Code Geass Nightmare Of Nunnally Club
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posted by rosuto
hi! i'm the one who started the Nightmare of Nunnally Fanclub, for those of you who haven't read nightmare of nunnally yet i'll tell you the basic storyline. in this Spin-off Nunnally is the main Character, lelouch disappears with C.C. in shinjuku, and Nunnally despite being crippled and blind, she goes to shinjuku alone Nunnally Finds out the Lelouch is dead (or so she thought) and meets a doll made of C.C.'s cells named Nemo who gives a geass power that allows her to "see" battles that are to come. Nunnally is also given a knightmare Named the Mark Nemo which is helpful in her attempts to make her wish come true (the kinder and gentler world)