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Ok, So here is Chapter 3, Finally.
btw, Etera is said Eh-Teh-rah and it's a Maori name.
Not much else to say except enjoy :D

I woke suddenly to the sound of my alarm clock. I knew the clock read 7.00am and the dull light coming from outside confirmed that. I slowly got out of bed and put on my running clothes. Every Saturday for the last five years, I went running, and I’ll be damned if a broken arm was going to stop me now. I put my shorts and Vic Uni t-shirt on. I grabbed a power bar and snuck out of the house.

One of the benefits of living on a farm was that it was silent, with the exception...
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Wow, Sorry guys. I had NO idea that this chapter would be so long!I just couldn't stop writing. My apologies.
I really hope you all enjoy this.

“KAILEY! Kailey, wake up!” Ian shouted into my ear as he shook my shoulders.
I opened my eyes and they shot down to my chest. I ran my hands over the place where the bit of metal should have been.
“It was just a dream?” I said to myself. “It felt so real.”
My face was coated with sweat, causing some hair to stick to my face.
“Bad dream?” Ian asked.
“Yeah. Hunter…stabbed me.” I stammered.
Ian took my hands that were still...
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Hey guys. Sorry for the massive delay in this chapter. I've just been SUPER busy with work. Getting this close to Christmas means work is going crazy! So much catering for work functions :( Sometimes I don't get home till 11.30 pm. So That's my excuse :P
I love you guys.

It took us forty five minutes to check in. By the time we got through to wait for our plane to board I had called Brooklyn to get her to cover for me. She thought I was being a rebel with Ian, not saving her brother from things that should stay in fantasy books. She could believe that. I suppose it was better than the...
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Hey guys. Thanks to McKayla and Natasha for reading this and leaving comments that make me smile all day! Love you girls! I hope you enjoy :D

“What happened? What did you do?” I asked Walter.
“I have given you the power to control animals around you, except us of course.” He and Ian both laughed as if he had just told a joke.
“Control…What do you mean?”
“You have influence over them. They will do as you ask. Ian here will teach you how to use it wisely. I must be off. Too long away and my wife will wonder where I am. I will see you again shortly. Good luck dear one.”
I blinked...
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Hey guys.
This chapter isn't that good. It's now 12.53 and I'm tired. So I apologize. Anyway, I hope you all have a really good weekend and Thanks for reading!

Ian dropped me home after our practice session. I was really pleased with myself. In one day I learnt of a power I possessed and how to use it. We were going to learn more in a few days. It was just enough time for me to get use to the idea.

The next day I thought I would do a bit of research on the internet about Animal control, and all I seemed to be getting was pest removal sites and possum trap information. After a few more keyword...
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YAY! Double digits :P
I'm so sorry this took so long. I just started a new job, and I've been really tired when I finish. I'll try to write more in the future! Anyway, this isn't that long. So I hope it's ok.
This is for all of you. You are the reason I write. I love reading all of your comments. You always seem to make my days better, so for that, I thank you.
Love you all!

“What! No, Don’t be silly.” I said, my heart thumping in my chest.
“I’m sorry Kailey, he’s been taken.” He told me, very serious.
“We… we have to do something!” I stuttered.
We have do something! We have...
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OK, So I'm completely stuck. I'm going to try and work on it tomorrow. I know where I want it to go, I just can't seem to get it into words.
So here's what I've got so far.

It had been two days since I spoke to Ian. I just needed time to process the whole penguin/ tiger thing.
I couldn’t stop thinking about it on my way to school. I parked my car and made my way to my locker. As I was putting a few books away I felt a warm breeze on my neck. I turned round and Hunter was standing there.
“About time you noticed me, I was ghosting you all the way here.” He joked. He was always one...
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Hey guys... I'm RREEAALLLLYY sorry that this has taken this long to put this up. My laptop has broken :( So I've had to go and nick my sisters one for half and hour. And this is all I could manage to write, BUT the good news is my laptop is going to be fixed in the next few weeks. So just hang in there and I'll get the chapters posted. ALSO... I'm thinking of writing a new story. I just have to figure out what I want to do with it :P
ANYWAY I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I'm glad you are all safe coming back from holidays :D

I woke up the next morning to the smell...
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posted by 0hjess
Ok so this is the Second chapter, as you all know.
It's a bit messy, but I was out all day today, and just finished it now. So I hope you like it. Thanks for reading!!

“HEY! WOW! Are you guys alright in there?” The man said.
“Please, my friends hurt, we need an ambulance!” I shouted back, shock evident in my voice.
“I’ve all ready dialed for one, the cops are coming too. Just stay still. They’ll be here soon. I couldn’t believe my eyes when that guy ran you off the road. Do you know him?”
“No, I don’t think so. What is your name?”
“My name is Ian.” He said through a...
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I'm sorry I've taken soo long to get this next chapter up. It's a long story, but I hope you forgive me!
I'm sorry, but here's the next one. I hope you enjoy :D

Walter had called us all in for a brief meeting to make sure we were all on the same level.
I have to be honest. I didn't really register anything he said. I just followed him with my eyes and nodded every now and then. It seemed to be working, no one told me to pay attention like they usually do when I'm not listening.

"Right, I need you all to have a good early dinner, and maybe some rest. I want you all focused on the task at hand....
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So here is the next chapter I promised.
Again, it's not long, But it's building up to the next one, so it had to finish there.
I hope you all like it.
Please comment it and rate. I would appreciate it. Also if anyone lives in NZ, I hope you had a great Waitangi weekend.

Rob and I had worked on seeking out the energy in a little maze he made me. It only took the rest of the day, but I think I have the hang of it now.
It was now time for dinner, and I ate by myself. Ian had a meeting with the other were's. I think they were just finishing off the last little details.

I cleaned off my plate, went...
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I hope you all enjoy, and I'm going to post the next chapter later tonight. It's already written and ready to go, I just need to make dinner etc.
So this is a little short and so is the next, hence the two chapters in one day.
I hope you all read this and love it, and please rate it!
I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the rest of the day Ian and Rob helped me to practice calling animals. It went pretty well I think, apparently so did Walter, because we were set to invade in two days. That meant that today me and Rob were to...
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Hey guys. I'm sorry this has taken so long again. They aren't kidding when they call it the silly season. Work is so crazy, and I've been way to tired to write when I get home.
But here is the latest chapter.
Enjoy guys!

“I thought the house was suppose to be old?” This house looked like it should belong in a ‘My house, My castle’ magazine. We pulled up to the house. It had two beautiful grand staircases, lots of windows, stunning gardens and it was surrounded by a forest for extra protection.
“It wasn’t anything a coat of paint and some gardening sheers couldn’t fix.” Walter...
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Ok, so here is the next chapter. This one is kind of an inbetween, so nothing much happens. But I needed to write it to get the next chapter where I want it, so bare with me!
this one's for xXJakeloverXx for making me laugh!, ashesandwine for making my new icons, thanks hon! and vanillamoon08 for being there.
I hope you alll enjoy!

After a few hours of trying to be unnoticed the plane started to descend. When we touched down Ian shifted his whole body to face me.
“Stay still and hide behind me. Hopefully Etera will get up and walk right past us.”
I didn’t try to argue. I didn’t...
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Hey guys. So sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's just been really nice here weather wise, and I've been out a lot. This was kind of rushed. I wanted to get it done tonight, because tomorrow I'm busy all day. So I hope it's ok, and I hope you all enjoy!

It was still early, and the sun hadn’t set, so we decided to head down to the park. We walked around the park before finding a little bench on the edge of a man made pond. Hunter sat down, so I sat down beside him. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer and held my hand on top of his lap. I rest my head on his shoulder.
It was a...
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Hey Guys, sorry for the wait. I was away :D
I'm sorry the last one was a bit short, and this ones not much longer. In the next chapter I will explain more. But here is this chapter, I hope you enjoy it, and Happy Halloween!

The bell rang to signal the school day had come to an end. I thought I would wait and see if I could talk to Ian about everything that had happened. I walked out of my last class and Ian was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. The minute he saw me his face lit up.
“Look Kailey, we have to talk. Now” I didn’t argue with him. I wanted to get this sorted out, and...
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posted by 0hjess
Hey, So this is my firststory. Please be honest and tell me what you think :D

He put his arms around me, pulling me closer. I looked over to him and he was already looking at me. I couldn’t stop staring at his piercing green eyes, the same colour as a Kiekie tree. I looked down at his mouth to see his perfect white teeth and incredibly plump lips forming a captivating smile. He must have known I couldn’t look away because his hand was under my chin gently lifting my head up so our eyes met. A laugh slowly erupted from deep in his perfectly chiseled chest and sent warm, amorous vibrations...
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