Warner Brothers Animation WARNING: Be careful with this

TheCountess posted on Dec 07, 2007 at 02:23PM
A couple of weeks ago, I was looking at different Looney Tunes sites. I was looking for sounds and possible wallpapers. There's a couple of sites that I really enjoy, but there's some that I can't try to open without the computer giving me all kinds of error messages &/or shutting me down. I think this is just because it's an older computer and I can't update a lot of things on it due to lack of space (can't afford upgrades or new one).
WARNING for anyone else who surfs around...
I tried accessing a site called "One Foggy Site" @ onefoggy.tripod.com , and had major problems.
This site froze my computer up, and it started making all kinds of grinding noises. I even had problems trying to do a forced shut-down. Nothing would work, and the horrible grinding continued (not exaggerating about the way it sounded). I finally had to unplug the phone line and the computer to get it to stop. The computer has not worked correctly since. I can't even get it to run the defragment any more.
If you do check it out, hopefully you won't have the same problems, but I'd stay clear of it for your computer's sake.

Warner Brothers Animation 2 replies

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over a year ago House34 said…
thx 4 the warning
over a year ago TheCountess said…
you're quite welcome :)
I don't know if it still has problems, or even exists, but I'm sure not going to try to find out.