Avatar: Second Generation Club
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Two Weeks Earlier...

Jin walked out of the palace doors to the outside, smiling. She breathed deeply and allowed the sun's warmth to touch her face. She walked over to the pond where turtle ducks swam and reached into her pocket for bread which she broke into smaller pieces and tossed them into the water. She watched the turtle ducks eat their bread pieces then went to the stables to see Jynx. She walked inside and walked to Jynx's stall. Jynx snorted when he saw her. She patted her komodo rhino on the neck and he closed his eyes in contentment. She set up a saddle on his back and opened the...
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"We're under attack!" Hakoda yelled to the village.
The men readied themselves for the fight. Aang grabbed his staff and ran out of the tent, Katara at his heels, holding Haruki. Aang turned around and stopped Katara.
"You and Haruki have to get out of here." he told her, "Get the old, the sick, and the young out of here on Appa."
"Aang, I won't leave you!" said Katara.
"I can't fight not knowing if you're safe," said Aang, hugging his wife and son, "Katara, please."
Katara looked at his eyes, kissed him, then ran off, collecting the children and old in the village. After she got all the children...
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Azula sat in the corner of her room in the asylum. She was shooting spider flies out of the air with her firebending. She rocked back and forth as she did so, muttering to herself. The sound of scuffling was heard outside her door and she stopped rocking and looked up. Under the cracks of the door, she could see what looked like fire lighting up at the other side every other second, like as if someone was shooting fireballs. Azula could distinctly hear yelling and screaming also. Soon, all was dead silent. The insane princess jumped to her feet when she saw the knob of her door starting to...
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The group flew to the Earth Kingdom nonstop after they left the circus except for bathroom breaks and at night when they needed to sleep. After all the time they lost, they had to make up for it if they needed to get to the North Pole before the Chikara Army did. Finally, after two days of traveling they made it to Gaoling.
“We made it!” exclaimed Toshiro, ready to finally stand on solid ground for the first time since early that morning.
“Let’s go find a place to land.” said Haruki. As soon as he said this they narrowly missed a giant boulder that was soaring towards them.
“How about...
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“Oh, Dad,” cried Katara, “I’m so worried.”
Avalanche whined and nudged his head against Katara's leg. It’s been a day and a half since the kids left on Appa. Water Tribe ships had been sent out to look for the kids but so far there have been no reports. Katara, Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda stood by the Southern Water Tribe wall as they talked.
“They couldn’t have gotten far,” said Sokka, “Appa’s not as young as he used to be.”
“I hope they haven’t run into any trouble.” said Suki.
“If they had, I’m sure they’re okay,” Hakoda assured his daughter-in-law, “Those...
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Haruki sat by the river with his legs crossed, fists together, and eyes closed. He took deep breaths while he meditated. The silence was suddenly broken by Sanosuke's voice.
"Hey Haruki!"
The airbender's concentration was broken and he reluctantly opened his eyes to look up at the Avatar.
"I want to talk to you about something." said Sanosuke
"Sure, why not?" said Haruki in an irritable tone with a look to match, "It's not like I'm in the middle of something."
Sanosuke sat down in front of Haruki.
"I've been having some weird dreams lately and I'm having trouble figuring out what they mean."
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The Water Tribe kids and the Fire Nation princess packed their things in Appa’s saddle so they could leave. It was midday and Aura hadn’t given them an answer yet about if she would come with them or not. They decided that she wasn’t going to go with them and knew that they had to leave as soon as possible and try to make up for the limited time they lost. As they packed, they heard someone walking towards them and looked around, expecting to see Aura only to find Xiu with her bag over her shoulder.
“What’s up, Xiu?” asked Jin, walking to her younger friend.
“I want to go with you.”...
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"I can't believe Jet's been alive all this time." said Kya after Longshot, Smellerbee, Pipsqueak, The Duke, and Haruki had explained to the group what happened. After the Freedom Fighters and Haruki told Kya and Xiu what happened, the girls woke up the others to hear what had happened.
"How can that be?" asked Rikiya, "My mom told me that when Jet said he would be okay, she could tell that he was lying."
"He was lying at the time." explained Smellerbee, "He didn't think he'd survive."
"But how did he?" asked Toshiro.
"Sorry, kid." said Pipsqueak, "That's a story for another time. We were told to...
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The kids slept in two separate rooms at the temple; one for the girls and one for the boys.
Jin tossed and turned in her sleeping bag. She was having a nightmare.
Jin Jin!
"No." Jin muttered in her sleep. "Leave him alone."
A hand grabbed the princess' shoulder and started to shake her.
Jin didn't wake up. She continued muttering. "Please...no."
Jin woke with a start at hearing Kya shout her name. She blearily looked around. Aura and Xiu were awake. At first she thought she might have talked loudly in her sleep and woke them up but when she saw them looking alert and scared. Aura was...
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Jin performed a spinning kick to send fire at her opponent. Her opponent blocked the attack and started sending fireballs at her. She ducked and rolled on the ground to avoid the fireballs. She threw a fireball at his legs. He jumped and kicked fire at her while still in the air. Jin rolled again to avoid the attack and jumped to her feet. He shot a large fireball toward her which made her stagger backwards to avoid it. She fell on her behind. He created fire daggers and started to run over to her. When he stood over Jin she shielded herself.
"Enough." said a voice.
The daggers dissapeared...
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Teo knocked on a door and called out, "Dad, we've got company!" He opened the door and wheeled inside a room, the kids followed.
The room was filled with crates, some junk, and shelves that were filled with a large amount of books and scrolls and some strange looking inventions. In the back of the room in front of a window sat a desk. Behind it stood a man studying some parchment that showed what looked like plans for a new invention. The man wore green clothes and a white apron and he wore a manacle over his left eye. He was balding and what was left of his greying hair stood up in different...
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Kya played with her pet polar bear dog while Sokka, Suki, Katara, and Aang sat in front Aang and Katara's tent watched. She and her pet rolled around in the snow laughing and growling playfully until her pet pinned her to the ground and licked her face. She laughed and pushed the polar bear dog off of her.
"Ah, gross. Get off Avalanche!" Kya laughed as she gave Avalanche a big bear hug.
"Good idea letting Kya keep that polar bear dog as a pet, Sokka" said Katara.
"Well I figured that since there aren't any other kids here her age she could use a pet." said Sokka.
"Hopefully that will change...
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Zuko stood up from his throne and approached the scared servant. He took the scroll from her hands and unrolled it. As Jin watched him read it, she noticed his eyes narrowing. After what felt like minutes the scroll burst into flames and the ashes fell to the floor.
"Zuko, what is it?" asked Katara standing up and walking to her friend, concerned.
Zuko ignored her and addressed a man a few seats down.
"Admiral Lee, get your men and ship ready to the Earth Kingdom. The Chikara Army has invaded the city of Gaoling."
"That's where Toph is!" exclaimed Sokka, horrified.
Zuko nodded and continued,...
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posted by BB2010
To all of my fans let me just say I am so very sorry I haven't updated all year. At first I hadn't updated because I was busy with all the school work I had to do and making sure I graduated but because of that I had forgotten this story altogether. And before any of you jump to conclusions, no I am not going to leave this story. But after rereading this story I have been thinking about rewriting the story because I don't think what I have right now is as good as it could be if it's redone. I'll work on the first few chapters of Book 1 again and put them up.

Again, I am very sorry for the lack of updating and I hope you could all find it in your hears to forgive me
"Where have you been?" Haruki demanded when Kya finally came back to the Mechanist's study where everyone had agreed to meet for dinner a few hours before. She held the small statue of the polar bear dog in her hands. The kids, Teo, his father, and Jenni were sitting on the floor in a circle. A pot of rice was sitting in the middle.
"I've just been looking around." answered Kya as she pocketed her rock and sat down between Xiu and Sanosuke. Sanosuke handed her her bowl of rice and she began to eat.
"So have we but we made sure to get back at the right time."
"Where are we the army?" asked Xiu....
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Sanosuke tossed and turned in his sleeping bag. For a big fluffy bison, Appa wasn't exactly comfortable to sleep on. He heard a murmer and looked to his right where Jin slept next to him. He knew it was a weird thing to do, but the Avatar couldn't help but watch her sleep since he couldn't. Not only because he wasn't comfortable, but because he was worried about Haruki. Sure, they weren't exactly close and there were times when they got into some arguments but it didn't mean Sanosuke didn't care about what would happen to his, what did Aura call them? Oh yeah, frienemy. When he saw the smile...
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Haruki's vision blurred as he slowly gained consciousness. He groaned when he felt his head throb painfully.
"My head." he groaned. He tried to raise a hand to rub the big bump from where the rock hit but realized he was tied up. His vision became more clear and he found himself tied to a tree. He struggled to free himself but he was bound tight. He looked around to see where he was. He was in a forest and was near a camp filled with people in dark armor. He began to remember what had happened before he was knocked out and kicked himself mentally.
Idiot! How could you have gotten yourself captured...
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Sanosuke silently followed Haruki back to camp where Rikiya waited with his arms crossed across his chest.
"About time you showed up!" exclaimed Rikiya when he saw the Avatar. "So, you ready to learn some earthbending?"
Sanosuke bowed slightly to Rikiya
"Of course sifu Rikiya." said Sanosuke respectfully
"Huh." Rikiya held his chin and looked up thoughtfully, "Sifu Rikiya. I like the sound of that."
Sanosuke couldn't help but smile and roll his eyes.
"So what move are you going to teach me first?" he asked
"We're just going to start with 'move a rock'."
Sanosuke shrugged. "Whatever." He didn't notice...
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He flew on a cloud high in the air over the ocean. He's never felt more blissful in his life than he did at that moment. He felt the wind in his face as he soared in the clear blue sky. He felt a presence nearby and looked around to see a beautiful woman young flying next to him on her own cloud. She looked at him and gave him a radiant smile. He couldn't help but smile back. The sky suddenly darkened and Sanosuke could hear yelling below so he looked down and saw Chikara Army ships in the ocean, smoke billowed from them. Several soldiers ran around on the ships, some of them yelled commands....
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Jin stood at a bridge looking at the night sky. The moon was full and bright. When its rays started to cast over her, she closed her eyes, sighing in contentment. Though she was a firebender, Jin always felt more at home, more safe, when she was near water. It was as if she was a waterbender instead of a firebender.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Jin jumped slightly, looking around to see Sanosuke standing next to her. His body was facing the railings, with his arms draped over the edge of the railings like hers was and he too was looking at the moon.
“Princess Yue must be in a good mood if the...
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