Van Morrison Everyone Has Questions About The Man. What's Yours?

KurzXanthos posted on Nov 18, 2020 at 08:58AM
When will Van come to Canada?

Van Morrison 18 replies

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over a year ago Satin_Angel said…
He likes maple syrup but he doesn't like ice hockey or nanny state socialism.
Pantsonfire909 commented…
Justin Trudeau is the biggest virtue signaller. His whole life is spent buying zany socks and lecturing others. over a year ago
over a year ago Normal_Joe said…
Do you believe in an afterlife? And where do aborted fetuses go?
over a year ago PCspeech_only39 said…
Stop calling him "The Man"! That just confuses the kiddies. This hate speech has to stop !!!!
over a year ago CopperD71 said…
Why does pressing on your eyes makes you see spots.?
over a year ago CopperD71 said…
What's Van's BMI? Anyone know?
over a year ago CopperD71 said…
Where did Van's DNA coding come from?
over a year ago Oxford_Don1612 said…
I want to know reading speed and IQ. Please provide.
over a year ago Satin_Angel said…
Questions? Like do you love your kids? Do you objectify women? What's your true gender? Why are there cave drawings of dinosaurs? Do you believe in aliens?
over a year ago Toby_Jugg11 said…
What do you think of the Left's cancel culture? Do you believe in free speech now that the left doesn't?
over a year ago Sugar_Bandit said…
Toby, I used to be a socialist like Pat Corley. Now I can't stand the left. They hate everyone with any kind of different opinion. I'm young but I'm not a moron. Cancel Culture is worse than cancer. Women seem to love it more. What do blokes think?
over a year ago CopperD71 said…
How does Richard Dawkins believe that nothing exploded and created everything?
over a year ago TikTok_KPop said…
Why do people care about Van Morrison? I like him better when he was fat.
over a year ago Iggle_Piggle79 said…
Will he ever get Them back together? I'd like to see a Them show.
over a year ago JodieCaddy101 said…
I love my green British isles. BTW, Van what is your hat size?
over a year ago Pantsonfire909 said…
Why does reincarnation sound so stupid? Who decided which animals were "higher" or "lower"? Buddhists are wack. Don't know what that means but I've heard members of the younger generation say it.
over a year ago QuaidJeffs84 said…
Is Van still alive?
11 months ago DavidMcConaghy said…
How Irish is Van? Seems to me he lives Anglo.
7 months ago Boydbird040 said…
What's a pressure valve?