Winx Club Roxy Twinx Roleplay! Cloudtower!

lovebaltor posted on Jul 26, 2010 at 03:39PM
Dark hallways,Witches at every corner,and haunted libraries.1 word 2 describe it all:Creepy!

The Twinx must do certain missions to recieve their Tristezzitix.A form that will allow them to work better in Dark,gloomy places like Cloudtower.
2 receive their Tristezzitix,they must complete one of the following tasks that r both deadly and very dangerous:

Curse of the Library:The girls must find a group of girls that have been trapped in very dark spellbooks in the Deadly Library.

May the best Witch win!:The girls must stop and find the cause of a huge fight between the Freshman and Senior Witches.Spells flying everywhere,I wouldnt like 2 b there...

The Deadly Labyrinth!:Different passageways,everywhere.Which 1 2 take,will decide ur fate.The girls must find 3 witches who have been lost in the Labyrinth b4 something else does...

Goblins,Ghouls and Wherewolves!:A very dangerous mission.4 girls have been kidnapped by some dangerous ppl.And 2 top things off,1 of them is a Wherewolf.The girls must find them b4 its 2 late...

last edited on Jul 26, 2010 at 03:40PM

Winx Club Roxy 23 replies

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over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Roxy:*Walks in and shudders*Boy this place is creepy...
Athena:I agree...*Flutters closer 2 Roxy*
Roxy:*Looks at lists of missions*Which 1 should we do-
Athena:WATCH OUT!*Ducks*
Roxy:*Ducks b4 a strong spell could hit her*Where the heck did that come from?!
Senior Witch:Ur lucky I miss-fired freshman!Or the headmisstress would have had 2 scrape u off the wall with a spatula!
Gang of Senior Witches:*Laughs at their friends joke*
Junior Witch:Ha ha,very funny! I've seen Ogers fire better spells than u!*Sticks tongue out and runs off into a Dark Hallway*
Senior Witch:Y u little-Come on girls!
Group of Senior Witches:*Nod and runs off after the junior witch with their friend*
Roxy:*Blinks*Wow,this is going 2 b harder than I thought...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Noel:hey whait for my! in sea we don't have so skary places!
Melody:Agree!*sees spider*help my I bin atackt by 6 legs big monster!*runs but don't see where.get's in mision calld The Deadly Labyrinth.*okey guys no jokes!I am really skared!*nobody answers*this must be one of the misoins.hum.labirint oh men I didin't what this mision!I better whait.meybe sume onother twinx will come.
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Roxy:Where did Melody go?
Athena:I think she got scared of the spider and ran off!
Roxy:*Transforms and looks 4 her*Melody!U here!*Looks 4 at least 30 minutes and still doesnt find her.Gets back with Noel and Athena*I dont know where she could have gone off 2,I hope she'll b ok...
Athena:Dont worry Roxy!Melody is strong!She can help herself in any situation!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Noel:hey meybe I cud use my new power and find her?
Bubble:you are right!
noel:*teleports to melody*hey melody we wur searhing for you!
Melody:noel?! you came to this mision too?
Noel:mision?!we are in mision?
Melody:yeah!I tryed zoomix but i can't teleport beck!
Noel:I will try!*trys to teleport.*no use!I can't. I will try to conect whit Roxy by using telepatink!(roxy?roxy!listen my and melody are in mision whit labarinte!thake bubble whit you so she wud be safe!and be carfull this place looks way creaper on misions!)I tryed meybe she got it meybe not
over a year ago TDWC_lover said…
Gwen: *looking around* ough! I hate this place
Nimfea: me too...everything is so...creepy
Gwen: *looks at Roxy* hey Roxy! where are the others?
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Bloom:ugh this place is just like I remember it only icy Darcy and stormy are not here...
Lockette: it's also very dark here...
Beast Boy: witches...I hate them!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Roxy:I agree,I think that we should just get one mission done at a time...I think that we should do the 'May the Best Witch Win!'Mission.I find that 1 well-ur-the 'easiest' on the list.
Athena:As long as I wont get blasted,Im in.
Roxy:What do u think girls?Which one should we do 1st?
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Hailee:*whimpers* okay not to loose my words but this IS FREAKING CREEPY I MEAN WHATS UP WITH THE WALLPAPERS ITS LIKE DRACULA ALL OVER AGAIN AND THE PLACE MAT UGH IT NEED SOME WORK TO DO GOSH I FREAKING HATE HATE HATE HATE IT UGH I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO SAY okay i'm done *see a small little bug* AHH!! *jumps in Roxy arms* oh sorry *laughs nervously and gets down from Roxy arms*
Glim:Patoota (translation:You are such a scardy cat)
Hailee:I am not
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Noel:I don't think sumebody will come Melody.let's go.if sumebody will come we will leve a mesage *creats big dark blue wall*if sumebody will come it will say:Noel and Melody are in the labirint if you need us give us telepatink mesage!bey!.and then it will disapear!
Melody:If I wudin't be skared I wud be happy.*goes in to labirint*noel you now...meybe you should give me your hand so we wudin't get lost.noel?!*looks bihaind her*there is nobody here!Noel!Noel!don't joke in here!
Noel:*in onother side of labirint*hey melody!melody!well I think I will need to get out of here all by my self.*crys and starts to skrem*why I am afraid to be alone?!*get's up and starts walking*I must be strong!If meybe I cud make my own way to the end.water beam!*attack toches labirint wall and get's beck to noel and hit's her*ah!!okey thet means I must get out like normal human.
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: I dont like this place! everything is so dark and creepy!
Jolly: I agree *gets behind Terra* just choose a mission and lets get this over with!
Terra: ok...I think the mission Roxy said its a good option...
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Roxy:Thnxs Terra,well,I think that the others r pretty dangerous,so,lets just do the Witch 1...*Starts walking*But which way 2 go?
Athena:I suggest we go 2 where u see the most blast burns,shouting and others.
Roxy:Good idea!*Starts flying looking around and soon spots a hallways filled with blast marks and students running and firing*Well,I guess thats the right way.*Swallows and flutters 2 that spot*
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Hailee:*Follows Roxy and stop at the entrance* *Laughs nervously* uh..... no......*Backs away a little bit* oh gosh this is scary *looks at a rat and screams* THEY HAVE RATS IN HERE! *Runs away to a unknown place and room* okay i'll be sav- *Books flying every where* epp! *hides* and to think my day was getting worst ugh!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: Hailee! wait! we cant be separate! we already lost Noel and Melody!
Jolly: she is already gone...
Terra: ough great!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Roxy:*Turns around*Hailee's gone now 2?!Thats just great!*Spell barely misses her.Rolls eyes*Who fire that spell?!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Noel:water beam.
witch:hey watch where you attacing.
Noel:sorry I wus skered.
witch:I think you need to find my. let's get out of here.
witch:whatch out!*makes stange barier*stofini dragon?!
Noel:what a heg is this?
Noel:I am a fairy! I never run whitout a fight!twinx bilievix!Water beam!*misses attack*how did I miss?it wudin't happen agen!poisin water!*hit's him but not wryly much*okey now let's fly!!
Witch:I am new here I can't fly then let my help you.Twinx speedix!*cathes witch and flys wryly fast*I think we flyed so long that it wudin't find as for sume minits.hey I still don't now your name.
witch:my name is artene.what is yours?
Noel:I am noel fairy of water and princess of dark blue pearl at andros ocean.
Artene:wow big let's get out of here.*sees exit*hey look it's an exit!*runs near it*ah!!!*monster get's artene*
Noel:let her go!legand of mermaids!what?
Artene:he don't have eny ears!
Noel:that's new!how should I destoi him?!
Artene:you must tikle it!
Noel:what?! where?!
Artene:his abdomen!
Noel:this must be worf it!*tikles but nothink happends.artene get's such in his body*artene!*tikles it agen.*it works!*monster disapear*artene!are you okey?
artene:yeah but monster deleted our exit. now we need to find a new one!
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Bloom: well let's get searching...
over a year ago 30degrees said…
Faina: ough I dont like this place...lets look for Hailee,Noel and Melody but we better dont get apart or someone else will get lost!
over a year ago Ember89 said…
Bloom: yeah let's find them before some witch does!
over a year ago TDWC_lover said…
Gwen: agree! lets go!
over a year ago Stellawinx4eva said…
Hailee:*Books calm down a bit*okay....that was totally random*tries to open door but its locked* Oh joy its my lucky day *Walks around*
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Melody:get beck you stupid rat!!
Witch:*runs sumewhere and changes her form*stop atacking my!!
Melody:you can talk?!
Witch:I am a witch of changes.
Witch:oh my father is prafesor wizgis in pixies school!
Melody:we are not pixies we are fairys!
Witch:what ever!tell my whats your name?
Melody:I am melody fairy of water and music.
Witch:I am angelika witch of changes and sand.
Melody:I ges you are the witch I need to find.
Witch:ges so. now let's find the exit.

Whit Noel and artene:

Artene:*heres a witch skreeming*milinda!!
Noel:Who is milinda?!
Artene:let's run to her now I will tell you all later!
Noel:agen whit speedix?! oh men.Twinx speedinx!heng on my!*flyes wryly fast. get near milinda*
Artene:milinda!!? are you okey?!sister?!?!!
Milinda:a monster a monster attackt my he wus so bigg and ugly!

P.S.:milinda is the third witch.does sumebody will come to this mision or not if yes I will leave milinda.
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Roxy:Well,might as well try 2 stop the fight...*Flies over*
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Noel:I don't see enything!!