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Castle Bosses Reveal Beckett's Big Move: 'We Wanted to Shake Things Up'

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Castle’ Season 8 Premiere — Beckett Promoted to Captain | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
‘s Season 8 premiere, viewers will learn what Kate Beckett decided about her career, having been courted to run for the New York state senate just as she passed the NYPD captain’s exam.
But if you can’t wait another seven weeks, the ABC drama’s new showrunners are here to resolve that small mystery. By sharing that — spoiler alert! — you may now address Rick’s missus as
Castle Season 8: [Spoiler] Will Return in a ‘Surprising’ Way
“At the end of the day, we came into this season wanting to shake things up,” new co-showrunner Alexi Hawley told TVLine at ABC’s Television Critics Association press tour party. “The show has been doing a great job with what’s its been doing, but now we’ve been given an opportunity to really sort of add some energy into it” — in part by putting Beckett (played by Stana Katic) in the captain’s office, but also by introducing both a new series regular (
‘ Toks Olagundoye, as security specialist Hayley Shipton) and a recurring player (
d’s Sunkrish Bala, as tech analyst Vikram Singh).
‘s other new showrunner, said that having Beckett run for office is “something we absolutely considered, and it’s not like it’s off the table.” But for the foreseeable future, it is. Because in deciding Beckett’s career path, “What we realized is that the best way to tell
‘s stories is to have  Castle investigating twisty, fun cases. And the best way to do that is to keep Beckett in the precinct.”
RELATEDCastle‘s Stana Katic Teases ‘Event’ that Shifts Season 8 Into ‘Higher Velocity’
That said, promoting Beckett to captain could mean dialing down her time spent working cases firsthand, alongside Rick on the streets of New York City. And that could threaten to “shake things up” for a couple whose bond was born of the writer/muse relationship.
“The important thing to say about [Rick and Kate] is that the show has always been and will always be about their love affair,” Hawley attests. “But we’re looking to add some drama to it, some spark to it. We’re going to have fun. It’s going to be emotional at times, it will be romantic…. It will be everything.”
, or for any other show? Email and your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line.
Okay I like this new direction, get Castle and some new fiery actress out and about doing cases and keep Beckett in the precinct. I’m all for that. This show needed a change and Castle/Beckett were getting super boring together (partially because of Beckett being a drama queen and all). So these two spending time apart for the duration of the season is something I’ll be happy with. I think it’ll be nice for Nathan to work with someone else, because the last couple of seasons Castle and Beckett have been snooze worthy.
It does sound like this new direction is right up some fans’ alley.
Like you, I don’t need Castle and Beckett to solve crimes together to enjoy the show. I just need Beckett to be written consistently.
I sincerely hope Hastle have a great time working together.
Ya but if so Beckett wouldn’t be a captain they do a lot of desk work and politics she hates politics
Apparently there really were only two options for Beckett going into Season 8: Senator route, in case Katic didn’t re-sign, or Captain route with some dialing back.
Keeping Beckett as a lead detective, solving crimes with Castle, apparently was off the table.
And that’s fine. We all shall live. People will have to decide if that’s entertaining enough to continue.
Haha of the two characters, Castle is the drama queen and the boring one. But yeah, maybe Nathan will show more motivation with someone else, although we have seen in S7 the result of Castle on his own most of the time ;)
I’d beg to disagree. Castle can be called a lot of things but boring is not one of them.
He has been so passive in his relationship with Beckett since S5 that he became boring for me …
And the way the writers can’t decide if he is an immature idiot or a super detective has made the character annoying in my opinion
That being said, I actually hope they write him better for S8.
Why cant he be both? Super immature & childish “idiot” in his behaviour (including coming up with crazy theories) AND also still be the super detective … being able to see a different perspective, and good at detecting and solving crimes.
One thing does not actually exclude the other. AT least in my opinion.
So true !!! C/B need to be kept together & romantic as a couple.
Oh boy! Not interesting. Beckett and castle need to work together. If they’re keeping Beckett in the office I’m out. But yes Nathan may show more enthusiasm with someone else since the guys performance tanked for me. But makes no difference to me as I’m not into watching them separated, unless they find a way to have Beckett on the field with them.
I agree the castle character has been passive and boring whilst Beckett is flirty and exciting, so maybe the switch up will work. I think castle is bored of her, he wanted her, he got her, now he’s over it.
Btw hailey, not sure why you’re happy about this because with Beckett as captain we will be seeing a lot less of outside interrogation and much more office work to allow focus on Beckett. It’ll be half castle and the team outside, half Beckett and the team inside. It’s not gonna be castle and team investigating , that’s just silly of you to even think. We have 2 leads so when they split it’ll be 2 stories! We will still see lots of Beckett but indoor and with espo and Ryan. Not too excited about that. I wanna see both interrogating.
Yay…Kate and the Indian guy. unlike you hailey I find castle to be such a bore of a husband. So yeah he can go around with whoever, hopefully Kate gets more action in the precinct than at home with him. I can just imagine how much more of the precinct we will be seeing since it’s now the female leads place. I pressume discussions and investigations in becketts office.
i can do without Castle superhero. What happened to Castle writer. Everyone is questioning how Beckett got her Captain’s title, I want to know how Castle became the leading crime solver in all of New York.
Focusing on Castle solving cases with a new non romantic partner is going to be boring. But, everything romantic involving the Castle character is boring. Castle has a ten o’clock time slot and it might as well be in the family hour. I do not care what you say, there is no excuse for this and if you look back at one season in particular, Natan Fillion looked like he did not like woman.
Every bed scene he has clothes on or is wrapped in ten sheets, he needs to get in shape and take his job seriously. If he was a female he would be fired.
I hope Stana has in her new contract she no longer has to be seen in her under wear, back shoots of her bear skin, etc. Nathan can not even take off his shirt. Give me a break, I do not want to hear him say “I am number one on the call sheet” or refer to his face as the money maker, when he obviously is not willing to do what it takes to play the “romantic” lead.
Hmmm. Quite the unnecessary reveal before the premiere.
Oh, and those loud voices seemingly on the fringes of social media? Their messages are beginning to sound somewhat accurate.
Also, are we going to continue ignoring the fact that Beckett is skipping at least two promotions and moving straight up to captain, or will that be explained away like Gates’ sudden retirement?
Would’ve loved a passing of the torch scene between Gates and Beckett, btw. Oh well.
I think the first investigation at the 12th should be how so many people disappear and nobody tells us why and nobody really seems interested. My theory is that there are a bunch of folks stuck in an elevator somewhere in the bldg. First week, first case.
Between you and me JOT I think these things are ‘leaked’ just to get us all riled up. If she’s at the precinct and he’s out bumbling and fumbling along, Monday evenings will be different for me… But I’ve become cynical about these spoilers…and so it goes.
That totally explains why it’s it’s a two -parter! Maybe Gates, Sully and Jim Beckett are locked in the precinct basement somewhere just chillin’ while they wait to be found.
And maybe Kate stumbles upon them, but the door closes behind her, trapping them again. It’s been two seasons, so she and Jim are due for a father-daughter chat.
I like it! Who says writing for these shows is such hard work–we’ve got at least 2 maybe 3 episodes outlined here.
You’re right! This is so easy. Now, who gets trapped with them in Episode 4, Martha or Lanie?
I also have this super fun idea where Alexis stumbles upon a high-octane case that Hayley has wrangled Castle into investigating. Together, the three solve the case and save the day. Maybe Episode 6 or 7?
really JOT, good ideas but saving LT should be a priority since he’s the one who participates in all the comings and goings at the precinct. He may be the source of info for some of the other lost souls–who was that messy cop (Beckett’s desk), and the woman cop who used to wrestle arrestees, and the psychiatrist–now him, I liked. I think they all might avail themselves of his services. I’m not sure anyone wants Pi back, but is he stuck in that lease? The more I think about it the more I believe there’s some serial, oops, shall I say Killer at the precinct… Now that’s a story!
ya know, if Sully’s involved it’s more likely to be cereal rather than serial. something to ponder.
she only skipped one promotion… she was already Detective Sergeant when the series started, they just never seem to mention it! So really she just skipped being a Lieutenant
She was not “Detective Sergeant” if she was, shouldn’t would address herself as detective, it would be sergeant kate beckett.
Top grade detective in NYPD is equal to an LT. in the uniformed structure.
In pay but not rank. Detective grades are pay bumps, not promotions in rank. Detectives First Grade are subordinate to sergeants.
Not according to every shot of her badge I’ve been able to find.
“Richard Castle lives in New York with his wife, Senator Beckett, and their three children.” if this is not how the show ends i will riot. lol.
I totally agree with you. Like Terence Paul Winter ( who as done a great job with this show over the last 7 seasons) I agree Kate right now would not make a good senator. She has been too honest over the last seven seasons. I do not understand why they are so hell bent on a devastating breakup of Ricks and Kates marriage. For myself I’ve been married to the love of my life for 46 years, and the PC correct hollywood group will not give this couple a year. And then we have a survey TVline did in June that had three questions, one was about Rick and Kate having a baby castle, 77% of the fan base wants that 6.5 million fans. Has anyone heard anything about that? I also already have a major dislike for Hayley Vargas, who will play the biggest villian in the last 8 seasons. A little thing to watch will be the name plate on the desk of the captain. Will it say Captain Kate Castle or will it say Captain Kate Beckett.
Sounds like I am done with this show. I watch to see Castle and Beckett work to solve crimes TOGETHER! Flirting, banter, building theory and having fun. I don’t watch to see Beckett at the precinct doing paperwork while Castle is in the field working with the boys and I am guessing his new muse….which makes me dislike the Hayley character even more.
Meh: what she does as Captain isn’t set in stone: if they were going to follow reality she’d never have been able to skip all the intermediate steps of promotion in the first place: so how they work it may be less “paperwork” than you expect. The best parts of their crime solving (IMHO) were the murderboard scenes and in house speculation discussions anyway and for those all the she has to do is step out of her office, a more hands on approach than Gates or Montgomery isn’t all that hard to construct… though that does bring up who’s going fill HER slot out in the bullpen: either a bump for Ryan or Esposito or they bring in a third to be lead or fill the spot of Ryan or Espo (breaking up “the boys”?)? They can show Rick and Kate outside on the street discussing stuff on their way to and from work.
I’m all for the bread and butter of the show to change. The show would get boring fast with castle following Beckett around on each and every case day in and day out. Castle is entering its 8th season I’m all for the show runners shaking things up. I’m excited that Beckett will be captain and not senator.
Ya but that’s the thing many people watch for them working together take that away and people stop watching
I completely agree with you. Change can be a good thing. I have no desire to see the same cases and situations played out week after week after week. I’m also not sure why some people seen to think this means Rick and Kate will never be doing anything together… This could open up all kinds of fun storylines. I’m actually excited for the show this year.
Half the fans here are going to throw a fit and the other half are going to rejoice. Should be fun to observe. I get the need to shake things up in the dynamics though they still need to have Castle and Beckett work together in some way. The description of the coming season by Stana and the new showrunners doesn’t seem to fall in line with the big breakup blind item because they are still talking about them as a couple and their love story. I guess the ‘pin’ in the love story could be the break up in their partnership and not their romantic relationship.
Even though they are not going to work professionally as much as they used to they are still a married couple. They will spend each morning and night together in the loft. Alexi and Winter know that the love story between castle and Beckett is what fans love they aren’t going to jeopardize it.
Captain is way better than senator, but I hope they’ll change how this position has been working so far with Montgomery and Gates because if it is to see Beckett always in an office and making phone calls to her team … But I think they’ll put her on the field a lot more. Could be good !
They don’t have to portray Beckett as captain the same way they did with Gates where she was very rarely involved in the cases. She may not be out on the streets as much but she can be much more involved back at the precinct. It makes a lot more sense than Senator. And of course Beckett would never turn down a promotion. God forbid. She’ll probably spend the season hating her new job just like all the others she’s tried.
There have been plenty of crooks to arrest in the state Senate. Two were convicted the week before last. It could be a whole different kind of cop show if she were in the Senate.
I was feeling quite optimistic with the prospects of the new showrunners but Castle and Beckett working cases together was a big reason, a BIG reason, why I watched the show, so “promoting Beckett to captain means dialing down her time spent working cases firsthand,” has dramatically dampened my spirits. Will we even see Beckett at the precinct that much, or will we catch a glimpse of her sitting at her desk with a furrowed brow as she struggles with budget cuts and performance targets as Castle and the boys study the white board. I was hoping that if they had to go down the Captain rout that it would least be heading up some sort of task force so that the work dynamic was left reasonably intact. Didn’t like the DC arc or the P.I. arc because of their professional seperation but at least we knew that those storylines were likely to be shortlived.
Hawlwey has even used the “fun” word, now I am worried. LOL
don’t be, ah, disappointed. these shakeups only last 2-3 episodes
There’s a better interview on GMMR where Hawley explains that Beckett will become a more hands on Captain
Uhhm Hailey, you obviously didn’t read the article throughly or understood it. It says dialing down her time investigating outside with the team, it does not say dialing down her screen time. Which is right of course, I’d throw a fit if becketts screen time was reduced, haha. But……this just means that we will be seeing quite a bit of precinct scenes to accommodate our lead female and less outside investigations. So I for one am not liking it. I don’t want 20 min of castle and 20 min of Beckett. I want 40 min of castle and Beckett, together. At the end of the day, I want the team to work together. Not interested with castle investigation with others. S7 was castle castle castle and others and it was a bore and saw quite a bit of drop in viewers and quality. Sigh. Guess it may be time to call it quits. I love this show but I’m not gonna just watch just because. If I don’t like the direction, no matter how much of a fan I am of Fillion and Katic…I’ll be done.
How can anyone condemn the series before we’ve seen how the dynamic works. Beckett will still work the murder board and probably do some interogating. It may give the writers the opportunity to show Casket together away from the precinct, something a number of fans have been asking for.
We’ll know by December if this ship will sail or sink. Until that time everybody cool your jets.
I agree!!! Peopkle should just wait and see what happens!
Everybody kept ripping NF about lightening the work load, now we know who’ll be working less, hmmmm.
That would be ironic, but I think they’ll both work marginally less. Hypothetically, if Castle carries a half the episodes and Beckett carries half the episodes, that’s a full episode with half the work for each individual lead.
Sure, they could start and end the episodes together, plus share a few scenes throughout. But the bulk of each episode could be told through their individual lenses and both leads may get an extra day or two off per episode.
Historically from what the showrunners have said is that Beckett always had many more lines to learn that Castle. Guess this could change.
Actually I think they’ll both be working less because of the time. He’s in half, she’s in half. I think both leads will get extra time off:) it could be good to allow Seamus and Jon to shine more.
Lol the comments here Iam curious to see what the season stories will be seems like there will be a new villain probably connected to bracken
New tech analyst? Damn, I guess that means no more Tori.
I would like to start a rumor that we’re having a ‘The Good Wife difficulty’ on Castle. Stand back now… let the wild rumpus start!
You guys should read Marisa Hoffmans interview with Hawley and Winter. It’s much more reassuring. And he said Beckett will very much be a hands on captain involved in investigations. Nothing like gates. So don’t worry so much guys. Go read that interview.
Thanks for the heads up, will visit GMMR too.
I’ve loved Castle from the beginning, but these last two seasons have been boring and monotonous-including the relationship stuff…the show needs this change.
Doesn’t sound like this shake up is that big of a deal, and all the people who were vehemently insisting Castle and Beckett would break up as couple may have egg on their face.
I really am not liking this idea. It seems that every season lately they’re coming up with some way for Castle and Beckett not to work together (season 6 had her at the FBI and last year he was a PI) and those episodes just don’t work. The whole reason this show works is the chemistry between the leads. Even with her being a hands-on Captain, there will be a change in how they work together.
I don’t watch this show to see Castle investigating fun cases while Beckett does paperwork at the precinct. I watch this show to see Beckett in the field. I can’t stand Castle working on his own.
It makes sense to not have her run for office. She may be a great detective, and she may have a great record at the NYPD, but c’mon. She’s still just a detective working one of, if not the biggest police department in the world. She’d be a nobody in a race for any office, let alone senate. It would be a total waste of her time to run, and a waste of the viewers time knowing she’d either lose or that a huge deus ex machina had to be pulled in order to get her the win.
I want to give it a chance. With new show runners, all this might be a good thing. Looking forward to finding out! Love Stana K.’s enthusiasm for this season.
I’m glad they’re moving in this direction, though I did come to like Captain Gates, eventually. I only hope Kate doesn’t follow Gates’ “Call me sir” thing. Nothing wrong with “Ma’am” because strong women are just as good as strong men. I think the “run for Senator” idea would have been sketchy, given she’s the one who arrested the previous office holder. Might look like he was set up instead of very, very guilty and evil. I just wish they’d drop the whole Bracken story line.
Less Beckett and more immature, childish, thinks-he-is-oh-so-funny Castle? No thanks. I think I’ll tune out this time for real.
They lost me at castle out on the field and Beckett in the office. What a waste. I watch for both, not to see them separated. Not interested in seeing him with others and her with others. The show works because of the chemistry of the leads. And chemistry only exists when they are together, not one sitting in the office whilst the other acts like a child outside. I guess they really don’t know how to keep a couple exciting. Sorry,not interested. Guess hubby and I will need a new show to fuss about.
I’m looking forward to S8 even more now. I’m just glad they didn’t go the senate route. It will be interesting to see how different of a captain they make Beckett from Gates/Montgomery. She’ll obviously be more involved even if she is in the field less. It’s nice to read that they realize the core of the show is Beckett and Castle so I’m looking forward to how they make things work. Some of the other comments here are judging things before the season even starts!
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Taking her out of the line of fire also gives them the ability for her and Rick to start their family. Clever
Family expansion spoilers are tackled in another interview…
This is not a surprise Gates’s gone! Where else would the story line go? Once Gates was let go we knew Beckett would be Captain! Will the new story line work? Maybe, if they craft S8 similar to S7 episode 6. Beckett will be a “Hands on Captain”. It works well for “Major Crimes’s” Captain. I am going to take a wait and see position!
Ok so this spoiler is keeping me on the fense. If they are separated and there’s less Beckett I’m out, nothing to even consider. But, if they can make captain Beckett involved actively in the interrogation and investigation, I’m in. Like how they do it in beauty and the beast and major crimes. Nothing against the new hailey character, I’m sure she’ll be a nice addition…but that’s all she’ll be to me. An addition. I watch for the chemistry and professional and personal relationship between the 2 leads. So if they focus too much on castle working with hailey I’ll be out. I’d rather they focus on espo and Ryan if need be. Give those two more screen time. Jon and Seamus have earned it, they deserve it. Hailey is just the addition. Doesn’t mean much to me.
Good points. I can see lots of people would like to move toward an ensemble cast, but it will be tricky because the Beckett/Castle interaction drives the show. We’ll see how it goes.
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The EW article also added – The position will also provide the writers with a wealth of new story avenues for Beckett outside her professional life, says EP Alexi Hawley. “Since she doesn’t have to be boots on the ground in every aspect of the case, it also gives us opportunities with her to open up her character a little bit more and to take her down some other roads,” he says. – Which I believe is what a lot of fans wanted to see over the last two seasons, Castle and Beckett at home and being domestic.
Yes, I can see Beckett getting more involved in the politics of given cases and in general. More Good Wife and Major Crimes.
I like the idea of Kate becoming the new Captian of the 12th and them bringing in new blood to shake things up. But lets all remember that it doesn’t matter if NF was suppose to be the star of the show because SK has proven herself to hold her own. If SK had not resigned that would have been the end of the show for me and I’m guessing others as well. Castle’s character can only be as good as the writers make him and NF protrays that character. You can have great writers with great stuff but if the actor can’t bring that across then it’s bad for business and vice versa. Castle’s character can be a Egoistical, inmtaure, self centered jackass at times but he does it so well. I’m also glad that SK will be producing some of the episodes this season. She has alot to offer to that side of the camera and it goes to prove she has many more interest and achievements she wants to do with her life. I can’t wait for Season 8 to begin.
Castle is a very boring husband. Millions of dollars has not allowed him to so much as take his blushing bride on a proper Honeymoon. They do not seem to have spice for all the lead up to finally getting married. I hope this changes.
Spot on. As a man and husband myself, castle does indeed portray a very boring husband. Come on man, step up and do something nice for the wife. Not sure why the writers write him that way, are none of them married? Or are they all lazy husbands taking their wives for granted? This was supposed to be some great love story. Where’s the fun, romance, heat, etc. castle needs to be a better husband. they’ve consistently made Beckett the romantic flirty one…what the hell happened to castle? Did he turn gay? Maybe that’ll be revealed this season, that he’s gay. Would explain the non existent romance on his side. Bad writing.
The ratings for Castle go up in relation to the amount of time Katic and Fillion spend on screen together. If this new approach reduces the amount of time Nathan works face to face with Stana then they will hurt themselves. I look forward to seeing how the new approach works. Don’t bore me and let me have fun watching Beckett and Castle. Don’t care much about the rest.
a pretty predictable outcome I’d say. I’m willing to go along for the ride to see where things go. I can see why they’d want to shake things up a bit doing the same kind of thing every week in terms of the Caskett dynamic for seven seasons could be seen as getting dull. At the same time that’s really what the show is about it and why a majority watch it, so I’d be very careful with how the writers go about this. All I really care about in the end is that they stay together. the writers made a commitment to them as a couple when they pulled the trigger on marrying them it would completely invalidate the whole show if they broke them up. Those are my two cents I’m looking forward to watching this season.
The show is mainly founded on the chemistry between Stana and Nathan, and that chemistry has flagged a bit in the past two years. I’m not sure the answer is putting Kate behind the desk. Not only does it lessen the opportunities for Beckett and Castle to be in the field together, it means losing the interrogation scenes, where Kate (and Rick) go head-to-head with suspects. Captains don’t do interrogations, and it wouldn’t make sense to spend time watching other detectives doing interrogations. Castle came to NYPD to shadow Beckett; he’s not going to sit in the office while she handles administrative duties. Is this where Hayley Vargas comes in – a “security consultant” to work with Rick as he exercises his P.I. license? Not altogether comfortable, biut I’m willing to let the new showrunners convince me it can work.
Had it not been for Stana and Nathan’s chemistry the show would’ve died. Their chemistry and playing off each other really makes the show work. They had such great chemistry in seasons 1-3. If I recall their sexual tension was so intense in the pilot that they were told to dial it down a bit.
Castle is far from “BORING”. I wonder if we’re watching the same show. They are very good together and it’s a very good show. Definitely worth watching. Besides, if you don’t like it – don’t watch !!!
I’m just wondering why the writers spoiled a major season 8 reveal? Man, NO ONE can keep a secret anymore!
I started watching this show because of the chemistry and banter of the 2 main leads. That has not changed. So if I see a shift in terms of working together, I will have to stop tuning in. I’m glad they are married, they have a beautiful lovestory, but I’ve always loved their connection solving cases. That’s what draws me, them investigating together. Sounds like that’s changing. No caskett chemistry, no show. Simple as that.
Could see Castle and Beckett getting into the intrigue behind the cases not just solving the crime. Has some good possibilities for developing the Castle and Beckett characters as individuals and a couple. Could be more work for Fillion and Katic, but good work.
I’ve loved the show since the beginning, but its probably time for it to end. Before we WANT it to end.
Matt Mitovich what is your definition of the word “fractional” which is the word you used to descript the new character “Hayley”. It appears from reading the latest info about season 8 of Castle she will be in most of the episodes,
It could be interesting, the first step in Beckett becoming Senator worthy. We already know she becomes a senator (Season 6, Time Will Tell). As long as Castle still gets to be himself, it could work.
I like the idea of Beckett being captain. Get a little of the grief she and Castle caused. But I really don’t see the necessity of pairing Castle with some cute, but dangerous, young female detective. Ratings probably and jealousy possibilities for the narrative. I will still be watching as I just plain enjoy the show.
A promotion from detective to captain. Is a New York City police detective allowed to take the captain’s exam or be promoted directly from detective first grade to captain with out first serving as sergeant and lieutenant? I know. This is fiction. And, they have a mystery writer running around with the detective squad. But, still. I thought at least that part of their fictional world paralleled the real one like L&O and Blue Bloods.
Just what I want to see, Castle teamed up with another cop to solve crimes. As season seven proved his story was not interesting and as people seem to forget we had his story through the whole series along with Beckett’s. Since when is having a long lost spy daddy, raising a daughter on your own, living with your actress mother and having three unexplained divorces under your belt, not qualify for mythology.
Let’s call it what it is, a fight for screen time that has torn the basis of the show and what made it successful apart. There is no reason why this story should not be currently being written about two happily married couple with normal problems working together solving cases. These outlandish story arcs, Beckett’s marriage to Rogen, were flawed and ill conceived to set up the season of Castle.
I still say Kate buys the farm in the season premier. You know, Assuming room temperature, Joining the Choir Everlasting, Going over the rainbow to be with Dorothy and Toto, DEAD!
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