Van Morrison Bang Records Rip Off Van Albums

cherry_blue posted on Jul 05, 2009 at 10:27AM
Aren't you sick of the yearly quota of Van rip off albums that spew forth from Bang Records? Van must hate that stuff put out in his name. Can't he just buy the masters? It's the same stuff repackaged three or four times a year. Then you have them all for sale on ebay with titles like "The Great Van Morrison", "George Ivan Morrison" and "The Bang Years" etc.

People buy them and then think Van's a lousy artist. What do you think?

Van Morrison 10 replies

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over a year ago Brodie_Thomas said…
The Bang recordings are terrible. Why doesn't Van just buy them?
over a year ago Frida79 said…
Yeah, he should buy the rights to them. Check on Ebay. You see hundreds of Van albums just rotating the 20 or so Bang songs. (There are another 20 songs which were incomplete songs handed to Mrs Berns to get out of his contract in 1967)
over a year ago Knight_Table said…
There are hundreds of these stupid albums made up from the same 20 songs. How long can people keep getting ripped off? Bang must be stopped! I think they enjoy trying to hurt Van's reputation.
over a year ago Reebus89 said…
Bang Records has on-sold the rights to those 25 songs to just about everyone. Bang Records is a joke. Van should get those songs back.
over a year ago Curl_Maxx said…
I agree with everyone here: Van please buy back the songs to stop all the crazy re-issues.
over a year ago Roosevelt said…
I wonder how many albums have been made from those few Bang recordings? It must be hundreds. I think I've seen at least a hundred mostly on ebay. Select VAN MORRISONon ebay and then pick lowest price and there they are.
over a year ago newlywed_game said…
terrible marketing ploy
over a year ago Dimitri040907 said…
bang sounds like a gun
7 months ago Bob_Badger said…
Streaming has killed the Bang albums.
3 months ago Open_Borders21 said…
The albums are all very good. Not enough diversity. But Van is a white man. Obvious.