Christian Science Wall

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plainfieldcs said …
Since time immemorial it has been proven by nature that he who has immense faith in God will never be at any risk. He who has achieved the blessings of God will never need to seek help from any other source. To heal or cure a sick part of the body physical aid has always been the primary key to the problem. But in the hands of Mary Baker Eddy a new form of treatment called Christian Science was established which is believed to have strong healing. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Christian Science as a concept is a series or chain of beliefs that has answer to questions which has never been attended. Answer to our being and answer to our existence are all related with the concept of Christian Science. Christian Science belongs to a new thought family of a new movement. This new concept of thought encourages God as the infinite power. Christian Science believes that there is a perfect harmony between the reality and the life that we live. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Christian Science is a set of beliefs which held that the supreme attribute of this universe is the goodness of God. Mary Baker Eddy's teachings on the Biblical lessons go beyond the material world taking into existence the spiritual base of any entity. She believed that the Bible had magical powers to heal the sick. The detailed experience of the concept of Christian Science can be found in her book; “Science and Health with the Key to the Scriptures.” Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
The founder of Christian Science Marry Baker Eddy Suffered from various illness since a tender age. She held that the healing of any patient is directly related to what the patient believes. During 1866, she was bed ridden due to serious internal injuries. She recovered completely within a short span only with the help of the Bible scriptures. Long distinctive study about Bible eventually resulted into her book, Science and Health with the Key to the Scriptures which was first published on 1875. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
The approach of looking beyond the horizon believes that the world cannot be stumbled upon. The concept of Christian Science helps us with that approaching and provides us the choices in the process. It helps us with the spiritual enlightenment to reach the goal where the answers to the greatest depths of our souls lie. The world is believed to have a association with the spiritual realm, which is considered to be real. The cure to this lies in the harmony of the body and the eternal mind. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Christian Science is a conventional way of healing ailments which considers prayers and songs as the main tool. Christian Science follows the philosophical idea of looking into the universe. They believed that healing a sick body or mind is a two way process. Christian Science holds that the health of a person is directly related to what his mind perceives. They believe that the mind and spirit is a divine unit and hence divinity is above all. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
What are we? Who are we? What were we before? These are a few questions that we keep asking ourselves over and over again. The origin of man and the cause of being is something that fails to obey the laws of the nature, and we fail to understand them. The origin of matter and substance is related to the time of creation and the existence of live comes from the spiritual reality. In the mortal form we just live, as death put us back where from we came. A better insight with Christian Science. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Based on the reinterpretation of the bible or rather the creation narration in the Book of Genesis. Christian Science believes in only one reality, the spiritual one. Death, sickness are illusions and heaven and hell are mental states. They also believe in healing through prayers, songs against conventional medicines. Based on this there are nursing homes and people who receive similar training to help heal people. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Through the light, sometimes it does appear dark. The path seems invisible, and the thoughts clouded. It takes a nudge to shift in the track, and find the end of the search that seemed endless. The push may be a word, a song, or an article. This helps to redefine ourselves, and find the meaning of the path underlying the choices we make in every turn of our lives. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Pondering over the questions about the reason of our being over tea is a common thing. Searching the answers is not my cup of tea, is the answer that we use to console ourselves. Time again proved that wrong. Mary Baker Eddy, refused the crutches of the social teachings, and following her own believes founded a system of practices and thoughts that is today is known as Christian Science. Posted over a year ago
plainfieldcs said …
Along with the confusion between the illusion and reality, there is another question that pops up sometimes, out of nowhere, ‘who is the ONE who created this illusion of reality?’ Searching the answers lifetimes are spent, yet unanswered. A small step towards the realization of the answer is Christian Science. Posted over a year ago