alice cullen fan fiction Club
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I ran out of the tunnel into the main part of the sewer where everyone was and ran right passed them, I ran beside Jeremy and Robert but as soon as I noticed I kicked it into high gear. I wonder what will happen, but today I’m not gonna cheat. I am not going to look to see if he forgives me or not. I’m leaving it to fate. We didn’t find another like Renesmee, but I did find another hole in my heart. You know those weird coffee mugs that say “I left my heart in San Francisco”? Yeah well I left my heart in Forks Washington and with Jasper Cullen. I just decided on something. I’m not...
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We were still running. I made him put me down a few hours ago. It was nice while it lasted. We were still headed for Europe. I asked him why and he laughed and said “I don’t know. It just always seemed like the place to go when something happens. Carlisle was born there, he was changed there, and some very old Vampires live there. Why not start there?” He’s been acting as if that whole thing with Charlotte didn’t happen. I’m still embarrassed, but if he is willing to act as if it didn’t happen, then I am too. So there it goes. Never to appear in my head as long as I live….or...
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It was cute when other people think of me as a little monster, ballerina, or pixie but when the term is used to insult me…. that’s another story.

Then it clicked. I think the problem was me but used in her terms. I am the enemy. I am his wife. Remembering what she said just a few minutes ago it clicked why she always wanted to see him, why she always called him, why he told her about the party over me, he didn’t do it intentionally but it happened. “I know Jasper is your husband but he is my friend. I love him too.” That one mistake in the conversation and it clicked. She LOVED him....
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posted by twilight0girl
today was terrible.i had to kill more new borns.maria tells me to kill them when there strenght's so painful.i can't bare to kill them.there emotions.fright,panic,hopeless.then,the worst,pain.i'm planing to run away with peter and charlet.charlet was a newborn peter had to kill.but,he didn't.he loves her.he couldn;t do it.tonight were going to run till we find somewhere to hide.we started to run.i couldn't imagene how mad maria is.we found a small,beten up,old.cottage.peter,charlet,and i,stayed there for a cuple of days.but i left a note saying that i was leaving them.but,i wasn't...
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I couldn’t believe what I was doing. I knew it was a long shot that I would find what I was looking for. Especially since I’m doing this blind sighted. This is the only way I think I could help. I know the plans where Carlisle and Edward were headed. So I might as well try. I will travel the world with Jasper hoping I can find another like Renesmee. It will be hard but I have to try. “Jasper! Wait there is something I have to do first.” “What do you have to do? You said we might not have a lot of time. We have to find another half-breed like Renesmee then if we run into any of Carlisle’s...
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I’m surprised that I didn’t see it coming, but I’m not as attuned to them as the sisters are. Laura was still cursing at me but I was beyond panic. I was in shock. I knew they were coming. I knew it. They must have done research and found out where we are. But they found us so fast! What should I do? The sisters should be fine. Aro would just would have found another coven, that’s all. They would get off with a warning. I think. My family wasn’t so lucky, but we had a few encounters. Plus what they think we did we are beyond second chances. Suddenly I was aware someone was shaking...
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Princess? What the hell? Since when is my name princess? I may have designer shoes and clothes but I’m far from Princess! “My name is Alice!” He smiled again “I know. But you’re princess to me.” Robert started chuckling. I turned to him. “What the hell is so funny?” “Just how clueless and dimwitted you are.” Clueless? Dimwitted? Oh no he did not just call me that! “Who are you call dimwitted you overgrown Neanderthal!” That slapped the smile right off his face. Jeremy turned to him and said “Ouch! Kitty got claws and class!” He did not just call me kitty! I think...
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posted by rachel-rathbone
Chapter one
"oh please mum Elli is my best friend please let here stay" Renesmee begged
"Nessie this life just isn’t a place for a little girl to be" I hated it but it was true I even called her Nessie. She looked at the floor her long black eyelashes casting a shadow on her cheeks, her long bronze hair falling on her face.
"Ask our dad" I said sighing pushing the question on to someone else I couldn’t stand hurting here.
"Nessie you cleaned your room write she’ll be her in 5 minutes I can here the car" the tyres rubbed against the gravel path Emmett and jasper had laid so Elli...
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Sierra dragged me behind a few trees to a meadow. I sat on the log and had sudden Déjà vu. This looks exactly like Edward’s meadow. Everything looks the same down to the very last flower. “You have déjà vu. I can tell. I fell in love with your brother’s meadow so when we passed here a few months ago I found this place and turned it into an exact replica.” “When did you see Edward’s meadow?” “When I followed you and Jasper. I wanted to see what a real family looked like. So I followed you. I’m so sorry if I upset you. It’s just that I wanted a family too. And this is...
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We’re both trying to pretend that never happened. That there was no Coven in London, There wasn’t a fight, no sisters, no brothers, no anything. I didn’t want to forget them, but I didn’t want to remember a few things either. I haven’t been very perceptive these past few days. I haven’t seen much and I haven’t looked much. I guess it’s because it’s no use to look for something I can’t see. We’re still in Europe. It’s still dark but not much longer. From what I did see it was suppose to be cloudy. We decided Europe was still the best place to look. All of a sudden Jasper...
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I don’t think I knew where I was going anymore. I kept following Jasper wherever he went in the water but that’s it. Just following. I was consumed in my worries and thoughts it was like I wasn’t in my own body anymore. Like I was floating. My memories floated threw my mind. My happy memories. Now all of them filled with worry and fear. I wanted to do more. I really wanted to help. This was the only way I thought I could. I really hope they don’t think of us badly because of this especially not Bella or Edward. If they thought of us like that I don’t know what I would do. Half of...
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