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Nathan Fillion Talks Break-Up Twist: The Goal Is to Bring Back the Show 'Everybody Fell in Love'

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Castle’ Season 8 — Nathan Fillion on Rick/Kate Break-Up Twist | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
‘s title star apparently cocked his own eyebrow upon learning that the ABC series’ new showrunners, Alexi Hawley and Terence Paul Winter, planned to break up Rick and Kate two weeks into Season 8, less than a year after their on-screen wedding.
Castle Recap: The Mystery Of… What Does the Show Look Like Now?
“First of all, I asked them if they were high,” Nathan Fillion quipped to TVLine on Saturday night, at The Paley Center for Media‘s
reunion event. “Second, they reassured me that what was going was they wanted to get back to a time when people were rooting for the couple, rooting for them to get together, to do something.”
So with Beckett (played by Stana Katic) keeping her husband at arm’s length while she secretly pursues a deadly agenda — the search for Bracken’s high-powered partner — Castle is left to do what he can to “win her back” by, as sampled in last week’s episode, recreating the crimesolving camaraderie that first lit a fire under the couple’s “Will They/Won’t They” tension.
“People had a desire, a wont, for them to fight for something,” Fillion observes. And in finding this way to restore that dynamic, “I think [the showrunners] did a really good job.”
Castle Reveal: The Feisty ‘New Woman’ in Rick’s Life Is… Aubrey Plaza?
will be different with its marrieds now separated, Fillion pointed to a return to the procedural’s lighter days/episodes.
“One of the things that Terence and Alexi are really big on, and I agree, is they don’t consider
to be a drama,” Fillion said. “It’s never been much of a drama; it’s far more a comedy with dramatic and heartfelt moments. And they wanted to bring it back to a time when it was funny, when it was great, when it was the lighthearted show that everybody fell in love with.”
RELATEDCastle Bosses Defend ‘Bold’ Twist, Preview ‘Caskett’ Version 2.0, Trust Fans ‘Will Be Pleasantly Surprised’
And if this new set-up — Rick operating as a private eye, with daughter Alexis’ assistance, while Beckett, Ryan and Esposito chase cases — means better “utilizing the wonderful, talented actors we already have on the show,” that’s the best of all worlds, Fillion said.
shoe yet to drop — the next “shift” to come for Rick and Kate, in the fall finale airing Nov. 23 — Fillion had nada to tease: They haven’t told
yet, so you already know more than me!”
, or for any other show? Email and your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line.
So they couldn’t have made it more comedic and less of a drama without this ridiculously nonsensical storyline?
I really think that the evolution to being ‘lighter’ as he states or more comedic and less dramatic is really not what attracted fans. He, Castle, was intelligent, clever and had great dialogue-he morphed into a fool. They have on occasion had just ridiculous episodes–last week not so bad-a little silly, but please next Monday no goofy Castle. You can sell that anymore, no one is buying at this stage. Fans have taken this abrupt change very seriously and it deserves to be addressed seriously.
Actually, a bit of an edit–fans, whatever–it’s really the story that deserves better treatment.
Evening, lkh! I have a hard time seeing where these guys are coming from. Going back to the “light stories” and “comedy” is counter-intuitive to breaking up the main couple and shrouding it in complex, high-stakes drama.
It just reeks of an excuse to separate Castle and Beckett, and the actors who play them. Only in this new direction, Castle gets to play with Alexis, Ryan, Espo, Ha(y)ley, super fun guest stars, and occasionally Beckett. Sometimes.
Hey JOT! Unfortunately, I think when they say light stories, they’re talking ‘bring in the clown’. Remember the confident, clever, witty, intelligent banter, dialogue, quips and,–I’m starting to tear up :[ Now ‘light’ translates into something very unpleasant. Someone here has made the point that the episodes just jump around, no continuity-just leave these traumatic events hang for a few weeks–maybe January we will be back to them. Something very serious, unnerving happens, and we just throw in a few goofy episodes, prat falls, silly hats, you know, ‘light’. That was season 7–not a good idea.
The focus should be on both the characters figuring out why they ended up where they are (besides a bad idea from the writers). Both characters theoretically ’caused’ this to happen. The story lies in the resolution of those issues. Clown boy keeps trying to get her attention so she will fall in love again, and she’s told him at least a dozen times that she loves him. Her demons, I dunno how to ‘unwrite’ that character confusion.
OMG, I think he’s wearing a silly hat on Monday.
Exactly. And, yeah, he wears a sombrero on Monday….with a goofy, oversized grin. The only hat I have liked seeing Rick/Nathan in is a fedora (Blue Butterfly and the Indian Jones hat in the mummy curse ep).
Nathan has indicated his preference for the comedic aspects of Castle (both show and character) in just about every interview of his since the show premiered. I can’t help but think some of the direction Hawley and Winter have taken is influenced by him. I certainIy think that much of the goofy side of Rick is due to how Nathan chose to play scenes with directors letting him for the past few seasons. Rick was playful early on but never stupid, child-like but not childish.
I disagree with his description of Castle that “it’s never been much of a drama; it’s far more a comedy with dramatic and heartfelt moments.” I would say the opposite. The show began as a heartfelt drama with comedy and very likeable characters. But the comedy was not broad, silly, slapsticky stuff. As lkh said above, it was intelligent and clever. The dialogue was witty and bright. And the episodes blended that with intriguing COTWs and character background. One of the extraordinary things about the first few episodes was how quickly viewers got to know the main characters. They seemed real even if the premise of a writer shadowing a detective was a bit unreal.
If Nathan is correctly representing what the new show runners said to him then they are wrong. You do not return to “lightheartedness” by introducing a deadly threat to your leads causing one to leave the other in an attempt to neutralize that threat while keeping the other as safe as possible.
Yet again; You can have a show with a couple in a relationship and it still be sexy and fun and full of spark. What must these Hollywood writers relationships be like if they consider being in a couple to be such a bore that it can never be written? That they have to break the couple up to have more “will they won’t they”.
It might have been simple but I would have much rather this show come back and start its new season and Castle and Beckett are happily married, and take on this threat together as a team, and be badass and still fun and flirty and with great comedy. How about a TV show represents happily married couples that still have that flirty spark with each other.
Exactly. I wish they were going your way.
I don’t mind the new drama of another Big Bad or the split, but there’s a responsibility to treat it seriously now. By that I don’t mean every ep has to be deadly and darkly serious, but the situation has to be addressed in every ep between now and the story arc’s resolution. To me this was the big fail of Rick’s disappearance in season 7. You do not introduce such a life-altering event as a person’s disappearance on their wedding day without handling the fallout very carefully and completely. Again, there can be a mixture of lightness and seriousness in the following eps, but the elephant in the room has to acknowledged, developed and resolved in a satisfying way.
I agree with m3rcnate. If your goal is lightheartedness and spark, Hawley and Winter should have kept them happily together with the only “drama” in their lives being how to handle Beckett being captain and the only question of WTWT being how Castle will still get to work with her.
Ridiculous. So they’re basically accepting that they dint know what to do so lets just break them & go back to the earlier seasons. Do they realize how dumb that sounds? If we wanted that, we can just rewatch s1-s4 tyvm.
Sorry still not watching. Dumbest move ever. Could have brought humor back without divorce. That isn’t funny in my book. Epic fail.
Love that you’re not watching but you gotta come tell us all about it, Linda. If you’re thinking about coming back at some point, fine, but if you’re pretty sure you’re out, why are you wasting your time or anybody else’s? Why bring the negativity to a show you’re not even watching right now? How could you possibly know if it was any good? By the way, they’re not getting a divorce. You’re clearly not even reading the various TVLine articles clearly, never mind not watching the show. The idea of a breakup is not really a breakup anyway. At least not that we know of right now. I’d be stunned if it were. They’re clearly still in love, Rick wants to be with her and she’d be with him if she weren’t afraid it’d get him killed. So not a breakup basically.
Does your finger ever get tired from all that wagging?
No one fell out of love with the show when Caskett were together and happy. If anything that made people want to watch more.
No, a LOT of people fell out of love with the show. With the fact that they barely interacted onscreen and had pretty much no chemistry when they did? With a severe lack of lighthearted cases and Castle just being an annoying character?
At least that’s why I stopped loving it two years ago.
Yes, in part, but a case can be made that that happened only after it became apparent that the writers lost the edge of writing the characters’ evolving relationship as intelligent and witty. At the same time, Nathan seemed to withdraw a bit, perhaps got bored or whatever, and Rick grew into a sillier and less effective character. I short, IMO, it was the failure to maintain the integrity of the two characters once they were together that turned off people.
I don’t think any of the actors deserve that kind of disrespect. You’re calling someone a liar with no evidence. That’s libel for the record.
They certainly got their wish. People are in fact rewatching season 1, season 2 and season 3.
Castle! We are talking about Castle! Well, good luck with that! It’s not working😔💤
1. Castle and Beckett as a fun, happily married couple and…
2. Castle, Beckett, Esposito, and Ryan working together as a team to solve crimes.
Right now this show is giving me neither. They took the best parts of the show and virtually erased them from my screen. For a “comedy” I find it very, very sad.
Sorry but this story line is silly. I think making Castle a PI was the wrong move. He needed to be back in the police station assisting with the cases vs having the couple split up.
It’s hilarious how the execs has basically stated pretty clearly that they had no idea how to write the characters when together and they regressed the relationship and the characters as a result. At least Fillion’s instinctive was the same as ours.
If his first “instinctive” reply was really what he said, then he had an obligation to stand up for what he thought was the right way to go and try to change the minds of the show runners instead of being easily “reassured.” On screen he looks like he’s enjoying the season so far, so I doubt he objected to the new direction very much if at all.
“People had a desire, a wont, for them to fight for something”
No, we didn’t. Not like this. We wanted to see them fighing side by side, growing as persons and as a couple. We were ready to see them taking on the next stage of their couplehood, not revert back to how they were 5 years ago. If I wanted to see that, I’d just go and get my DVDs. FFS.
People could still watch the couple fight for something….together. They are at the best when they work together. You can’t go back in time and erase what they had so you can’t go “back to the fun early episodes” while ignoring all the history….especially with a lame reason for breaking them up.
I’m pretty sure castle will be cancelled after this season, if they r lucky they might get a shortened final season to cover up this mess.
“They haven’t told me yet, so you already know more than me!”
Isn’t the fall finale episode the 8.08? Didn’t they *just* finished shooting it? How can he not know?
I believe they’re up to 809 or 810…so how does he not know what the big fall finale is that the show runners keep telling us to hang in there for? I feel like the fans are getting played here…much like when the new show runners promised that they knew the Caskett love story was the core of the show, only to destroy it in 3 episode. I’ve always loved Castle. I want to continue to love this show but they’re making it almost impossible. :(
Maybe this interview happened a while ago? That’s really the only plausible explanation to why Fillion may not know about what happens in 8×08.
This happened at Paley i believe so this weekend. The “epic Mr & Mrs Castle” for the most, part complete. Must be great if he didnt notice a shift in their relationship? AH strings us along again…
I remember the original Hart to Hart. I was looking forward to a season of Castle and Beckett like that, working together to solve cases, not trying to get plotlines out of their relationship. My favorite episodes are the serious, dramatic ones, and the whimsical ones, like when they basically went back in time to the forties. The new showrunners fail. I have not watched this season and will not be watching unless things change.
I give Fillion credit for trying to make sense of what the show runners are doing but the cause of the split is so ridiculous and badly executed that fans aren’t rooting for Castle and Beckett but just waiting for the silliness to end. It’s really too bad that TPW/Hawley didn’t choose instead to focus on developing interesting, believable cotw. That would have been a way to get Rick and Kate into “fun” situations that gave them something interesting to do.
Nathan never wanted Caskett together in the first place. He likes the silly, goofy Castle whereas that is not what Castle fans want to see at this point.They want to see a grown up man romancing the love of his life having a wonderful life together. Why does it always have to be so stressful? Marriages can be happy and Castle fans want to see some drama, but not with Caskett.
people say they are done with the show not watching and blablabla but they are the first ones to comment on any article that comes out and first ones to tune in and then tweet hate to the writers and the crew if you hate the show and stopped watching why do you have to comment on each and every article saying the same thing just stop watching instead
Free will, and it’s fun to criticize something and see if others agree with you. Do you not get the point of the Internet?
sorry this comment was not a reply to you it was for another poster
That’s true, but Fillion has also said, multiple times, that he was wrong.
If you want romance between Castle and Beckett, then Fillion is miscast.
There is something very wrong when a 40 something year old man has not learned how to romance a beautiful sexy woman.
There is something lost in translation when a 40 something year old man mistakes silly and goofy for fun and comedy.
There is something wrong when a 40 something year old man thinks that making ugly faces and widening his eyes is dramatic.
FILLION IS MISCAST, period. Why did the big guy choose acting as a career anyway. He cannot act. He mugs.And even that is off the chart goofy.
Finally, when the show runners must insert themselves week after week to implore fans to stay with the show, there is something very wrong. The episodes and the writing should speak to that and then begging would not be necessary.
They should refer to Webster for definitions of fun and funny. So far I have not even smiled at this cartoon of a show.
Stana give me a heads up when you decide to leave the mess, I’ll be going with you. I am trying to hang because you are still a cast member. But girl they must do better by your character or I must desert you too.
I largely agree with this – although I found Fillion far more convincing at the start. It’s got goofier over the last couple of years and that’s not my kind of humour. I’m now mainly watching for Stana and Susan (when they give her a scene).
I don’t know about everyone else, but I fell in love with the drama and romance of the show. The funny aspect is really not that funny to me. And once the will they/won’t they is over and it’s decided that they will, I want them to stay together! That’s the whole point of waiting all that time fore them to get together. Things only started going downhill for me with the season 6 finale.
And in so doing they have killed the show. TPW & Mr. Hawley if you are reading this: WE DID NOT WANT THIS.
Aren’t they filming the episode “we know more about” right now??
Are the writers out of their minds?????? Leave well enough alone!!! Castle & Beckett married & together the way it was. This is my favorite show & with your changes I won’t be watching!!!!!!
Well, I’m one of those people who was actively disinterested in the show until mid-season 4 i.e. when we were well on the way to imminent coupledom (I actually tried to start with the premiere that year and then I found out she’d had a boyfriend when he said he loved her and I nope’d back on out), so…them being in love and demonstrating their excellence in relationshipping is the show *I* fell in love with and I’m not coming back until it is that show again.
There are a few things I agree with. One, I do agree that Castle is not an out and out drama. What differentiated it from other dramas when it started was the light tone. This in turn made the dramatic episodes better because those episodes were rare and you knew that the stakes were high for the characters. But everything else is BS. How exactly are we going to root for a couple whose reason for separation is completely self-inflicted? Because all I think right now is that Beckett is just not mentally equipped to be in a relationship and Castle is better off far away from her. I don’t think that’s the react the execs want.
No matter what happens with this show, people hate on it. People would complain “The show is called Castle, not Beckett.” So they gave Castle a big story line.. and everybody hated on it. People complain about how good the show used to be, so they try to get back to that dynamic.. and everybody hates on it.
The reason why I disliked the much of S7 was because it was all over the place, not because of the focus they put on Castle. They should have gone and explored it, not hopped from that to marriage, to separation at work, to Beckett needs a new challenge. In the season 1-6 their relationship started at one point, ended at another, in S7 it dealt with 4 or 5 things and none of it was seen through.
Personally, I’m not a fan of a will they/won’t they drama. What I liked about Castle was the fact that they had a plan and that they got together and that they didn’t draw it out endlessly but it all made sense and tied in nicely and once the obstacles were gone, they were a couple. And there are ways to write a couple, you just have to step back, check off one box, make a cut and start anew with a new outlook and a new relationship. You need a different approach when writing a couple, a new set-up and you have to shift your attention.
Scenes which were shot in the precinct before should maybe be shot at home now, they should talk about cases at home, about things that bother them about the cases and that needs to be mixed in with their personal lives. The pattern needs to shift. And if you manage that, then you can make the show fun even with a married couple. I don’t think it’s the will they/won’t they people fell in love with and you don’t need that to add spark and chemistry to a show. (case in point Madam Secretary; absolutely love the dynamic between that happily married couple)
And the small gestures and touches and looks between them which were there for (most of) S4 and 5 and also S6 have absolutely nothing to do with will they/won’t they and that is what I missed for most of S7 and that is what I would like to see again, only more of it. A stolen moment at the precinct here, a touch there, a meaningful look here… I think that was lacking more than the “fun” aspect.
I do not care what they call this show. But the point you are attempting to amke by using the name of the show as reason to justify Castle storyline, the fact remains that Castle’s storyline was a big fail.
You have blinders on if you cannot not understand, 7 years in, that the show called Castle would not been a success without Stana.
There are plenty of amazing series, starring many talented actors, that only last one season. So Firefly is not some uniquely massive failure. And there’s no denying Fillion’s popularity or his contribution to that cult hit.
Likewise, there’s no denying Katic’s respective popularity within the Castle franchise and her contribution to this cult hit.
That’s my diplomatic post of the season. I cannot promise there’ll be any others.
The more they talk the more they exposed to criticism.
….Only watching now for STANA ! Otherwise, it’s time to say goodbye ……
Looking forward to Ms. STANA KATIC’S next adventures, whatever & wherever
Disappointing to say the least. Writers and staff get upset when fans post unfavorable reviews but who gets married to split up months later? Oh wait the KKK’s of reality tv. These writers better but these characters back together and move their relationship forward. Or is it that the two new producers really don’t get along and this was the best way of giving them separate story lines while still having them as co stars? What a waste of resources , actors and a talented production company. I say bring back Andrew and Terri and have them breathe new life to this series. Heck Fans would be more than happy to suggest LOGICAL plots that would get Kate and a Rick’s juices flowing and the chemistry evident again. In Spanish there is a saying “estan sin ganas!” Which means they’re not really feeling or interested in what they have to do , they’re just going through the motions. Way to mess up a really great show! So depressing to watch it should be euthanized.
The premise chosen makes Beckett look like a Bipolar manic obsessive. And has fans wondering how and why Rick should take her back. Beckett is doing the same as Meredith, she is becoming the new refried twinkie.
But isnt this “fun”? I cant enjoy the “comedy” or anything else when they are split. Such a stupid, character damaging storyline.
The more that anyone connected to this show opens their mouth (Winters, Hawley, Fillion) the worse this gets. The only one with any sense at this point is Ms. Katic – who at least has the decency not to insult us (so far) with her version of “damage control”. One can only wonder if she really knew what she was signing up for…besides the money. She does not strike me as stupid or obtuse….which so far…the 3 Men Talking do appear to be. They are so out of sync with the majority of fans at this point, that it is just becoming laughable. I did not think it possible….but they have truly made me begin to detest a show and characters I once loved. Can they really be that out of touch? Apparently so.
And lol @ “you already know more than me!” Don’t play dumb with us.
Ms. Katic knew exactly what she was signing up for and looked forward to more interesting material to work with based on the new storyline.
Oh please Stana only cares for herself. Not the show, not the caskett. She wanted an independent story for Beckett and less time with Nathan. And least romantic / intimate scenes. More holidays and more pay. She got all what she wanted.
Yes, that totally makes sense. ABC signed NF first, leaked the news about said signing and started hunting for new showrunners because they wanted to bend over backward to give Stana Katic what she wanted this season.
Stana had said her character’s integrity would remain as before, it hasn’t remained that way, not for the majority of the fans.
Sorry, Harvey. I don’t remember reading that. I’ll revisit the Deadline interview at some point to see if I missed it.
I agree with Harvey; Beckett has lost character integrity in my eyes. Not sure who is to blame for it: the writers, the actress or a combination of both.
If people want to believe that any actor would be willingly involved in their own character’s assassination, that’s cool.
I’m sure you will here from Katic soon enough. Its not as if the actors are going to badmouth the execs.
don’t make stana out to be some innocent person in all this she knew exactly what she was singing up for……………… i love sk but please both Nathan and stana knew why !!!!
abc just gave them a huge pay check which they could not refuse that’s it !!!!!!!!!! when sk was announced producer of the show people were ecstatic ,………………and said that season 8 was going to be good because she was going to make the show like it was before ,………………… now it tanked she is innocent yeah right???!!! i love stana to death in castle but some times it just gets overboard by some everyone should take the blame in this
I think it’s interesting that people believe Katic knew what was ahead for S8 while she was abroad, and following a likely short chat with newly appointed showrunners who had yet to meet with their team of writers.
But they also believe Fillion doesn’t know what’s happening in an episode that’s either in production or post-production.
lol! It’s also interesting how you just want Stana to be one who didn’t know anything at all about the first two eps even and was only following the writers after a small chat, which didn’t have anything about the break up of course while Nathan knew about everything, lol.
I don’t necessarily think Fillion knew how the new season would develop or flow, but I have a hard time believing he was completely clueless.
Thanks to Molly Quinn’s tweet during contract drama – which I believe she quickly deleted the same day – we can assume she re-signed with the show shortly after Fillion and well before Katic or anyone else (besides maybe Susan Sullivan).
So, given how contract negotiations drama mounted, and even with Katic’s claim that it wasn’t as dramatic as the media claimed, it stands to reason that the network was planning on moving forward with a new season of Castle that at LEAST featured Castle, Alexis and Martha.
If people want to believe that Fillion and others associated with the show had ZERO idea how this season’s focus would land, that’s fine.
And I’m not saying Katic didn’t have an inkling. (I suspect everyone knew about the logistics required for the show to move forward.) I just highly doubt she knew Beckett was (once again) going to be an antagonist to their relationship until later in the summer.
Oh I am not saying that either. Nathan would definitely have had known a lot when he signed, but I think Stana would also have known maybe as much as Nathan did by the time she signed. She doesn’t seem like the person who would sign without even knowing what’ll happen by the end of the first two parter episodes. It could be she didn’t imagine the reasoning being so flawed in Beckett leaving.
So we are in agreement that the possibility exists that Katic was unaware her character’s integrity would take such a hit. Great!
Yeah I guess we are in that agreement, but then there is also the possibility of Nathan even not knowing the reasons being so flawed, I mean when it comes to possibilities of course, lol. The odd thing is, she didn’t talk about caskett’s integrity all that much and it could be that she thinks that this is within her character’s personality maybe. Anything could have happened, but I really don’t think any of them had way more of clue to what would happen by the time they signed.
Just to clarify, my earlier comment about Fillion knowing about an episode in production or post was referring to his comments about the fall finale.
both of them knew ,and they r just playing ignorant
Katic hasn’t really been playing anything but that softball PR chess move with Deadline back in July. Since then, it’s been crickets from her.
Well she was busy vacationing in Europe while they shot the fall finale.
If the episode they filmed while she was away is a Beckett-lite or Beckett-free fall finale, are people going to believe that’s her fault?
lol! Majority are hating Beckett’s move and saying it was selfish, while Stana said it would protect her character’s integrity. So it’s fair to say, Stana was no different.
Yeah, I can see how the first 3 episodes are a laugh riot. That second sneak peak for e4 that’s a side spliter as well. Good to know.
If they want to bring back the show everybody fell in love with can they bring back josh or castles flight attendant or a new love interest for castle part of will/they won’t they is jealousy
Most fans are pleading for a return to Caskett. Not me. Once they became a committed couple the romance disappeared. Things were just so awkward. They hardly touched. Castle developed an allergy from romancing Beckett.
I like the separation but it is the writing that is bad, very bad. Beer Pong + 49 year old father in frat house with naked daughter= Ugh, Gag, Projectile vomit.
I also would like a return of the Josh character. That handsome fellow could romance the sweet out of sugar. He and Beckett made quite an attractive and irresistible couple. Castle could return to the flight attendant type because the romance was not serious and Nathan just cannot do romance.
Then if Stana leaves, let her ride off into the sunset with Josh and give Nathan Castle PI. That would last about as long as Firefly. But he would be happy for a few weeks.
Whatever, just get Castle away from Alexis immediately. That is getting weird.
Next they will have to cast Child Protective Services in the series..
Also if they are bringing back the show we loved get rid of wig
See, this is my problem with Castle. If he’s going to talk about anything else at a Dr. Horrible Reunion he should be talking Two Guys,A Girl, And A Pizza Place.
And I see nobody’s mentioned Dr. Horrible other than the setting and technicality me.And FSM forbid that OTHER show he was on, something about flies that are serene and on fire
Love ya Nathan, but no. Stop trying to apologize for this disaster, which started with the car crash and has spiraled downward ever since. Looking forward to seeing you in a Spenser remake as Caskett needs a casket.
I feel a little sad for Nathan Fillion there, trying to back the company line.
yeah, but, it kinda left himself a way out didn’t he…? ‘I asked them if they were high’
I’m a pretty optimistic dude so but it’s kind of hard to remain faithful, i will continue to watch out of curiosity and I’ve watched for seven years I might as well see it through even if I don’t see the logic behind this story line, not sure why you can’t have lighthearted, funny episodes with a happily married couple. I don’t understand the break up either TBH one would assume after all the craziness this couple has been through they would trust each other enough to 1) be honest with one another 2) be willing to take on the fight together. Especially how last season ended with them seemingly very happy and content. the breakup seems forced and random too me and thus isn’t an effective thematic tool in my mind. I personally don’t have a problem with Castle as a PI with Alexis i rather enjoyed it, but the idea of him “winning her back” kind of makes me want to vomit ( was that TMI) as does throwing out years of progress Beckett made as a character i.e the whole obsession thing. but like I said I’m going to try my darnedest to be optimistic. easier said than done right?
I just watched the Alt. Universe eppy. They got married and I loved it!
I’ve stop watching, and took a sledgehammer to all the castle DVD i had. I’m done with this, they’ve beat the original Heroes run on how to destroy your show.
Castle and Becket could have had a kid, with her fighting crimes while pregnant. That would have been a year’s worth of fantastic episodes. She would be the perfect “can do it all” gal, and Castle having already raised a kid, successfully, could have shone with wit and crime solving brilliance. Here, we had a marriage with no one invited…silly…a separation coming from nowhere for no reason…duh… I hope someone grabs ahold of this series and shakes some sense into it. Where are the cautious big bucks when you need them?
The husband says, “No, the fans won’t be pleasantly surprised. They don’t want anything to do with these writers.”
This really didn’t help the misgivings about this last season.
Pleased? We look to being agog and exhilarated at what they come up with. Here’s hoping it comes together.
This doesn’t sound enticing or exciting at all with anything for most of us to be looking forward to with their ‘marrieds being separated’!
Can’t we bring back terri to be in charge. clearly she had a deeper understanding of castle
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1Arrow\'s Killer Mystery: Why Felicity, Diggle, Oliver\'s Kid or Any of…159
3Hawaii Five-0 Sneak Peek: Catherine Has a Post-Coital Surprise for…98
5Ratings: Arrow Hits Best Premiere Number Since Series Launch72
X-Files @ NY Comic-Con: Chris Carter Reveals Why…
Castle\'s Nathan Fillion Talks Break-Up Twist: The…
Last Kingdom Video: Rutger Hauer Stars in Downton…
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