VFactory Updates

a link was added: v factory forever over a year ago by ILoveBTRand1D
a pop quiz question was added: What is Asher's middle name? over a year ago by askiluv
a pop quiz question was added: if Wesley could b a crayon, what color would he be. over a year ago by pquinn2013
fan art was added: Asher Book and Nick Teti over a year ago by myki
a poll was added: dose nicky t wear glasses over a year ago by pquinn2013
a comment was made to the photo: V Factory over a year ago by pquinn2013
a comment was made to the photo: Asher Book over a year ago by NikiBook
a question was added: Just wondering has anyone heard any of V Factory's songs besides the one available on iTunes? over a year ago by myki