Yellowstone - General Discussion [Spoilers!]

DarkSarcasm posted on Jun 22, 2020 at 03:15PM
Since I'm not the only one in here anymore, figured we could use a forum to discuss the new season. =D

I'd recommend staying outta here unless you're caught up. It's gonna get spoilery.

Yellowstone 72 replies

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over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Wait, did I... did I like 4x06? A lot??

I saw your post in my updates few hours ago and have been going crazy since, 'cause I wanted to look SO BAD but I don't usually get to watch the eps until Monday night and didn't want to spoil myself. XD

AVERY! I was so happy to see her again. But I'm wicked bummed about Teeter. She ain't cause no drama! Fuckin' barrel racers. (Hey Sheridan, since you're so into spinoffs, let Teeter and Avery start a Lady Ranch! XD)

I really like Kayce and Monica's new house. Why didn't they think of getting Tate a dog earlier? And LOL @ Tate liking Avery.

Ohhh Jamie. I am also unable to hate Will Patton, so I can't really blame him, but Jamie's gonna have suck it up and shoot him at some point.

LLOYD!!! Oh my god, I've wanted to smash that freakin' guitar since the first strum. (Did Lloyd actually stab him, or did he throw the knife? I'll have to watch closer next time.) I am so grateful that Lloyd's still alive. And I love him hangin' out with the kid. More of that, please. Send Walker to 6666. He can be boring with Jimmy. ;)

I think the bunkhouse boys would've done the same to Walker, if he'd started it. I don't think they're loyal to Walker, I think they're worried about Rip finding out they didn't nip another fight in the bud.

I agree about Rip showing some emotion. Finally. And I really like Beth's wedding plan. And OMG @ her meeting the hippie. That was amazing. XD
last edited over a year ago
FanArtLover commented…
Lloyd probably threw the knife still the prick deserved it.. XD over a year ago
DarkSarcasm commented…
Dammit Lloyd! Why'd you have to buy him a new guitar?! It was so peaceful for a minute! XD over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Wow, great Tim McGraw fanvid starting 4x07, and sooo glad Walker got another guitar, all this whiny country singing taking up entire scenes doesn't feel like filler at all. [/deadpan] You get the feeling that maybe the whole guitar-smashing was just set-up for a new product placement deal-io? I'm onto your tricks, Paramount!

"I just jacked off a horse." Well that's a TV first. X'D Jimmy looks like a whole new person now... but time not spent in Montana still feels like a waste.

What did NOT feel like a waste was gettin' Teeter back. There may have been tears. Who can tell. XD But YAY TEETER! Welcome home. <3

Really disappointed that they've turned Avery into a pathetic love-sick puppy, though. She's better than this.

Beth siccing the hippies on the developers was very well played on her part, and I'm glad bringing them in had a purpose. But what she and John did to Jamie in the end? You guys are such dicksssss.

Also: Why is Laramie still in the bunkhouse? Was she not told to vacate the premises?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FanArtLover said…
This episode was good for the most part...

When Beth went to the meeting and saw everything that was going to happen to the town and the ranch was priceless for me. I hope she gets put in a hard place and can't get out of it for once.

Lloyd giving Walker the new guitar was really a great scene and for me it showed that he was and is the bigger man out of the two.

I am thrilled that Teeter fought for her place in the bunkhouse and showed the brand to make John eat crow. Laramie doesn't have the brand so I think Walker is sneaking her in without Rip or John knowing it.

The scene with Jamie/John/Beth at the Governor press conference ofc pissed me off. I'm beyond tired of all of the family hate towards him, it's getting old fast. Knives being thrown at Jamie from every angle was hard to watch. The thing John and Beth don't realize in my opinion this could get really ugly since Jamie's bio dad put the hit on them.

Avery isn't as good of a character as she was on the ranch, now she acts like a love sicken teenager, boring....

Jimmy jacking off a horse was probably my favorite scene of the night. I kinda like the girl that he's going to take for dinner she seems better than Mia.

With only 3 episodes left I'm interesting how the season will wrap up...
DarkSarcasm commented…
Agree on everything. over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I would like to thank TVLine for making me panic and obsessively avoid anything Y-related all day with this headline. Holy crap, they killed... the pain-in-the-ass sheriff who was in the show so little, I never bothered to remember his name. I thought it was gonna be Jamie. You dicks!

(But I'm really glad it wasn't Jamie. Who is really stressing me out.)

Thought it was gonna be Rip for a minute. 'Cause he was such a calming force in the house, of course it's time for something to go wrong. LOL @ Beth's face when she realized she could just... eat elsewhere?? Wow. XD

I was less annoyed by the 6666 time this ep, 'cause it was amusing, and I like Vet Girl much more than Barrel Racer. But I still think a show called Yellowstone ought not spend so much time away from the Yellowstone. =P

I am getting so sick of 1883 scenes in Y. How does the cold open tie into the rest of the episode? Could this not be covered in 1883, which is literally its own show now?

On that note: Did you watch the pilot? I did, and didn't really care for it, but didn't realize until later it's because I didn't like any of the characters. The daughter could probably become tolerable, but ugh @ the rest of them. The characters are what drew me into Yellowstone. They're why I'm still watching. I'll probably still binge 1883 after it's out - Mayor of Kingstown too - but *screams into pillow*
I would like to thank TVLine for making me panic and obsessively avoid anything Y-related all day wit
over a year ago FanArtLover said…
Good episode for the most part again.

1883 at the beginning made no sense other than maybe it was the ranch that the cabin was on? Where Beth and Rip used to live? Either way *yawn*

As much as Christina annoys me I agree with her on Jamie fighting against John for Governor. Jamie calling John "This should be interesting" irritated me because in the past Jamie wanted to stay on the ranch and work along side his dad he never wanted to go to school to be a lawyer so for me it's actually John's fault more than Jamie's.

What's the name of the show again 6666, 1883 or Yellowstone? Last I checked it was Yellowstone but it hasn't felt like it since Jimmy left for 6666 so just send him back to YS and stop with the stupid 1883 crap.

Beth whines like a child over everything lol a stupid table I guess is another to put on the list. "Cake & Steak was a quote for the week for me.

I was surprised they killed off the sheriff but I guess they had to add some action somewhere in the show this season.

Jimmy in the shower XD

I did watch 1883 I actually didn't mind it Sam Elliot probably helped me get through it. It seems slow so I'm hoping it'll pick up with future episodes.

The preview shows John and Garrett come face to face I'm really interested in how that conversation will go or is John just going to kill him.....
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
4x09 was one of the better episodes of the season.

I loooved the bunkhouse scene. Rip looked so proud of his little hustler. XD Rip and the kid bowing out of dinner was good too. Whatever @ John & Beth Issues. Surely some impending tragedy will bring them back together in the finale. Loved the riding lesson cold open too, so cool to have an opening scene actually set on the Yellowstone in the present time. Even Kayce's story was interesting in this ep. The hell?

Kinda want to just grab Jamie by the shoulders and shake him and ask why he keeps putting himself through all this miserable political shit. Did he actually want any of this before someone told him that he wanted it? Dude, just drop it all and live a peaceful ranch life, you will be so much happier. Oh, and Red's gotta go.
over a year ago FanArtLover said…
4.09 I really liked this episode

- Jimmy leaving the 6666 makes me happy I just hope he chooses Emily and not Mia.

- Jamie is in this because of John, a few seasons back in a flashback Jamie said he wanted to work on the ranch like his dad and John made him go to school to be a lawyer for the ranch. If John would've let Jamie just stay like he wanted none of this would have happen, imo.

- I enjoyed John lashing out on Beth, it's about time he went off on her like he's done so many times towards Jamie. So many people in the fandom are worried about Beth and Rip because of the guitar scene and I'm not because she was crying not making out with Walker when Rip saw them and he knew Beth was in for it so he just let her have her cry.

- Rip and Carter were probably my favorite scene of the episode, he's really a mini Rip lol.

- John seeing Garrett at the cafe "You could have told him or them the truth" I want to know what else John left out. I am hoping there's some kind of family relation either with Phyllis of Garrett to the Dutton's. It would make so much more sense on why they adopted Jamie.

- Previews for the finale, John said he's tried not to love Jamie as his but he can't so part of me thinks he's going to pull out of the governor spot and let him have it. I really interested in where that is going to go, I might be wrong who knows.

There's going to be so many loose ends after the finale.....
over a year ago FanArtLover said…
Season 4 Finale - Good for the most part.

- I loved hearing Carter call Beth Mama but her reaction was wrong I would have liked her to embrace it even if it was just a little not shut him down like she did.

-Jimmy being engaged to Emily was great, the cat fight between Emily and Mia was priceless. I'm sad to see him leave the show but if there really will be a 6666 show I'll watch him on there.

- Beth meeting the guy that did the hit on the family was interesting. I was expecting her to kill him with a bomb or something.

- The wedding was okay it seemed like something she would do to cover her tracks with what her now former boss said about sending her to prison.

- Beth showing up in Jamie's office with the 3 options. I think he made the right one, killing Garrett was the right call. I just hate how she always has something over him. Fans actually think Jamie has the upper hand because of the picture, idk it would be a good storyline for next season.

- Kacey's wolf storyline was boring for me, maybe if we saw what he saw I would have liked it more. I did enjoy the return of Lee!

- John asking Beth if he lost a son today was kind of touching that he showed some real feelings about possibly losing Jamie.

I would have liked a good cliffhanger for the ending and I just feel we didn't get something to be excited for next season to start. Just my take.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
First off, LEE!! Yup, still my favorite Dutton. Creepiness and all. XD Agree on giving us SOMETHING about Kayce's final vision, though. I'm guessing "the end of us" means civilization, like John predicted, and not the end of him and Universally Beloved Wife and Super Normal Not-Annoying Son. Tragic.

I loved 4x10. Like, almost enough to make up for the rest of this disappointing crossover-filler-wtf season. Feels like they tried a hard course-correct at the end, and hopefully they can maintain it next season.

My favorite parts involved the bunkhouse crew, so there definitely needs to be more of them next season. The catfight was amazing. (All these chicks fighting over Jimmy? I am as puzzled as Ryan and Colby. XD) I liked Jimmy more in this ep than all previous eps combined, and won't even bitch about having to follow him to the 6666 spinoff. Much. =P And NO, YOU CAN'T MAKE LLOYD CRY!

Not-so-favorite parts... Jamie constantly falling into EVERY SINGLE ONE of Beth's traps. I feel bad for him (and for the loss of Will Patton) but damn bro, you gotta be THAT easy to manipulate?

I agree about the "Mama" scene. *flings a pitchfork at Beth* Her meeting with Killer Man was strange... why all this talk about smuggling weapons? I figured she was either going to arrange to have Summer offed, or give Killer Man a weapon and have him call Jamie back. (I had that part typed before I read your wedding/prison theory.) If the conjugal/weapons questions were for her and Rip... how's she gonna get a man without an identity into a prison?

I liked the ending. Cowboys gonna cowboy. The triple-hit cliffhanger last season made all the promotional stuff really annoying, so I'm very okay with this.

I'm gonna get my shit together and start the Yellowstone challenge next Sunday, so stick around for the off-season. ;)
FanArtLover commented…
looking forward to the challenge :) over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
2x10, Malcolm Beck to Sheriff Haskell: "You know what I wish for, Donnie? I wish to God that you had children."

...but when he gets killed, John talks to his daughter Debbie on the phone... who has kids...

(oops I tripped and fell into a rewatch XD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I have decided that I need a Yellowstone Christmas Episode. These are my demands.
-Bunkhouse Secret Santa
-lights on all the buildings
-matching pajamas for Beth + Rip + Carter
-a stocking for every stall
-Christmas Cookies by Gator
-Travis pops by... dressed as Santa. Maybe he could bring Jimmy and Emily dressed as elves. I am getting carried away, and I don't care. XD
I have decided that I need a Yellowstone Christmas Episode.  These are my demands.
-Bunkhouse Secret
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Sooo right after Jamie tries to kill himself in S2 and John asks Beth to take it easy on him, she says, "Look me in the eye and tell me that you love him. What you feel for Kayce. What you feel for me." So it sounds like she knew he was adopted... what I want to know is how she managed to keep that to herself for so long, knowing how taunting him about it would destroy him.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
spotted on Baby Beth's Wall: Hanson. Backstreet Boys. 98°.
spotted on Baby Beth's Wall:  Hanson.  Backstreet Boys.  98°.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
...and God is the land.
...and God is the land.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…


last edited over a year ago

over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
are they throwing BODY PARTS in the river??
are they throwing BODY PARTS in the river??
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Beeter: A Ship Is Born

(why did all the good stuff happen after the video went small? The last bit went so fast I had to slow down to quarter-speed AND pause every second. XD)
last edited over a year ago
Beeter: A Ship Is Born

(why did all the good stuff happen after the video went small?  The last bi
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Uhhh so I've been poking around, trying to figure out the S5 split, and have decided that I'm just gonna ride it out for a while. (S5 is allegedly 14 episodes. Some site said it'd be a 7/7 split, but Vudu's 5A says it has 8 episodes. It's currently $28 for S5 on Amazon, and $15 for 5A on Vudu.) Vudu usually has a decent Black Friday sale, and the we're-totally-not-cable places sometimes have BF deals too. In short: My cheapness > the political warfare I'm not in the mood for anyway. (Y'all know people came for the cowboy shit, right?) So I'll be avoiding this forum from Premiere Day 'til I'm caught up.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
breaking: we have reached a new level of link
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over a year ago FanArtLover said…

- John is a terrible Governor, he has no clue what he's doing and neither does Beth they would have been better off using Jamie like they did in season 1.

- The Rip and Beth flashbacks were cute.

- I still can't stand Beth and how she treats Jamie, can we please move on from this rival storyline it's been on repeat every freakin season.

- Carter has gotten big since last season.

- I thought something was going to happen to the baby since there has been rumors that Kacey and Monica were splitting this season.

- When the guys shot the wolves it reminded me of when Rip killed the bear back when the show was better.

- I'm curious about the lady they are setting Jamie up with and what the outcome will be.

- Beth telling Jamie that John is her father and not his aggravates me so much.

I'd give the episodes a 6/10
4 months ago DarkSarcasm said…
Breaking: Finally getting caught up on S5.

-Do not care about the K. Duttons, as usual.
-Greeeat, another country music singer joining the ranks.
-Of course they're gonna go after Jamie.

-politics are boring
-Ryan and Colby and the wolves... this is interesting.
4 months ago DarkSarcasm said…
...oops I forgot to go ep by ep, but:

-Monica cracking up at Beth x Summer at the dinner table is the closest I've ever come to liking her. XD
-Beth x Summer fight was exactly what I/they needed.
-"Look at you sluts." All the girlies catching up in the morning was fun.
-Jamie Dutton, are you the dumbest motherfucker alive? (Yes.)
-wow real slick plan to move the main cast to 6666
-definitely didn't forget that Jimmy existed
-Beth vs Jamie: The Final Faceoff... oughta be interesting.