Vergil Updates

an icon was added: vergil 2 days ago by blue-dimond
a wallpaper was added: vergil 13 days ago by blue-dimond
a photo was added: Vergil 15 days ago by blue-dimond
fan art was added: vergil and dante 16 days ago by blue-dimond
a video was added: Bury the Light - Vergil's battle Theme over a year ago by Britt601
a video was added: In The Mind of: Vergil over a year ago by Britt601
a comment was made to the article: Nero: The Alien over a year ago by Britt601
a comment was made to the fan art: Vergil over a year ago by Britt601
a link was added: Respect The Son of Sparda, Vergil (DMC) over a year ago by Rick_Raven
a video was added: My Thoughts on Death Battle's Sephiroth VS Vergil over a year ago by Rick_Raven
a reply was made to the forum post: Starfall Characters over a year ago by Midnina28