Confessions of a teenage drama queen Wall

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englishproject said …
Some people actually have lives and want to do something with their life besides reading books like this one. Posted over a year ago
englishproject said …
Dyan Sheldon, in my opinion, needs to retire or just stop writing books.

I feel like the book was written by a little kid it was so bad. Maybe the author should stick to movie making since the movie wasn’t so bad. You guys can hate me if you want to but this is just my opinion. I do understand it is hard to write a book but come on if you are not good at it don’t try please. This world doesn’t need people to write boring books just to waste their time. Posted over a year ago
englishproject said …
I will say the movie is much better than the book. I always like movies better because they don’t take as long in this case, to finish. I would not recommend this book to anyone, and I hope they don’t make a sequel that is as boring as this book. I honestly don’t see how any of you even liked this book enough to make a fan club. I know some of you will probably disagree with me but I hope I am not the only one who did not enjoy this book because it was terrible. Posted over a year ago
englishproject said …
Dear Fan Club,

I really did not enjoy this book. I thought it was not interesting enough. It was to plain and didn’t really make you want to keep reading it. I only read the whole thing because I had to for a class project or I probably would have stop after the first chapter. Posted over a year ago
19987 said …
Amazing Film :)♥ Posted over a year ago