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12 Best Asian Horror Films You’ve NeverHeard Of

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called 12 Best Asian Horror Films You've Never Heard Of -
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12 Best Asian Horror Films You’ve Never Heard Of
I believe most of you have already come across an article with a similar title by JMH314. I commend him for coming up with a great list of overlooked Asian horror films and I take inspiration from his article idea. Although, I noticed how most of the films he wrote about were from Japan so I’ve done my best to mention one film from one country each. It’s a fair trade! Thus, as promised, I present to you 12 Asian horror films that sits behind the iron fence of mainstream gore fests.
OK OK, I’m a hypocrite. After remarking on how JMH314 mentioned most J-Horror films, here I am, starting the list with one from Japan itself. But nonetheless, it’s a kickstarter point because of the featured character I’m going to mention. You’ve heard of Sadako and Kayako, yes? Japan’s very own silky long-haired ghostly slayers? Their names have become quite a household item since Ringu and Ju-on were released chronologically. But have you ever met their middle sister, Tomie? No? Well,  based on the manga by Junji Ito (creator of Uzumaki), Tomie is a 1998 film about the murder of a high school girl named Tomie (obviously).
What sets Tomie apart from her well-known sisters is that she isn’t your typical vengeful spirit or tortured soul. She isn’t a ghost in the first place. In the manga, Tomie is described as an entity that embodies the meanings of lust, greed, envy and eternal suffering and she wants nothing more than to bring chaos and violence to the people who fall in love with her. She is self-destructive yet she can survive anything and can even regenerate, making her own existence a curse itself. The film follows a detective investigating a string of murders and an art student treated for amnesia. Having no memory of the three month period around Tomie’s death, the art student believes something supernatural is the cause.
2. Giữa hai thế giới a.k.a Between Two Worlds (Vietnam)
Between Two Worlds is a 2011 Vietnamese psychological horror that follows a young and beautiful woman who commits suicide because of depression. Fortunately, she didn’t die and ended up marrying a wealthy man, making her hope that life would be better. The film makes the whole chance scenario look like a normal process that can happen to anyone. What a shame. Living it big, she starts to encounter paranormal instances in her new home that somehow has a strange connection to her husband. Bet she didn’t expect that.
Vietnam isn’t really well-known for their horror films and if you’ve kept your eye on the news, back in 2007 the country’s authorities actually warned film makers against the making of films of the genre. So, their list is quite limited and the exposure to their industry is minimal. I’ve yet to watch Bay cap 3 (High School Trap), a Vietnamese teen slasher film that was banned from Vietnam theaters back in May 2012.
I think I’ve previously mentioned how the Philippines has lost its touch in delivering original horror plots and the small number of really good films it has to bring the film industry’s back on its feet. One of the films I give credit for lifting the Philippines a bit higher on the shelf is last year’s The Healing directed Chito S. Roño. The film begins with Seth and her father, who had suffered from a stroke, waiting in line to be cured by a rumored faith healer, Manang Elsa. Non-believing at first, Seth and everyone else in their town were astounded when the father had regained his strength and begins to party and go back to his old drinking ways.
One thing led to another, Seth’s neighbors, friends and even her son all ask for her help to take them to be healed by Manang Elsa. Just like Seth’s old man, everyone else was healed the following day but then, Seth starts to notice the strange changes in their behavior. Until one night, one of the healed neighbors stabs a passer-by and then slashes her own neck. From here, the murders begin and those who were healed were the ones committing it. The Healing is full-on supernatural, accompanied by disturbingly fun and frightening scenes and a plot twist that impressively unfolds towards the end.
Voice was the fourth entry in the Whispering Corridors series and was released in 2005, debuting three actresses and the director itself. The film takes on a unique move as the progress of the story is shown from the perspective of the ghost itself. The main character is murdered in the beginning by a music sheet cutting her throat and being a spirit who can’t move on, she seeks the help of her friend who seems to be the only one who can hear her. The story progresses as we see how the ghost goes through several flashbacks, twists and turns to unravel the identity and motive of her murderer.
But something else walks amidst the astral plane with her, another spirit haunting her and the school. Honestly, I enjoyed Voice more than any of the Whispering Corridors films because of the direction the filming crew took and confusing plot that will leave you mindf*cked towards the end. The film is not frightening per se as the approach is from the ghost’s point of view but it is disturbing because we witness how spirits who were killed prior end up having no memory of what was done to them and who did it and we see how the mystery unfolds and intertwines amazingly.
If Japan is known for its lovely ladies like Tomie and Sadako, Thailand has their very own beauty queen of fright. Shomba is the main star, or so you can say, of this 2008 Thai horror film. It centers on Shane, a debt ridden theater projectionist who bootlegs a much-hyped Thai horror to earn some money.
The film in the film (film-ception) is about a vengeful spirit of a crazed woman who was hanged after getting caught red-handed for abducting and blinding children. His friend, who decided to tape the movie first, suddenly disappears in the theater one night and is found inside the movie with his eyes gouged out. With the bootlegged film missing, Shane begins to encounter Shomba, the malevolent antagonist of that film, in several places and embarks on a mission to uncover the terrible secret behind the haunted movie.
Not to be confused with another horror film of the same name and country. Just like Vietnam, Chinese authorities constantly bombards the film industry with warnings and strict rules on enforcing directors to stray away from so-called extreme horror and skinning it until it’s left with a psychological drag. Trying their best to harvest different themes with the method of horror, Nightmare is a 2011 film that embodies the determination to deliver legitimate scares despite the limitations.
The films follows a doctor, Fang Lei, who suffers from violents dreams and suspects that she might be a frequent sleepwalker. She is haunted by the memories of her parents’ deaths and is stalked by the usual long-haired ghost girl. As things get complicated, she runs into an old friend, Angel who is married to her once first love, Zhou Feng. Unfortunately, Zhou disappears and suspecting foul play, Fang Lei’s nightmares get worse and she starts to lose herself.
I’ve just recently acquired this film and I’ve yet to watch it, so expect a review on this soon. Possessed is a 2006 Malaysian film that centers on two sisters, Amber and Lisu, who travel to Malaysia from China to pursue their modelling and singing careers. Until one day, Lisu goes missing and Amber falls into a coma. Sent back to China for treatment, Amber wakes up after five months and has no recollection of her past and anyone else.
Her boyfriend decides to take her to Malaysia to help regain her memories. Once there, she starts getting nightmares and stumbles upon a photo of her and Lisu. Now determined to search for her, she encounters William who claims himself to be Lisu’s ex-lover. Bizarre things start to happen as Amber starts having visions of her sister and her nightmares become more violent.
This is by far one of my favorite slasher horror film made. Taiwan was actually proud to release Invitation Only and marketed it as the country’s very first Slasher. So, expectations were high prior to its release. The motives of the plot is original and disturbing and it takes a complete turn on conventional antagonists. And for the guys, you’d be surprised that this film was actually Maria Ozawa’s film debut. Spoiler Alert: She shows more than just bewbs. If you watch it, you’ll see what I mean. Invitation Only is 2009 Taiwanese horror that features Bryant Chang as Wade Chen.
Wade works for a rich CEO, Mr. Yang and one day, he rewards Wade’s work performance by sending him to an exclusive party on company money. Wade attends the party and his life instantly changes in a span of a few hours into the night. Until the guests at the party are somehow strategically hunted down and killed (gloriously) by a masked murderer. There’s more to the story and I don’t think my description can justify it.
In 2011, India spoke high of Haunted 3D and marketed it as the country’s first “stereoscopic 3D horror”. In all honesty, I don’t favor 3D at all and I don’t think it can enhance a horror film or any other film in any aspect. Somehow, it just isn’t my thing.
The film is about Rehan, who was sent by his father to investigate a mansion for real estate business purposes. His investigation includes Rehan staying at the mansion for a few days before it is sold off. But mysterious things happen one night and Rehan is determined to uncover the truth behind the hauntings.
Just recently released last March, Ghost Child is Singaporean horror that stars Chen Hanwei and Carmen Soo. It revolves around a widower named Choon who is soon to marry Na, a woman whom he saved from Indonesian bandits. As she moves in with Choon and Choon’s teenage daughter, she brings with her a strange urn.
As usual, strange things start to happen and Choon’s mother suddenly gets injured for no reason. Choon’s daughter, Kim, first suspects the hauntings were the doing of her dead mother but when she discovers the “urn” and its contents, Kim attempts to get rid of it.
In association with the Philippine production house, GMA films, The Witness is 2012 horror-action films that follows Angel, a Filipino hotel assistant manager, who moves to Jakarta to be with her family. There, she is suddenly haunted by a recurring nightmare of man committing suicide. One unfortunate day, her whole family is massacred and she is suddenly chased and shot down by a killer.
Although, she manages to survive and has a vivid memory of the perpetrator. Angel then starts to see apparitions of her sister and the events that led to their death and with the help of a detective, she follows the trails of her sister’s apparitions that eventually lead to the killer himself.
OK, this entry is a little misleading due to fact that the film hasn’t released yet and is scheduled to show sometime this year. Nonetheless, I have to commend it due to it being the first horror film to come from the Arabian Gulf (which is still a part of Asia, mind you). Hailing from the Kingdom of Bahrain comes the first full-fledged zombie horror film.
The film follows seven strangers brought together by chance in the uproar of a viral outbreak. As the story progresses, the characters must “survive not only a horde of the undead but their own differences and prejudices as well.”
Honorable Mentions: Ju-on: White Ghost (Japan), Muoi: The Legend of a Portrait (South Korea), The Victim (Thailand), The Closet (China), Good Will Evil (Taiwan), Ghost On Air (Singapore)
I hope you enjoyed the concise post of my list of obscure Asian horror films. Now I must challenge you, dear reader: tell me something that I don’t know yet and comment below your short list of overlooked Asian horror films. Ganbatte-ne!
Best & Worst Horror Movies of 2012
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I agree with the list by far but one thing I don’t think should be there is the Filipino film The Healing. I believe it should be commended for finally bringing the graphically bloody element of the genre into Filipino horror but besides that, nothing original or convincing from the film itself.
hey whats wrong with you? didnt appreciate the healing?..then go hang yourself..butthead.
Cool list. I am definitely going to check out Witness and Tomie. I’d add the Indian film ‘Darna Mana Hai’ to the list, it’s an interesting horror anthology with several good stories.
I’m still on the last list. I’ll have to add these ones now too.
Truely magnifying but the healing,i dont think it should be in this list
There’s one missing…I don’t know where it is exactly, but its asian: Creepy Hide and Seek. Its very damn good, I love it
I enjoyed Dream Home (China), Macabre (Singapore), and Re-Cycle (China). I’m really looking forward to checking out Invitation only.
There’s another one missing. Sorry I can’t remember the name, however it was made in China, or Tokyo, could have been Japan. It was a one title horror movie that Rob Zombie stated “that movie disturbed me”
I agree with some peeps that The Healing should not be included. Sukob and The Maid are far scarier than The Healing.
Dead Sands is not the first horor film from middle east. “Paranorma There Is Always a Dark Side” is a horror film from Baharin was released in 2011.
Try watching “Feng Shui” (Philippines), better than “The Healing”.
Where can I buy these movies online. I live in New Zealand and can’t seem to be able to get any of these movies. I thought Feng Shui and the Maid were brilliant. I am a huge Asian horror fan.
Can anyone recall the film with the female that is the aggressor, I have one seen stuck in my head where she is chopping off the mans foot with a cheese wire saying “tuki tuki tuki” and laughing?
Audition was the name of that one James, I just finished it!
above all these try”kanchana:muni part-2″ the most scariest horror film ever made in india
Anyone watch this Thailand horror ‘ Slice ‘ ? Great movie!
That question is impossible to answer, scary is a relative term, that is different to everyone person,but coming soon is definitely the best of the bunch, it is a well known movie though
Philippines best horror movie The Healing? Nah… Feng Shui, and some of shake rattle and roll (i think the old ones?)
cello, meat grinder, wishing stairs, voices, abnormal beauty, coming soon, the maid, phone, noroi – the curse,
ju-rei, the eye 2002, silk 2006, muoi, cinderella, blood pledge, bloody reunion, APT, uzumaki, tale of two sisters, kairo,
midnight ballad for ghost theater, marebito, the forbidden door, alone, sick nurses, shutter, creepy hide and seek,
the uninvited, phobia, one missed call 1 & 2, death bell 1 & 2, reincarnation, dark water, carved, the doll master,
apartment 1303, suicide club, evil twin, bushinsaba….
Here’s a few I enjoyed. I don’t get scard anymore so I’m having a really hard time finding good horror movies. goto or and sign up there. both got plenty and then there’s some on youtube too. too much to mention.must of seen 1000 asian hororr movies.
I’m a Filipino and an avid fun of horror movies, and I don’t think the Healing should be here, it’s not scary, but damn funny.
Kowai Onna should be in the list too. It is a japanese trilogy, the first of the three stories is the best I think it is titled Unholy Woman. It has an unexpected ending.
HALIMAW SA BANGA, PATAYIN SA SINDAK SI BARBARA and other old filipino horror movies is better and much origonal than the healing.
Yeah Patayin sa sindak si Barbara 1974 and 1995 was awesome!
Classic horror film from philippines try shake rattle n roll 1 (3 story in one movie) and Aswang (by alma moreno) scary than the healing.
I agree! The first shake rattle & roll is the best among the rest of the srr series.
Thai Best Horrow.. THE UNSEEABLE… you will happy with this movie.
Yanggaw from the Philippines is good as well. Its an indie produced, regional horror that has some deeply rooted Filipino qualities. You guys should check it out
Hi i’m looking for an early 1990′s hong kong horror movie. i remember at 1 scene there was this girl who was standing on a chair in a house or something and there was alot of water coming from the water tank in the ceiling and she was drinking from it until her belly becomes very bloated. Can anyone recall the title of this movie? Thanks
Hello, does anybody know the title of that asian horror about a hunted movie set? Where the director in the movie found a movie film and when he played it, saw a whitelady laughing with a black mouth behind the male and female actors delivering a line. The ending was the director ending up on the dusty attic with the black mouth woman walking slowly towards him… please help
I’m from the Philippines and I could say that the Healing was one fun and thrilling movie, but scary? I don’t think so. Not if you consider a badly CGI post produced little girl jumping off a temple, landing on a pole and then slides off slowly? (That was hilariously epic). I would consider Yanggaw and The Road as one of the best horror movies here. It’s not very scary though but their stories pack a lot of dem feels. Heavy stuff.
Are you fuckin’ out of your mind?! your suggesting THE ROAD?! really?? No one deserves to watch that trashy movie! that was the Ugliest Horror movie of all time, even the story! it has no originality! -___-
I would also include SIGAW (American remake: The Echo) andFENG SHUI
Ppl do try pizza,janma natchatram n 13am number veedu.indian tamil movies
How about ‘pag-pag’ from Philippines? it’s the best horror movie of all time.. (as I know since many people watch it)
uhmmmm…. does anyone of you knows that Filipino horror movie the one that, the girl’s friend died and she chopped his body then sold it to a couple then the guy and the girl’s friend swapped souls ( i didnt get to finish the movie and its already been ages since i watched that movie TT.TT )
Horror Stories 1 gave me the creeps especially the first story, but most of the stories are vague since they have to fit it in a short period of time. But for the scary factor I would like to give it a high grade, Horror Stories 1 is a korean movie wherein a kidnapped girl has to tell scary stories in order to keep her alive. For a well written story I would like to recommend Confessions.
Nightmare from Korea is really scary. I recommend it!
In the Philippines, Feng Shui is much deserve to be in this list than The healing
As a Filipino who loves watching horror movies, i must honestly say, the Healing was by far, not among the scariest horror movies in Filipino Movie History.. Same as our fellow Asian brothers, i believe that the best horror movies must possess or reflect the culture and history of its country’s origins.. He is my list of the best Filipino Horror Movies..
01. Itim “The Rites of May” (1977) – In my opinion, one of the most eerie and spine tingling Filipino horror movies, not because of special effects, scary monsters or malevolent demons but rather to the sheer cinematography of the movie.. The movie portrays a dark and eerie atmosphere plus the fact the the movie was set during Holy Week, a sacred time for Filipino Catholics added to its mysterious and creepy undertones.. Plus, it has some of the most disturbing use of Catholic religious icons ever in a Filipino movie.. Its the best amalgamation of an old school ghost story and the strong Catholic belief of Filipinos..
02. Sukob “The Wedding Curse” (2006) – A movie based on the old Filipino superstition in which one should not get married in the same year an immediate relative dies or is married or no siblings should be married within a year. Awesome story line and really creepy atmosphere..
03. Feng Shui – A movie based on the Filipino belief adapted from the Chinese with regards to the luck brought by “good luck charms”.. Really awesome movie as the writers managed to blur the line of what is a blessing and what is a curse..
04. Yanggaw – A movie based on the Filipino myth of the Aswang.. it tells about the story of how a typical provincial family deals with the fact that a family members has been tainted with the Aswang curse.. The story deals with the burden of choosing between what is right and the strong family love.. Really great movie..
05. Pa-Siyam – Another movie based on an old Filipino custom/belief in which the living relatives of the departed would offer prayers of the rosary for the dead every evening for nine days.. The custom is base on the old belief that the soul of the departed enters the afterlife on the ninth day.. The movie has some very haunting scenes and probably has some of the best plot twist..
06. Numbalikdiwa – A movie is is based on a supposedly ancient, but probably fictional macabre ritual where the dead assumes the body of a living person by consuming the flesh of the departed one.. Really awesome movie with very nice plot twist..
07. Tiyanak (1988) – A movie based on the Filipino myth about the Tiyanak, a goulish/vampiric creature which takes the form of a newborn baby and reverts back to its monstrous form when attacking.. The movie’s old and eerie undertones is perfect for the old school scares..I specifically like the use Catholic Filipino belief is describing the origins of the Tiyanak, it makes the movie have a more spiritual connection to the Filipino viewers..
I really suggest you would want to watch SANIB. It is Filipino and old. Old ones are you cant beat. More extrene scary than The Exorcist. It is so awesome. But before watching, you might wanna watch the trailer first. I agree with u all,
ForGot the movie recycle ,ringu ,reincarnation, premonition, tales of two sisters,
I totally agree with you! Plus The Eye, The eye 2, One Missed Call, Alone, Shutter, Dark Water
Can someone help me out with a name of a movie all I can remember. Was a little boy become part of tree at the end the movie I think he was dead all along
How about Tales of Terror from Tokyo vols. 1-3, Hansel & Gretel, Phobia 1&2, Petshop of Horrors?
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