AmourShipping Club
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posted by LizardMonke
Serena is best and most adorable... Amourshipping is best shipping.. Ship On..
Serena has got the most Character development in XYZ series..
Serena haters are dumb people who like that shit called pokeshipping..
Amourshipping FTW and Fuck Serena haters..
#Amourshipping #Hatepokeshipping
I'm just joined to the club now...
And again I hate pokeshipping and misty the most even more than Iris and negaishipping..
Hi everybody, I think I am not the only one to hate Misty who slapped Ash twice without any proper reason..
I hope ash and Serena will soon marry..
Amourshipping has a possible chance to become canon. Here is some of the proof, as it is obvious, Serena has a crush on Ash. Sometimes, Serena starts to blush when speaking to Ash. Serena was also the first female companion who was asked by Ash to join his group. On the XY05, Serena asks Ash if he remembers her from Professer Oak's Summer Camp, that means Serena wanted Ash to recognize her, obviously. On the XY07, there was a flashback of Ash and Serena when they were younger. Serena injured her ankle or knee. Ash came after a Poliwag while watching Serena's injury. Ash wanted to know if she...
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