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Katara slowly opened her eyes. She felt less weak than before. When she fully opened her eyes, she found herself in a different place. She was in a big, dark, red room. With torches surrounding it.
"W-where am I?" she asked herself.
She later noticed she was in chains. She tried to break free, but she couldn't! Her arms and legs were chained to the wall.
"Let me out!" she shouted.
"It's no use!" cried a familiar voice.
Katara looked around to see who it was. When she looked on her left side, she found a wooden box where the familiar voice was coming from.
"Toph?" she called.
"No, it's The Blue Spirit!...
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"Here you go." said a man as he offered food to the next person in line.
"Thank you." responded a familiar voice.
She sat down on a table, far distant from the others, alone. As she was about to eat, a nurse came to her.
"Miss, someone wants to visit you." replied the nurse.
The woman who was eating stood up and followed the nurse. They went into a room with a table and two chairs, a person was inside.
"Here she is." replied the nurse.
The nurse left the room, and closed the door.
"Well, well, well," the lady began. "look who's here!"
"Don't play games with me Azula!" barked Firelord Zuko.
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Sixteen years have passed since the death of Aang, and the birth of Kaya. Kaya has grown into a beautiful adolescent; and a skillful waterbender, thanks for her mother Katara and her grandfather Pakku. She also learned a few warrior techniques from her uncle Sokka and aunt Suki. She was blessed with kindness, and wisdom(for her name ment that).
"Kaya, could you please take this jasmine tea to Iroh?" asked Katara.
"Sure mother." responded Kaya.
Kaya took the tea, making sure it's warm enough, and went to the tent were Iroh was.
"And make sure not to disturb him much! He is very ill!" added Katara....
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After two weeks, of rebuilding the Southern Water Tribe; everyone went back to their duties and other obligations. Toph and Hiru went back to the Earth Kingdom, Toph couldn't stand the cold and wanted her earthbending abilities back, so did Hiru. Kaya went along with them too, for she needed to master earthbending! And iro went back to the Fire Nation.
Before Kaya went to Appa to fly to the Earth Kingdom with Toph and Hiru, Katara caught up with her.
"Kaya!" she shouted. "Wait!"
"What is it?" asked Kaya concerned.
"I'm coming with you!" Katara declared. "You still need some training in waterbending!"...
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posted by avatarluver990
*WARNING: The following story will be in Zuko's point of view. Thank you*

Mai and I returned to the Fire Nation palace just in time for supper. During it, Mai and I didn't speak a word. It was dead silence in the dinning room. The only sound that I could hear were my jaws chewing on the food.
"So um, Mai, did you enjoyed the play?" I finally spoke.
"The only part I enjoyed was the part where the curtains closed, and we left." Mai responded.
"I didn't like the play either." I replied.
There was a long silence.
"I am going to bed." Mai announced.
"What's wrong?" I asked. "Did something happen?"
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posted by avatarluver990
We reached to Ember Island (with a little help from Appa of course) just in time to see the play. I noticed that Zuko brought Mai along with him. My soul ragged with anger as I saw the two of them holding hands. Aang was with me too, but we didn't held each others hands; he tried though, but I always released it, as I said before, I just pretended to love him. We sat at the same seats we did last time, Toph however, sat up front so her feet can see it. I sat next to Zuko like last time, but Mai was sitting next to him too, and Aang sat by me also.

The play began. The actors for Sokka and I...
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Srry I haven't posted any A:TLC lately, it's cuz I had a lot in my schedule, starting with School :P, hope you enjoy the last chapter! Yep, this is the last chapter for book 1! Dnt wrry, Book 2 will be coming up soon ;) Enjoy!

Katara paced back and forth, a hint of preocupation showed in her eyes.
"Will you stop worring so much?!" Toph asked for the millionth time. "Everything will be alright!"
"Well that's cause your child isn't fighting with a maniac woman trying to conquer the world!" Katara snapped.
"Don't worry Katara! Kaya is the Avatar, she can handle this!" said Hiru calmly.
"Yeah, that's...
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posted by avatarluver990
I write with feelings, and not with lies. I write with passion, and not with hate. I love him, yes I do. With all my might, I desire for him to be with me. But alas, my love is kept secret and hidden in my heart, and therfore I cannot speak the truth to him. But I wish that someday he'd realize it...and feel the way I feel towards him.
"Katara! What are you doing?" asked Toph in a loud voice.
I hid my journal in a safe place that no one is ever to suspect.
"Nothing!" I answered loud and clear.
"Come on, your brother has an announcment!" she demanded.
I followed Toph to the wide open space of...
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It was night fall, and they still didn't get to the Southern Water Tribe! Appa was tired, so Kaya landed Appa with Toph and Hiru by a beach on Whale Tail Island.
"Whale Tail Island is close to the Southern Water Tribe!" Kaya commented. "My morning will fly off."
Kaya was impressed that she sounded just like her uncle Sokka!
"Well, we should better set camp." announced Hiru.
"Ahh! Just like the good old days, when me, Katara, Sokka and Aang were your ages!" Toph smiled.
"Do you need any help?" asked Kaya kindly.
"Nah!" responded Toph. "I'm good."
Kaya watched Toph make her tent from earthbending....
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"Kaya! I need your help with these seal jerkies!!!" Katara shouted. "They're getting out of hand!!!"
"Sure mom." said Kaya in a sad tone.
"What's wrong?" asked her mother.
"It's this whole Avatar thing!" Kaya explained. "I don't think I can be a great Avatar!"
"You know, that's exactly what your father said!" remarked Katara.
"Really?" asked Kaya grabbing a basket full of seal jerky.
"Absolutely!" answered Katara. "He thought the same thing, when he was starting to train to be an Avatar."
They reached their home and placed the baskets of seal jerky inside. There was a long silence while they...
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In the Fire Nation Palace's balcony, stood Prince Iro, gazing at the homes of the far distance of the palace. He stands still, motionless, lifeless, as if he was just a statue. Firelord Zuko came and placed his hand upon his son's shoulder.
"What's in your head Iro?" asked Zuko.
"Being heir to the throne." responded Iro. "Are you sure there isn't anybody else in line than me?"
"There's your aunt Azula." Zuko answered sarcastically.
Iro pondered.
"On second thought," he began. "being Firelord wouldn't be so bad...just sitting there...taking control...being powerful...with nothing to do..."
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Class started smoothly. At least for everyone else! I had to hear the chuckles and giggles that my classmates were giving me! Yep, I was having a blast. While I layed my head face down on my desk to hide my humiliation; I heard someone plump down on the desk next to mine. I lifted up my head just a bit to see who it was. With my luck, I was face to face with my loving half-sister, Jeni.
"What are you looking at, faggot?" she asked.
"Your in my class." I announced stupidly.
"Duh! What do you think, moron?" she snapped.
"I thought you were a Freshmen." I said, which I shouldn't have.
She made a fist...
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Kaya panted back and forth when they reached Gaoling. Katara, as usual, was worried.
"Kaya, it's ok to be a little nervous." comforted Katara.
"A little?" asked Kaya. "I'm a lot nervous!!! I have to defeat the Conquerors soon as possible, and I didn't even master all elements!!!"
"But you will!" assured Katara. "You will master all elements, I know you can!"
Kaya smiled.
"Okay," bean Kaya. "Maybe I was overreacting."
"Okay people!" shouted Toph. "Enough chit-chat, time to teach this Avatar some Earthbending!"
Kaya went up to Toph to get ready, Katara went up to Toph as well.
"Toph, try to be...
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Firelord Zuko stood at the edge of his ship, gazing at the seas in a deep reverie. Kaya slowly walked up to him and interupted his thoughts.
"Um, Firelord? Sorry to bother you but...you were there when my father died right?" she asked.
Zuko's eyes were soon heavy with dissapointment.
"Yes, I was there..." he responded in a low voice. "Why you ask?"
"I always wanted to know how my father died...and I'm afraid to end up the same way he did." she answered in a grave tone.
"I have a strong feeling that you wont," began Firelord Zuko. "But if you insist, then I guess I should tell you..."
His mind was...
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"You mean," Kaya began with a shaky voice. "You're my...father?"
Aang nodded.
Kaya's eyes swelled up with tears of joy. For so long she wishes to see her father, now this day has come. Kaya ran towards the monk and hugged him. Aang almost flew back because of the force Kaya put.
"I always wanted to meet you for so long!" Kaya explained with tears rolling down to her cheek.
"I always wanted to meet you too Kaya." responded Aang.
"Wait," Kaya paused. "How do you know my name?"
"Kaya," Aang began. "I'm you! Just as you know my name, I know yours! Besides, when I died, Avatar Roku told me that I...
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posted by avatarluver990
Zuko and I returned to our seats. The play was now at the part of the invasion. I couldn't believe that Zuko and I missed almost half of the play.
"Katara where were you?" Sokka asked. "You missed half of the play!"
"I had to go to the bathroom!" I lied, nervously.
"With Zuko?" he asked in a disgusted look.
"NO!" I snapped. "I met up with Zuko when I got out!"
"But didn't you leave on the exact same moment as Zuko did?" he asked again.
Sokka should be a detective instead of a warrior! He was gaining on me! I was about to burst and confess the whole thing!!!
"Well I....." I began.
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WARNING: The following FANMADE story that you are about to read is FANMADE, I DO NOT OWN AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER!!!! This is MY version of how the story continues!!!! This is a FAN FICTION story!!!!

"PUSH!!!" yelled Suki.
Katara was dripping in sweat from the awful pain that she felt. Her husband, Aang, was fighting against a group of people at the earth kingdom with Sokka and Zuko, and could not participate in the birth of his child.
"PUSH!!!" yelled Suki once more.
Mai was with them too, watching Katara giving birth to her child. At last, a faint cry is heard from the distance, and everyone...
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"YOU'RE WHAT?!" shouted Katara.
"I'm going to the Earth Kingdom to find an earthbending teacher!" explained Kaya for the second time.
"And you're going ALONE?" asked Katara.
"I'm not!" replied Kaya. "I'm going with Appa!"
"Well, who else you are going with?" asked Katara.
"Well, no one." Kaya confessed.
"You are not going alone!" demanded Katara.
"Oh come on mom, I'll be fine!" comforted Kaya. "Trust me!"
"Fine!" Katara finally agreed.
Kaya hopped on Appa, placed her stuff, and flew off.

It took about half an hour to reach to the Earth Kingdom. When they did, Kaya was surprised to see that...
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Kaya placed the warm tea cup in the ground and sat down, as the rest of the group tasted its deliciousness.
"Wow Kaya! I'm impressed!" remmarked Katara. "Iroh must have taught you well in making tea!"
"He did!" replied Kaya. "He taught me everything I know!"
"Not only you're the master of all four elements, you're a master at tea too!" joked Miko.
"Thank you but, I'm not a master yet, I still need to master Earth, and Fire!" commented Kaya. "Not to mention Air!"
"But how are you going to master Air if there aren't any airbenders left?" asked Miko.
"Yeah, the last one was your father, and he died...
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posted by avatarluver990
This is a preview of my next story coming up! Hope u like it ;)

Even though my heart was pounding hard and my mind was racing, I still felt slow. As if my legs are moving slower by the second. Yes I'm running, running from this dumb mission that I just had to be part of. Running from this hellish place called SFYA, School For Young Agents. I'm one of them. But now I'm just running from them. They took everything from me. My home, my family, my life! I want it back, I want justice, I want revenge! But for now, I'm just running. My feet are sore and burised, my arms are covered with cuts and blood, and my face is sprayed with tears and sweat. I need to get out of this living nightmare, I need to be free. But right now I'm running, running from them.