X-Men Thoughts on Logan...

yevrah6 posted on Apr 20, 2017 at 02:04PM
I'm writing a review of the film logan for a local magazine. I was wondering if I could get some peoples views on the film logan to quote in the article. Anyone who responds will likely be featured in the article and I can send you a link to the article once it is published. Just any thoughts on whether the film was a fitting final entry for the character and how it stacks up against other X-Men films would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.

X-Men 3 replies

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over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
What specifically do you want to know about Logan? If you can think of a few specific questions, it might be something easier to get a quote out of. I can give a vague review, but it would be just that. Vague.

Also, as awesome as this spot it, it's not necessarily the best for a quick response from fans. There's only two of us that come into this spot semi-regularly, and only myself that comes to check it out daily. As much as I love this site, it's dying. For a quicker response from fans, try the Marvel: X-Men group on Facebook. There's plenty of fans there that can give you a good quote or ten. :D

Good luck with your article! Even if you don't use any quotes from us on Fanpop, I'd still like to read it. Please share when it's finished.
over a year ago yevrah6 said…
Hi there. Thanks for your response. You sound like just the sort of person I would love to get a quote from. Clearly you are dedicated to the x-men series and I would be happy to provide a few specific questions for you.
1.) How do you feel the film 'Logan' holds up compared the rest of the x-men franchise?
2.) Do you feel the film's R rating helped the film or do you think it may have got a wider audience with a lower rating?
3.) How does the film feel compared to the storylines it seems to take inspiration from, specifically the 'Old Man Logan' seires?
4.) Are there any aspects of this film which stand out compared to other films in the franchise? (e.g. does the action or acting or whatever, feel better in this film than others)

Thanks for your help and I will be sure to post a link to the article once it is done
over a year ago x-menobsessed26 said…
Thank YOU for responding back, and for doing so quickly, for that matter. A refreshing change in the atmosphere of Fanpop.

To answer the first question, it's hard to compare Logan to other films connected to the X-Men because it is so different. From the beginning of the film, you know it's going to be something different, and not just because the level of violence and language is increased, but because there's truly more emotion there. Logan allowed itself to dig deeper than the previous films had allowed. The X-Men have been noted throughout their careers for not just focusing on the big, bad guys and the fights, but also how the X-Men deal with that. They show how hard it is to be a superhero.

This film didn't pull punches. It allowed us to see how the events of the past, despite how vaguely they were described, had created deep emotional distress within both of the surviving X-Men.

To continue into the next question, the main difference this film had vs. the others in the series was that this one wasn't trying to appeal to a wider audience. This movie had a story to tell and wasn't going to sacrifice the ability to tell it in order to lower its rating and gain a larger admission pool. Yes, it could have gotten a larger audience if it had lowered its rating, but it would have demolished the story it was trying to tell, making it have less of an emotion impact. It's almost the opposite of what happened to Deadpool. With Deadpool, they knew they had to give it an R rating or they wouldn't be able to put a Deadpool on screen that the audience they were targeting would want to see. They increased the rating and it became the highest grossing rated R film of all time.

With [i[Logan[/i], the line is a little different. The X-Men with their cartoons have tried to appeal to younger audiences for decades, creating content within the comics that can be enjoyed at all ages, generally targeting a teenage crowd, but allowing enough wiggle room for those a bit younger and much older to enjoy as well. Wolverine is a favorite amongst kids and has been for ages. It's why he is the most advertised of any of the X-Men characters, and why to date he is the only main X-Men character to get solo films. He sells.

Some parents would argue that almost no incarnation of the man with the metal claws is appropriate given the amount of slice and dice violence he tends to cause, but the mainstream comic universe and cartoons provide just enough bad guy punching without gore to get away with it. However, there are some versions of Wolverine, and the X-Men, that aren't child appropriate and aren't meant to be. This includes the popular Ultimate Marvel universe, but also includes Old Man Logan.

Old Man Logan and the film Logan are incredibly different in the details, but the main story is still there. Beware, because there are spoilers ahead.

In the universe of Old Man Logan (which I am going to abbreviate as OML from now on, for my sanity's sake), the supervillains have taken over the world, killing all of the heroes except for a select few who escaped the slaughter and are in hiding. The slaughter started with an attack on the X-Mansion by what appeared to be fourty supervillains. In actuality, it was an illusion created by Mysterio, and the perceived villains were actually the X-Men and he had slaughtered them. This destroyed Logan, causing him to flee and try to commit suicide. In Logan, the mutants have all been wiped out by the humans (the villains of this story), sparked by Charles losing control of his telepathy in what is known as the "Westchester Incident". This is where a seizure by Charles caused the deaths of many people, including all of the X-Men except for Logan and Charles himself. This sparked mutant outrage and caused the almost extermination of the species, except for the lucky few who have gone into hiding. Again, this was a gut punch to Logan, and to Charles, who had both lost whom they had loved most : The X-Men.

In both realities, this incident impacts Logan profoundly, causing him to almost lose his Wolverine anti-hero persona and become much more withdrawn and cynical. Both realities are also much more violent than a mainstream comic reader or movie watcher would be used to. The art from the comics and the cinematography from the film are incredibly similar and beautifully executed. In both realities, Logan has a package he has to deliver, and the route there is dangerous, almost impossibly so. There are so many similarities that people who like the film will love the comic, but so many differences that you will feel like you are on a much different story than that which had been presented.

The movie was not perfect by any means, but it wasn't trying to be. The best thing for me was the struggle between Logan and Charles. Logan hates Charles for what he did to the X-Men, but loves him as his only surviving friend and can't NOT try to help him, even if it allows him to be continually reminded by what happened to his surrogate family. That level of pain has only been touched on in the other films. X2 : X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand both tried to show the level of agony Cyclops felt over his lover's death, but fell short in trying to appeal to mass audiences and attempting to rush a story line too big for one film. X-Men: Days of Future Past tried to make us understand the gravity of the situation at hand and the struggle for Charles to continue helping others, but again, fell short of the impact it needed to go from good to great because it tried to appeal to mass audiences and fit a story line too big for one film into one. See a pattern here? You can experience the same in X-Men: Apocalypse with the destruction of Magneto's family, in X-Men Origins: Wolverine with the loss of Kayla Silverfox and his memories, and in X-Men: First Class with Magneto's torment at the hands of the Nazi's.

Logan didn't feel as rushed, it didn't feel forced, and allowed itself to be what it was. An emotional send off for an iconic character.

If you have any other questions you want answered, if you want be to elaborate, or anything else, please just let me know.