Cia (Hyrule Warriors) Club
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(Cia's POV)

ZELDA THIS! ZELDA THAT! It's always Zelda with him! I can never be good enough for Link! I try so hard to be perfect for him, but he always chooses HER! It's not fair!!! Well I've had it! He's mine now and nothing will ever change that! To prove my point, I'm going to take Link to the dungeon where I keep his friends. I want everyone to know of our love that we now share so that no one will ever doubt our relationship ever again. I know what I'm doing might hurt Link, but he needs to realize that what we have is real. I can't afford for their to be another woman in his life. This...
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posted by GlamAngel3766
(Link's POV)

I take in my surroundings trying to figure out where I am. It seems to be some sort of dungeon, but it wasn't the one I was imprisoned in. This was different. This one was were she held my friends. I look at all the cells and see my friends beaten and drained of their fighting spirit. Impa, Lana, Proxi, Ruto, Darunia, Fi, Agitha, and even Midna are reduced to hollow shells of their former selves. They stare at the floor with deep sadness in their eyes unaware that I'm here. As if it wasn't heartbreaking enough, I turn around and am shattered at the sight I see chained to the wall....
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(Cia's POV)

I've been having an amazing day with Link so far. We went on so many dates today and they all went better than I imagined. Each and every thing we did together are memories I will treasure forever. I adore how his lips feel pressed up against mine. It seems I just can't get enough kisses from him even though we made out so many times I lost count, but I make sure to savor each time they happen especially now that I made sure he kisses back. I'm currently letting him get ready for our dinner date. However, I can't help but grow impatient as I wait for him.

Our first date was a breakfast...
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(Link's POV)

I know that I'm supposed to be known for my courage, but the way Cia looks at me terrifies me. I cower at the realization that her lust is now a daily part of my life. We went on 15 dates in one day! How is that even possible!?! The worst part is the make out sessions in between. If I don't cooperate or kiss back, she'll hurt my friends. This woman shows no mercy. I feel like a coward because I'm scared to even come down for the dinner she has planned when I know that my lips are what's for dessert. The time she gave me to clean up has been the only moments I have had alone all...
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(Cia's POV)

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life! Link and Hyrule is finally mine! I knew looking into black magic spell books would be worth it. The immobility spell was the perfect fit along with a misery spell that makes your foe feel immense pain and a memory spell that causes a person to have flashbacks of every terrible moment you have in one's current and past lives. The only one that can break those spells is the castor. In order to spare his friends, Link had to promise to be mine and mine alone. I know heroes always keep their word, so our relationship is here to stay. At...
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(Link's POV)

Ugh... What happened?

I look at my surroundings and notice that I'm chained up in some sort of prison. Oh, that's right we lost the war. Some hero I turned out to be. I feel like a failure. My ancestors must be so disappointed in me. They became legends that give people hope for a better future. All I will ever be known for is how I couldn't measure up to my name. I deserve to be imprissoned. I should of listened to Impa. She was right about everything. Why didn't I wait for them before trying to take down Cia alone? It's like I didn't learn my lesson the first time. Now, I can only...
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posted by GlamAngel3766
If Link loved me, we wouldn't need to start this war. All I want is Hyrule's Hero, but Princess Zelda is always in my way. Is it so wrong to try and remove the one person that is stopping me from getting what I deserve? All I need is for Link to be mine and then we wouldn't have this whole monster problem. Zelda is the real monster and I'm only trying to save him from her. Instead Link goes into battle for Zelda

If Link loved me, we would talk for hours about anything and everything. We'd whisper sweet nothings in each other's ears. Link would tell me of all his adventures and they'd never get...
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posted by GlamAngel3766
You think I don't know what people say about me. Those rumors that are whispered to the ears of so many, I hear every single word of it all. I'm used to people judging me by now. You think I wouldn't notice how they run away in fear without giving me a second glance? It's all because of the things people say about the Dark Sorceress. People like you eat up the gossip like it's their life source. They tell you that I'm a wicked and lustful witch, that I've lost every ounce of my sanity, that jealousy has lead me to do unspeakable things, that I'm a lost cause chasing a hopeless goal. I'm sure...
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