Artemis Fowl RP Club
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posted by dexisawesome
Considering I'm paranoid because of my brother's death, I'm okay. I wear a black Special Operations suit 24-7, drink the Human soda called "Sprite", and invent weapons. Some have compared me to Foaly, the LEP's top tech producer, but I shrug them off. I'm my own person. Rarely do I go to the surface, only when Selena convinces me to go. Artemis, well, we compete. A LOT. He might be the smartest mudman alive, but not the smartest of all species! Yes, he ranks above me, but he said he "Never saw anything like your weapons. Nothing like a Neutrino." Neutrino. The top selling weapon of all time. Created by Foaly. Well, I created the lesser-known line of weapons called KinGuard. They Have more of a punch. Not like the Neutrino. They stun. "It's humane, that's why we have them." says Commander Root. I guess I'll have to live with that. But, I have a pretty good life. Once I went Skiing in the Alps. It was nice.-Drexel
posted by silverstream101
Serena again!
Serena again!
My life has been devoted to the LEP for a long time. My cousin is Holly Short, it was always hard to tell us apart untill i let my hair grow out and grew taller. I dont know much about my parents. They were LEP officers and they died from Spelltrophy before they found the cure. They died when i was 7 (human years). When i joined LEPrecon i worked hard to be as good as my parents. I learned fast and was upgraded though the ranks quite fast. I sware that the Commander has something against me...its either he cares or he is really good at hiding it. Next to Holly im the best shuttle pilot. I was...
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