witch spells Updates

a comment was made to the article: Become a cat spell over a year ago by Mintsplash
a comment was made to the article: 10 MERMAID SPELLS!!!! over a year ago by DiamondMerman
a comment was made to the article: Talk to cats spell over a year ago by RavenEbonyBlack
a comment was made to the article: 3 easy good luck spells over a year ago by Plykins
a question was added: well it is not really a question but I would like to share a little story with you over a year ago by furrybear
a comment was made to the article: Mermaid Spell over a year ago by mermaidperlin
an article was added: Mermaid Spell over a year ago by MermaidNicole
an article was added: Channeling an animal spell over a year ago by rouge_the_bat_1
an article was added: Talk to cats spell over a year ago by rouge_the_bat_1
an article was added: Prophetic Dream Spell over a year ago by rouge_the_bat_1
an article was added: Become a cat spell over a year ago by rouge_the_bat_1
an article was added: 10 MERMAID SPELLS!!!! over a year ago by rouge_the_bat_1
an article was added: 3 easy good luck spells over a year ago by rouge_the_bat_1