Wrestling The LWF

LWFste posted on Dec 11, 2012 at 09:22AM
Hi guys,

Are any of you tired of Facebook being boring and everybody on there being boring and everybody's statuses involving what they had for breakfast or cryptic digs at people they don't like?
Well if you love wrestling and particularly liked the attitude era, please come and join our growing fanbase at the Leyland Wrestling Federation in the north of the UK.
All our storylines are played out across Facebook and we have a week show called Monday Night Mutiny, live from the backyard, and monthly shows, the recent one being LWF Northern Warfare.
They are professionally produced and feature tongue-in-cheek commentary from JR and The King.

Here's the fangroup.


Our latest show :


We mention our most vocal fans on our shows to involve the LWF universe lol

Look forward to seeing you all, and happy holidays to everyone :D


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