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YouTube Question

Do you think a lot of users get overly aggressive with their comments?

I hardly comment at all I usually just watch and save to my favorites. But when I do comment more then half the time I get yelled at or called names or something simply for saying an opinion. It really annoys the crap out of me...
 zanhar1 posted over a year ago
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YouTube Answers

zoey1o1 said:
ya i think so too,they are so rude with there bad words.
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posted over a year ago 
Ikr it never used to be like that.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Yes i think so because it starts alot of fights between people they don't know.
IcecreamFreeze posted over a year ago
elisluver5607 said:
Oh My God Its Like Justin Bieber Gets Picked On Just Because He Has A Higher Voice Than Usual. Kids And Teens Are Always Putting False Crap On The Comments And They Don't Even Freaking Know Him. I Mean Seriously Don't Hate On Someone Because Of What They Look Like Or Sound Like.
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posted over a year ago 
AnimeLord said:
Yep they are Way to rude
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posted over a year ago 
RnBStar13 said:
Yeah definitely. I asked this one question and this one user starting calling me an arsehole for no reason :/
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posted over a year ago 
Right! I said that I wanted Bellatrix to beat Molly on the Bellatrixs death scene video and I received the following; f*** you. Your not happy with the series don't watch this s***. YA BELLATRIX DESERVED TO DIE I CLAPPED B***! For one that was my favorite scene for seconds the f*** you think was not necessary at all...
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Oh and get this their comment was given two thumbs up. -_-'
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
Bebeksa said:
Yes, it happens with me ALL THE TIME. they can't keep their mouths shut. :S
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posted over a year ago 
Least we're not the only ones...
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
UnderworldAngel said:
sadly, yes
people are too much of a bitch nowadays :(
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posted over a year ago 
dudelol17 said:
i got to agree! the stupid people try to agress me and its pissin me off!
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posted over a year ago 
ATV said:
Yup the only reason that people watch videos is just to talk smack X]

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posted over a year ago 
baynika17 said:
Yes i do.
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posted over a year ago 
HarryPotter4 said:
yes. they swear a lot and say rude things....
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posted over a year ago 
BlindBandit92 said:
I comment alot on youtube videos and I've gotten insulted one time. I don't think alot of users are aggressive but I can see why you would say that.
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posted over a year ago 
IntrepidKeris said:
YES. I hate it when users overreact to the simplest things. People just go nuts about animal abuse on certain animal videos.

More recently, I saw a guy on an anime-inspired video saying that anime sucks because of yaoi fans who are stubborn, obsessed, radical idiots and the obsession can't be stopped and blah blah blah... Get off the Internet if you can't handle people like that, they're EVERYWHERE. Geesh.

Sorry for ranting. ^^;
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posted over a year ago 
BatCountry9000 said:
Some people say what they want in a smart and well-respectable manner, while others just act like extremely blunt assholes.

The response you get really depends on what you say and how you say it.
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posted over a year ago 
browty said:
I swear it's so true!I get so sick and tired of people being rude
And calling people Names I swear they just get on my nerves always getting mad over the simplest little things gosh.not all people are rude but some of them really irritate me
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posted over a year ago 
valerioluvzmoar said:
Yes they do get overly aggressive, wether they are serious or if they are just joking. I make "aggresive comments" just to see what people would do. - av
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posted over a year ago 
Animetama said:
It could be because you said something that they saw as a threat, usually it's a misunderstanding. But yeah, this does happen alot, so usually people hav to be careful of what they type away on their computer. :)
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posted over a year ago 
narlyvamp1234 said:
yes, some people are overly aggressive with their comments. that is where all of the spam is created.
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posted over a year ago 
13tsspark said:
ya this girl just sent me this: look imma juz be happy when that BICTH of shia:.s go imma hate evey gurl he us,will they will break up soon and the relationship won't even last that long I will be waiting. And imma be happy when I see those to split

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posted over a year ago 
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