Bullying - all forms Wall

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toppotternerd said …
i'm bullied by my brother. He shoves me and tells me nasty things that have make me feel really insecure. at birthdays when i was little, i didn't wish for ponies, i wished that my brother would finally stop being horrible to me. it makes me wnat to cut myself. Some boys at school muck around and say silly stuff to me but i just laugh at them and brush it off but wiht my brother it really hurts i don't know why he hates me so much but no matter what i do i always end up crying myself to sleep. Posted over a year ago
BooBooBear981 commented…
I am so sorry!!! I feel SO bad for you.... I hope the harassment fades and your brither stops bullying! over a year ago
StopBullying1 commented…
I know this is a little late but, You are awesome, don't listen to him, which i know it's hard since hes you brother. Tell your parents,tell a guidance teacher, tell a adult. If you're seriously curios, ask him why he hates you. You don't have to do any of this, i would though, and i have, everything stopped once i did, now i'm always happy. over a year ago