Christopher Pike Wall

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HeavenCastiel said …
Read first half of Witch World and gotta say, it reminds me way too much of The Grave. Also not digging the new types of covers. His older ones look so much cooler; wish he wouldn't pander to what's popular, when his stories sell themselves. Posted over a year ago
POPclogger216 said …
Who here's read Until the End? Posted over a year ago
xxdinobearxx commented…
Meeeeeee!!!!!!!!! :D over a year ago
HeavenCastiel commented…
Is that a Pike book? I've never heard of it, and I've read all the young adult and adult of his. over a year ago
POPclogger216 commented…
It is a Pike book. :) Well, it's actually his Final Friends trilogy, which was republished as Until The End a couple years ago. I'm guessing it was republished to reach out to a younger audience (i.e. me).Sorry for the misunderstanding. over a year ago
HeavenCastiel commented…
Not your fault. I had noticed he published some omnibuses but wasn't sure with which books do to the different names (kind of strange to do it that way). I have read the Final Friends, and loved them! Then again I love everything of his I've ever read. over a year ago
jasmine4121 said …
i love his new bookz!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago