a year ago Lars_Vorster said…
I like all his albums. Not all gold standard but good songs throughout.
over a year ago Fat_Van_Fan said…
too much all this stuff. I buy some.
over a year ago ArlingtonKKK said…
He's part of the white male privileged patriarchy. I'd love Van more if he changed his gender and became authentic.
over a year ago FriarTuckerTime said…
I know what you mean but seize the day and start an online business. Anything. Rent boys on uber scooters. Pizza ice cream. Anything. Pet tubing. Automatic rotating wardrobe stands. Glue that explodes. Anything.
over a year ago CreepyJoeBiden said…
New ideas come and go. We all need testing. This vaccine fast track is slow in my opinion. He's gotta stop the flights from China. Today. Stop waiting. Do it now and that's leadership. Close all the stuff down. C'mon man 10 million people are dying each day. It has to stop Get tested and give samples. Lots of samples. We need this. Leadership isn''t a games.
over a year ago Dementia_Joe46 said…
Shut up. This is my wife Hunter !!
over a year ago KurzXanthos said…
Joe Biden isn't all there but he gained the most votes in history - 81 million. !0 million more than Obama. And now America is stuck with one of the poorest presidents ever. Terrible.