CoolWolf and CheetahGirl, Cousins Forever! Club
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posted by CheetahGirl5147
Hey Members! It's CheetahGirl and I'm making A new character in my series of stories!So the boy the picture is CheetahBoy the new character!*Information* He's favorite color is Black or Brown. Favorite food are Steak or Gazelle.Fav thing to do Run. His personality is kind but he is also tough,strong and might be bit ruff......He IS new so I will add on later.....Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^ ^w^
//////*RECAP*CheetahGirl went on all fours and turned into a cheetah while running. When she was a cheetah she ran WAY faster.When CheetahGirl was running Sonic was catching up on her!*TO BE CONTINUED!*////// Sonic ran up to her and said "Your Too Slow!" Then he got all the 7 Chaos Emeralds and turned into SUPER SONIC! CheetahGirl was shocked for a bit but then smirked as she started to grow her wings. When formed her wings flapped in the air as Sonic was wide eyed then gasped. But then they both gave a thumbs up to each other and speed off Sonic was in the lead but then a sudden "HO HO HO...
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♪Today I'm Gonna Type a sad song,
I'm gonna make it really long
So that everyone can see,
That I'm very unhappy.

I'm so sorry it's not like me,
It's maturity that I'm lacking
So don't, don't leave
Just let me know that growing up from it goes slow

I wonder what my other friends would say,
If I told them that I'm sad each day.
But it's hard enough to be so far away.

I wish I wasn't always sad
I wish I wasn't always alone,
How will I get happy?
And all you need to know is

I'm so sorry it's not like me,
It's maturity that I'm lacking
So don't, don't leave
Just let me know that growing up from...
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*RECAP* With CheetahGirl she finally made it to the down slide she found 10 old logs in a neat pile on the floor she grabbed one and used her claws to make it into a sled-like shape and she was about to go in but was interrupted by an unexpected visitor!///// A large flash of blue stopped right next to CheetahGirl and that flash was of course Sonic. In his hand was a EVIL chili dog (Well it was a normal chili dog but it still was EVIL!~CheetahGirl) As he held the chili dog he took one big bite an then threw it in her face!But now CheetahGirl wasn't stunned anymore so she recovered immediately...
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*RECAP* "Ready" The Two Racers shook hands "Set" They went in Runner Position "GO!"//////// Sonic sped off! While CheetahGirl was Walking????CheetahGirl was walking to the Mountain as Sonic was speeding as he said "Your Too Slow!" He was now at the Mountain but since CheetahGirl Was way,way behind so she could never catch up Or as he thought/ So he took a chili dog break.He sat down and ate it in 3 bites but as he was taking his second bite a yellow blur passed him and went up the Mountain.Sonic said "Hey!" The yellow blur was nothing more than CheetahGirl! She went up the 550 mile High Mountain...
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\\\\\One Day In The Sonic World... Sonic was Having a Race with CheetahGirl////// *At the race* There was A red line in front of CheetahGirl and Sonic And a Big checkered Flag above the yellow spotted cat and the blue hedgehog. But there wasn't complete silence in the way. A Giant crowd Between the two were standing tall while large cheers were made and there was large shrieks of "Sonic!!!" from a pink one we all know. Then the crowd suddenly became quiet and only silent whispers could be heard as Rouge and Cream Said "Ready" The Two Racers shook hands "Set" They went in Runner Position "GO!"
The End (For Now)
/////Who will win? Tune in next time for more!/////
posted by CheetahGirl5147
When the days are cold
And the grass all fold
And the things we see
Are all blurry

When your dreams all fail
And the ones we see
Are the worst of all
And the face runs pale

I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the speed inside
There's nothing we can do

No matter what we are
We still are made of plead
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my speed
Look into my eyes
It's where my pain hides
It's where my pain hides

Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my pain hides
It's where my pain hides

when the curtains sway
It's the first of all
When the lights fade out
All the Cheetah...
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