Carrie & Quinn Wall

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laurik2007 said …
oh wow, I'm gonna be a total wreck for the next few days ..... Posted over a year ago
drewjoana said …
I am trying to make some amends with this two possible love relationship. For me it so so damn hard since Carrie & Brody are my ultimate OTP. Doing my best to overcome this and accept this somehow!;) Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
I was also in this situatuin honey ....and ultimatelly they won me over, ittle by little ....if we want Carrie to be happy you need to give Quinn a chance :) over a year ago
escada commented…
hey, you joined too :D over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
ESQUIRE: There are a lot of fans hoping for a Carrie-Quinn love story now that Brody is gone. Is that a possibility?

Rupert Friend: “With this show the writers are so good. It would be a possibility if it wasn’t expected. To be honest, while it’s the obvious play, it doesn’t feel very Homeland to me. But I’m not writing the shows. I’ve just noticed that they’re very good at exploding the thing you think is going to be the big slow burner. Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
“Will Carrie and Brody sleep together?” “Oh shit, they already have.” They just blow shit up. They blew up the CIA instead of wondering what happened to it. They’re more likely to put the cat among the pigeons than they are to say, “Here’s a nice, neat happy ending.” It’s not that kind of show.” over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
“I think there’s a huge mutual respect there. They’re both brilliant at what they do. They recognize that you have to take yourself to extreme personal lengths in order to conduct yourself professionally. They both have to go through things that I think most people would find very difficult. We see that with Carrie and Quinn this season.

  Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
They put themselves through the mill in the name of something greater than them. Those people are quite rare and I think they find each other, they recognize each other and they stick together.” — Ruper Friend, about why Quinn feels protective of Carrie ( over a year ago
Irenenew commented…
well you shouldn't get your hopes too high for a romantic relationship between them... “There might be romance brewing with a new person on the team and Quinn. It's too early to tell, but we wouldn't be surprised if Homeland went there with the two of them.” over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
Omg you rascal, you almost gave me a heart a :)) over a year ago
big smile
laurik2007 said …
"Carrie and Quinn have a connection that’s at least as magnetic as Carrie and Brody, since they’re not just driven and broken by their work, they’re actually working on the same side. Two dynamite exchanges spell out the emotional stakes here, first between Carrie and Quinn – “I’m not sure I like being watched over by you, Quinn.” “I’m at a safe distance.” Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
– then between Quinn and Saul – “She’s on her own, Saul.” “She’s always been on her own.” Deepening the relationship between these complicated characters could give Homeland a genuine second wind that will last long past the twist’s last gasps.” - rolling stone over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
“Carrie is building a professional intimacy with Quinn, which is often more meaningful for her than a conventional romance.”

Claire Danes Posted over a year ago