Aurora and Diaval Wall

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FlightofFantasy said …
Never thought I'd ship Sleeping Beauty with Maleficent's raven. But then, I also never thought I'd ship Sleeping Beauty with Mulan (Once Upon a Time).
What is it with me and weird Sleeping Beauty ships?
Whatever, I can't get enough of these two. Ship 'em so hard. Honestly kinda disappointed it wasn't him who awoke Aurora from her sleeping curse. Posted over a year ago
Am I the only one that though that Diaval was going to be the one to wake up Aurora, while watching the movie for a moment I though he was going to. Posted over a year ago
At first I though that Phillip was gong to do it, then I went back and forth between Maleficent and Diaval. over a year ago
Never mind i saw the poll,^-^. over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
NO, you are far from it. Around the internet alot of shippers thought that and WANTED THAT over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
I completely thought so, too! Kinda disappointed that it wasn't him that broke the curse. :/ over a year ago
misscindyspice said …
Yay! More shippers! I love this couple so much <3 Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
YEAH!!!! Me TOO!!! over a year ago
misscindyspice commented…
Yay! :D over a year ago
DIAMELA said …
I totally liked the idea of them as couple after watching the movie Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
So did I- I LOVED THEM TOGETHER SO MUCH. Just in my personal opinion, Maleficent seemed happy and at peace seeing Aurora and Diaval and Fairyland happy again. And that was enough for her. Thats the vibe I got. over a year ago
DIAMELA commented…
yes me too!! honestly the whole movie was a big surprise for me, i thought it would be like the animated version!! I really like the twist they made over a year ago
misscindyspice commented…
I loved them together too! I totally agree with Persephone :) over a year ago
DIAMELA commented…
they are cute together!! i will draw some Fanart of them in the fututre!! over a year ago